Giread Bheke Character in Kobos | World Anvil

Giread Bheke

Disciple Giread Bheke (a.k.a. Stormshadow)

"I'm just a fellow traveler, friend, out for a stroll like anyone else. Don't mind my cough. Nothing contagious, just had an accident at work some years ago. Speaking of business, how's someone in your line of work afford such a pretty necklace? Do you even know what's around your neck?"   ~Giread Bheke

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Giread is tall, muscular, and stern. He talks with a wheeze due to an old injury, and he can't perform the acrobatics that he used to with his stunted lung capacity.

Facial Features

Giread is square-jawed and would be handsome if it weren't for the crisscrossing pattern of scars on his face.

Identifying Characteristics

From the neck down, Giread is covered in Spellwork Tattoos

Physical quirks

Giread favors his left side where the scar tissue interferes with full flexibility.

Special abilities

Giread's ring allows him to cast Dimension Door once as a bonus action. He can recharge this ability by slaying a humanoid with intelligence 8 or more. The ring also has protective enchantments.

Apparel & Accessories

Giread has a ring enchanted in the Miulkari fashion. When on the job, he wears a coat is made from displacer beast hide.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Giread was born in poverty, both of his parents were homeless. He was raised in an orphanage in Krezzym, but even then his nature was showing itself in fits. A deep well of bitterness and spite exists in his heart.   His Becoming was assigned to him upon coming of age: he was to recover a lost caravan or discover its fate. He made no effort to do so, instead finding them sheltered in a cave and killing all of them. With the goods he took from the merchants, he was able to set up shop in Sacqueline for a time. He adopted his name there and, once he determined that he has been forgotten in the long decade of his exile, he returned to Krezzym where he was recruited by a mysterious thieves' guild. It wasn't long before he was inducted as an initiate of Miulkari Di'werkihlna.   He has slowly and steadily risen through the ranks, acquiring information and magic items for the Queen at a rate that has earned him a favored status.


Giread has three mistresses, none of whom are aware of each other or his identity and profession. He uses them to shield himself from suspicion, as they are all respectable members of their various settlements.


Giread was educated by Reverents in the orphanage.


Giread is a Disciple of Mialones Crawn, and is in charge of the Miulkari Di'werkihlna of Cambreath.

Failures & Embarrassments

Giread attempted to steal the sword of Margrave Arronax Skinner once, but failed. The attempt resulted in his signature wheeze, as the Margrave ran him through. He despises the Margrave, even going so far as to work with Greenskins.

Mental Trauma

Giread is insecure about his position in the cult, believing that he is going to be replaced by a subordinate soon.

Intellectual Characteristics

Giread is intelligent but angry, and the anger can get in the way of a clear thought.

Morality & Philosophy

Giread is a Pragmatist, setting goals for himself and doing what he needs to do to accomplish those goals.


Giread never passes up an opportunity to give Margrave Arronax Skinner a headache.

Personality Characteristics


Giread is concerned with his own self interest above all others. More recently, he is increasingly obsessed with harming Margrave Arronax Skinner and proving his value to Mialones Crawn

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Giread is a clever and witty man, but his temper gets the better of him.

Likes & Dislikes

Giread likes being in control, enjoys getting one over on people, and absolutely hates humiliation.

Virtues & Personality perks


Vices & Personality flaws



Giread cleans often, and uses soaps with neutral scents to avoid easy detection by dogs.


Religious Views

Giread is a devout Dragon Cultist

Social Aptitude

Giread is a convincing logician, but he's also a liar.


Giread has a chuckling wheeze when he's trying to control his temper.


Giread speaks in a harsh whisper and wheezes around a nasty scar over the lower half of his left lung.


Wealth & Financial state

Neutral Evil
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Year of Birth
954 Y 41 Years old
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Known Languages
Common, Draconic


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