Vear: Full History in JauVon | World Anvil
Currently under reconstruction, again.

Vear: Full History

This Article is still a wip!
Needs: reformatting, images, and more info

Warning: Spoilers to every story containing Vear Mecdir ahead. This includes cameos!


Early years

Vear was born and raised in Mudhollow, small village in Ocuv Ana. When he was 2 an epidemic of Ana's Curse swept through the village. While not overly dangerous for adults, most children under 5 that caught it died if not treated. Vear was one of the many small children who came down with the sickness. Luckily his village had a traveling doctor residing there who not only treated everyone, even if they couldn't afford it, but also vaccinated the children to prevent them from catching it again. The doctor moved onward a few months later, but his praises were sung throughout the town for years. Growing up with the stories of the doctor that saved Mudhollow made Vear want to become a doctor himself. His parents warned him that it was dangerous, but encouraged him to work hard to fulfill his dream. To this end he began exercising daily, learning to fight, and eating foods that would help build muscle.


At 13 he started joining the adults that would go out fishing, helping haul the nets as well as fighting off the swamp beasts that would sometimes attack the fish laden boats. On one such outing, the fishing group ran afoul of a small Colossi. It was sleeping in the water and no one saw it until it was too late. The beast awoke with a scream that caused havoc on the small group. Vear watched helplessly as his mother's head exploded and his father began to bleed from all his orifices. The other occupants of the boat didn't fair much better, including his cousin, who inflated like a balloon. Very few of them made it home that day, but that wasn't the end of the monster's wrath. Those that didn't die right away began to mutate, the scream had poisoned them with Cryolidhium. Vear's own face began to twist into a horrid grin, despite how anguished he was over the death of his parents, and he grew terrifying giant flat teeth. Luckily there was a Cure for Cryolidhium poisoning, and it was surprisingly inexpensive. Though, while it did stop further mutation and the painful death of the poison, it could not undo what had already been done. Vear would be stuck smiling for the rest of his life.  


When he was 16, Vear left his home and made his way to Bhcu Cuhcil to enroll himself into in the Cuhcil University of the Medical Sciences.
While there he learned that the doctor that had saved his village when he was a child was the same one that invented the cure for Cryolidhium poisoning. He also learned the name of the doctor the invented the cure for Ana's Curse. He desperately wanted to meet these people, Doctor Darc Wecd and Doctor Jloria Nijhd, his heroes.
In his 3rd year his wish was partially granted, as Doctor Nijhd began teaching a few classes. Although they didn't align with his major, Vear went out of his way to take her classes. While she normally didn't favor any students, when she heard his story and why he wanted to become a doctor she was touched. She told him that she and Doctor Wecd had been friends and classmates while students at the school. Vear began to feel his living to meet her must have been fate. Doctor Nijhd began mentoring him and encouraged him to try a field of study that was under perused. He took her advice and went into Soundness Studies. Due to his drive, Vear was offered a job with the Vondren Military before he even graduated.  

Vondren Military

Vear Full by Lengna

Doctor Clarroy

The job, a highly classified project, had two parts. The first being the evaluation, observation, manipulation of his new coworker and subordinate, Doctor Crizdov Clarroy. The second being to train and control the super soldiers that Doctor Clarroy was creating.
Doctor Clarroy was a former pirate and now prisoner of the government. For a supposedly infamous pirate though, the Doctor was a rather calm and easy subject to deal with. As long as he had a task to focus on the worst he did was respond sarcastically to interruptions or stupid questions. It wasn't difficult at all to keep him under control and Vear felt the government official who'd hired him, Adavn Baird, was overreacting due to his history fighting pirates.
After four to five years of no issues Vear got his first taste of what the Doctor was capable of. As the first super soldier was born Clarroy seemed to snap, trembling and laughing uncontrollably. Vear had never seen anything like it before. It took them a whole day to finally get the Doctor calmed down. After the incident Vear took the first part of his job much more seriously. Though with the first super soldier, code named BoriRee, now in the picture, he didn't have as much time to focus on the Doctor.  


