
The role of mage is a diverse and prestigious field of work. Mages are responsible for the function and shape of modern society; magic powers the technology of the modern world and mages wield it for many purposes - both good and bad. Mages protect the citizens of the world, further science, power the mechanics of everything from steamships to Golems, and wield magic as a weapon of war.



The qualification of being a licensed Mage varies from nation to nation. Within Juventius, license from the Collegium of the Arcane is required to be hired to perform magic by either government or private business, though citizens may perform magic for other reasons without a license. The other kingdoms of Pascent have instituted systems modeled on the Juventian one, however the Collegium is considered the most prestigious institute to study at.   The Shen's Wuzin administers magic within the Liang Imperiacy, while the High Ministry of Magic is responsible for magic within the Sura Empire. Within both Liang and Sura, mages may only be employed by the government and private performance of magic is outlawed. Within Sura, those with signs of magic are traditionally taken as young children to be raised and trained by the High Ministry in Asekara.   In Liang, magical education is not mandatory - though without it, use of your magic is forbidden and it is generally considered a great honour to be born with magic and children with magic are sent to a temple of the Shen at 12 to be raised by magical tutors and assigned a mentor. Their families are provided with a portion of a stipend which is granted to young mages. When they graduate from the tutorage of their priestly mentor at 18, mages may tender for government employment to earn a living or choose to seek another career.   Within other nations, a variety of requirements exist for becoming a mage - many less formal than in the Empire.


Social Status

The social perceptions of mages vary from culture to culture. Within much of the Sura Empire, they are perceived as a necessary evil and mages are generally shunned in polite society. This attitude stems largely from the preaching of the Temple of the One and Six Gods.   Within Liang, Mages are very differently approached. Though they are honoured, they are generally considered a caste apart from general society. Mages may be thought of highly, honoured, praised and given welcome wherever they travel, however socialisation between mages and mundane folk is rare, and relationships almost unheard of.   Within the Kingdoms of Pascent, mages are more widely accepted, and esteemed much like teachers or scholars. They associate with tregular society heavily, and indeed form a large part of the lower segment of Juventian nobility.
Alternative Names
Wizard, Magical, Magi, Sorcerer, Aethercaster, Hexer, Witch, Enchanter
Famous in the Field


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