Syrin Elathien

Syrin Elathien

They call him a murderer for all he's been through, but... I'm just glad he survived. He's one of the only friends I can trust, you know?
  Syrin Elathien cuts a complicated figure against his backdrop of betrayal. His latent psychic powers saw his father encourage his training at the local church to the Elven Pantheon to see him restrained and set on a pathway to divine worship, whilst his mother took the more drastic route of approaching scarier groups in hopes of embracing the unknown. The combination of pathways made him deadly with a blade and deadlier still with his powers, yet also left him in the control of a psychotic liar - the manipulative Ahlai, false priestess of the Way.   He left his fiancée and friends dead on the ground behind him under her control, and since breaking free, has sought different pathways to a reason to keep on living. The Way could only give him so much, could only shield him from so much - yet it was only because of how they'd taught him that he found himself on a collision course with the plans of Lord Riven Drast, the adventures of The Lost Ones, and the terror presented by the Shards of the Void.   Currently, Syrin tries to make the best of who he is. He leads his team with practised expertise, handles the walking quandary of Azsire with as few expletives as possible, and stays close to the few people he's managed to consider 'friends'. Encountering Licia Galewen once again has shaken him, and he knows it is better for them both that he leaves her vicinity as soon as possible - even though the more she learns of his fate, the more intent she seems to be on staying in his life.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Syrin Elathien was born to Pavani Elathien and Orellen El'athien of the Kingdom of the Galasthin Elves. He attended school a few years ahead of Licia Galewen, but befriended the other half-elf despite their age gap.   At the age of 10, his psychic powers began to develop. His father directed him to the church, and his mother sought greater assistance than Galasthin could offer. He threw himself into all training the paladins and warpriests could offer in his limited free time, only for his mother's interference to nearly leave him dead - it was only the intervention of the Way of Runeblessed Dreams that prevented him from finding an early grave.   The man who'd saved him, Anders, became another mentor to him for his growing years. He kept that secret from his schoolfriends, pretending in daily life to have no magical abilities. He kept secret, too, the pain he felt when Anders died on a mission - and his replacement by Ahlai, a priestess of the Way, was held in equal secrecy. Despite the secrets and training, Syrin found friendship and love in Licia Galewen, and joined her in an adventuring party with Ahlai's blessing.   It ended in tragedy. Ahlai turned out to be a false priestess seeking to bend Syrin and others like him to weapons for her own use: as part of that, Syrin was forced into murdering his beloved and his friends. It would strengthen him, Ahlai claimed, and when he cut her down he knew she was right.   Five long years have passed since the day his life changed; five years since the Way rescued him from the corrupt priestess.

Gender Identity



Doesn't really mind.


Trained in Galasthin by the divine fighters of the Elven Pantheon. Was also mentored by Anders of the Way, and later Ahlai. Maintains his own studies rigorously, only matched by Azsire in his small group; Syrin often finds himself delving down research holes that the Ice Queen doesn't bother touching.

Mental Trauma

Where to even begin, darling.
  There are many things that can go wrong in a person's life to ruin them. Abuse. Loss. Betrayal. Even death. Syrin has, unfortunately, seen most of these things already in his short life, and finds himself steadily set on a course to encounter more. To a stranger, he doesn't seem too affected by what he's been through; most assume his past was mild in comparison to their own.   To those who've seen the state of his mind, even before the Shard-damned corruption, Syrin is a hot mess that's lucky to be keeping himself together.


Sonja Ilsyth


Towards Syrin Elathien


Syrin Elathien


Towards Sonja Ilsyth


Syrin Elathien

ex-fiancé (Important)

Towards Licia Galewen



Licia Galewen

ex-fiancée (Vital)

Towards Syrin Elathien



Syrin Elathien

friend (Vital)

Towards Azsire




friend (Important)

Towards Syrin Elathien




Syrin first met Azsire in-person in the snow elf's native Querei lands, at the the Tower of Sathelis. They immediately had a somewhat antagonistic relationship that has only just begun to mellow out as Syrin finds his injuries worsening - his reliance on Azsire's powers has worn down his biting remarks towards the elf into an odd mixture of uneasy gratitude and sardonic wit.   Their mutual actions of protection - Azsire keeping Syrin well-shielded from the Spiritblade, and Syrin's immediate actions to protect Azsire from Phaiyah - have somewhat secured their friendship, rocky as it is, and the time spent with Talindë Ae'tharis and Burdyr Donderiall has granted the four a quiet fondness for one another that, much as neither Syrin or Azsire would admit, they would not want to lose.

The embodiment of a sinner, Syrin is a handsome redheaded half-elf with a past enshrouded in mystery. He shares little of his story, instead preferring to listen to those of others. Giving away too much to him would be a mistake.

Current Location
View Character Profile
Chaotic Neutral
Year of Birth
5596 EA 30 Years old
Current Residence
Deep green.
Dark-red tresses that fall just past his shoulders.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Extremely pale; the sort that comes of staying inside too long.
Aligned Organization

Cover image: Istralar Generic Header by Hanhula (ft. photos from Phil Botha, Jonny McKenna, and Luca Bravo)


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