BoriRee's training was split into two sections, Physical and Mental. The Physical training was mostly covert combat in nature. Self defense, hand to hand, and creating and using small makeshift weapons. While the Mental training was more intensive and involved going into a combative sate on command. This was done to prevent overuse of his 'powers', as it was believed they would damage him or others if left unchecked. The work itself was interesting and experimental in nature, no one really sure if it could be done.  

Meeting Doctor Wecd

A few years into his work with BoriRee, the Vida disaster happened, causing trouble with his first objective of controlling Clarroy. The doctor had a breakdown, worried about his son possibly having been on the station. He'd never once in all their time together mentioned having a son so Vear was a bit skeptical. But, in an attempt to calm him, Vear allowed Clarroy to make one phone call.
He was not expecting that call to be to is hero, Doctor Wecd. Still a massive fanboy at heart, Vear easily agreed when Doctor Wecd asked to come visit. Wecd brought along Clarroy's sonas well, calming him down. Vear greatly enjoyed the visit, exchanging stories with his hero. He learned much about him, including his relationship with Doctor Clarroy and Doctor Nijhd.
Doctor Wecd insisted they all go to dinner, and Vear couldn't bring himself to refuse, inviting Doctor Nijhd to join them. It was there he met her daughter, Crycdal, who took an interest in him right away. The two started dating not long after.
Clarroy's son began showing up more and more as well and was a bit threatening.  


The war with the bugs was heating up as the second super soldier, code named BoriLir, was born. Vear was ready for Clarroy's outburst this time and did his best to document it. Baird started to get more involved, changing the nature of the project and how training for BoriLir would go. Her training would be more focused on cultivating the powers she was born with.

BoriRee's Escape

After working with BoriRee for 5 years, the experimental soldier escaped. Vear starts to suspect that Clarroy had a hand in the escape.  

Loss of Wecd

Six years into his work with BoriLir the unthinkable happened for Vear. His hero and idol, Doctor Wecd, died in a bug attack. After this he found it harder and harder to deal with things, leading him to seak out the comfort of Crycdal more often. On top of that his tactics on how to deal with BoriLir changed, going from encouragement based to fear based.
He started using these tactics on Clarroy as well, since he had less to work on and more time to misbehave. The manic Doctor was producing and taking strange drugs, as well as actively encouraging BoriLir to use her powers unsupervised. So the two had to be continuously separated and punished. He even went so far as to assist in the capture of Clarroy's son as a punishment.  

BoriLir's Escape

Unfortunately for Vear though, in the end, BoriLir managed to break free of his control. She used her powers to cause a malfunction is Vear's subduing tool, causing a small cryolidhium explosion that took his arm and re-poisoned him. Doctor Clarroy witnessed this and had another on of his manic laughter episodes at seeing what he'd created. BoriLir beat Vear into a coma and escaped, leaving a trail of destruction in her wake.
Vear spent ten years overall working with BoriLir before she escaped, twice as long as her brother.  
Love is Madness2 by Lengna


While Vear was out, Baird, now leader of the planet, forced Doctor Clarroy to fix him. With the help of the Four Es Corporation, Vear got a bionic body. A process that involved infusing Colossi essence into him. When he awoke all he could remember was pain, terror, and psychotic laughter. Laughter that broke out again when he got up and moved on his own. Though he knew how the Doctor was when excited, he couldn't shake the feeling that Clarroy had enjoyed or orchestrated the incident with BoriLir. A feeling the was not helped by a small voice tugging at his mind, whispering dark thoughts about the Doctor and what to do about him.


Vear actively tries to avoid Doctor Clarroy, as the whispered voices come more frequently when he is around. At the same time he starts to get messages and orders from the Four Es Corporation in his head and feels compelled to follow them for some reason. He can also sense BoriLir some how, and is compelled to peruse her.
Slowly all the forces and voices in his mind start to drive him mad and he starts to loose control of himself. The only thing that seems to quiet the voices is Crycdal.

Cover image: Story Cover by Lengna(Paper)