Euroasian Oversector Geographic Location in Long War | World Anvil

Euroasian Oversector

The Euroasian Oversector includes lands to the 'east' from Earth in the Orion Arm of the Galaxy. They were mostly colonized by former countries of the Eastern Europe and the Euroasia (especially Russia and former soviet republics). It is one of the more wartorn sector. It is divided between a number of highly militant autocracies and totalitarian regimes that are waging eternal war for control over the immediate surroundings - and, hopefully, the entire oversector.   Because of that it is an important powerhouse of both Ancien RĂ©gime, Pact of Steel and New Comintern, that are facing each other in perpetual struggle. With few other countries caught in the middle.


Inner Systems
  Inner Colonies
Sector 17 - Magna Germania
Sector 20 - Worker's Systems
Sector 31 - Euroasia
  Outer Colonies
Sector 32 - The East
Sector 39 - Chaos
Sector 41 - The Anarchy
Sector 45 - Crimson Banner
Sector X-02 - Devouring Abyss [FORBIDDEN SECTOR]

Political Landscape

Great Powers
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics [Sector 20][NC]
Free State [Sector 41][PoS]
Secondary Powers
Fourth German Reich [Sector 17][PoS]
Holy Roman Empire [Sector 17][RPC]
Kaiserreich [Sector 17][AR]
Tzardome of Russia [Sector 31][AR]
Russian Federation [Sector 31][AR]
New Mongolian Empire [Sector 32][PoS]
Imperial Russia [Sector 32][PoS]
Great Siberian Republic [Sector 39][AR]
People's Coalition for Equality and Freedom [Sector 45][AR]
Independent Countries
Georgian Republic [Sector 31][AR]
Armenian Democratic Republic [Sector 31][AR]
Free Territory [Sector 31][FI]
Chechnyan Republic [Sector 31][AR]
Republic of Azerbaijan [Sector 31][AR]
Republic of Khazakhstan [Sector 39][AR]
Republic of Kyrgystan [Sector 39][AR]
Caucasian Union [Sector 39][NC]
Republic of Tajikistan [Sector 39][AR]
Republic of Uzbekistan [Sector 39][AR]


Notable Past Countries [Human]
Stellar Empire [Sector 45]
Notable Aliens to inhabit the region
Silinruls - The Euroasian Oversectoir remained a part of the Silinrul Empire for most of its history.
Screamers - Screamers seized the region in the aftermath of the Silinrul Empire collapse during the Darkening.
Aurums - Part of Aurum Imperium ever since the War of Screams, when they pushed the Screamers away, then also inhabited during the Diaspora but ultimately abandoned.
Seskans - Area used to be inhabited by the Seskans prior to the fall.


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