Burdyr Donderiall

Champion Burdyr Donderiall (a.k.a. Arsandil)

I do not know that I can ever show you how much of a blessing you are upon me, and yet, I find the challenge encourages me to try - in every way I could possibly think to.
Talindë Ae'tharis to Burdyr
  Burdyr Donderiall is a dwarven warpriest of Torag from Gildómar. He served in the Gildón military for a number of years, and like many others, lost both his father and husband, Zanditir Donderiall, to war's icy grasp. He left Gildómar late in 5626 to join the Lost Ones on their mission to stop the Harp of Virtue and was swiftly named as Champion of Torag for his bravery.   He has formed an incredibly close bond with Scion and Champion Talindë Ae'tharis of Galasthin, and after Talindë's near-death in Eckehart Mansion, has begun a deep, intense relationship with him despite both their pasts. Due to necessary political intervention, the elves of Galasthin believe the two to be officially engaged - in reality, the two have yet to have that discussion.   Burdyr is one of few mortals to have courted the respect of multiple avatars. The avatar within the Sceptre of Aetharis grants him a deep level of respect, often lending her aid or amused commentary when he and Talindë are visiting her, and has entreated the planetary avatar of Istralar to intervene on Burdyr's behalf in the past. Azsire, avatar of Jäätta, has also come to consider Burdyr as a friend - one of precious few people to ever earn that title from him - though the respect he grants Burdyr is not nearly as obvious.

Physical Description

Body Features

Beneath the layers of thick cloth and plated armour, Burdyr is a stocky pale-skinned dwarf with vibrant long ginger hair, typically pulled back either into a tight ponytail or intricately woven into multiple braids by his beloved partner, Talindë Ae'tharis. He sports a magnificent beard of the same tones, always woven into braids held with leather straps.  
Burdyr's Marks by TheDumbOwl
Against his skin, the marks of his god are readily apparent. His left arm appears to be plated in perfect gold, the symbol of Torag's hammer engraved into his wrist, with etches of runes travelling up and along the length of his arm like steps of a ladder, as well as across the back of his hand. Each rune speaks of an aspect of the Dwarven Champion; Support, Hope, Protection, Trust, Strength, Defence, Pain. His back is a different story altogether; Perfect glittering gold is replaced with a melting pot of different metals, discordant and scattered with no discernable order to them at all, marking much of his upper back as well as the base of his neck. The only exception to this is his left shoulderblade, a sole patch of cold iron with a single rune clawed onto it's surface-- Ice.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Early life

Before The Lost Ones, before the wars, before everything; There was a dwarf. A redheaded, rebellious scamp that defied all order imposed on him, by his school, his parents and any other authority that dared temper his spirits. Burdyr Donderiall was a menace by every definition, and boy did he make sure everyone knew it.   His mother especially, Greynshal Donderiall, made an active effort to thwart his attempts to defy her authority. Being a cleric and nurse at heart, she could command armies if she truly put her mind to it-- Childhood friends of Burdyr will oft recall making a hasty exit to avoid her fury after depositing her son at their doorstep after one too many alcoholic beverages, lest she drag them by their ears to their own parents. His father was different, holding a quiet but firm temperment to his son's outbursts, which often worked-- Though it mostly led to him being very easily avoided.   Burdyr remained in this boystrous state for some time, leaving late in the night to attend parties, gatherings, and find himself in all sorts of trouble when he was dragged back home. That had seemingly changed, almost overnight, when Burdyr came to know an individual by the name of Zanditir.  

About a boy

Zanditir Donderiall (Or Zandy, as Burdyr often refers to him), was a smithy who had for the most part, taken charge of his family's forge after his parents grew less able to perform the very physically demanding tasks. Fancying his own weapon, Burdyr attended the shop on a whim, hoping to find himself something light and cheap to keep him by-- What he hadn't anticipated was to fancy the individual behind the anvil instead. A usually boastful and confident dwarf was left stumbling over his words, as the cooled and uninterested Smithy brutally shot him down. But... There was something about this one. For Burdyr, he wasn't quite sure of himself; It is not as if his attitude failed to draw in others before, but Zanditir.. He was the first to encourage him to better himself.   Not to be seen as unkeen, Burdyr frequently stopped by the shop, and his flirtations became more of a practiced ritual than a legitimate attempt, which oddly enough worked more favourably on Zanditir than his first actual try. The two would not meet each other's eye more seriously until an incident that broke out, wherein Zanditir's sister was caught in a scuffle, that Burdyr had immediately intervened with, at the cost of some blood and bruised pride. It wasn't until the shaken girl had guided him back to the Forge to help tend his wounds that he even realised she was his sister. Zandy helped nurse Burdyr back to health, and.. Well. The rest was history, so they say.

Morality & Philosophy

Yours isn't a burden that needs to be carried alone. Ye understand what am doin', A know ye do. Whether you disagree with it or not. Ye don't need to shoulder their actions alone.
— Burdyr to Talindë



Partner (Vital)

Towards Burdyr Donderiall



Burdyr Donderiall

Partner (Vital)

Towards Azsire



Talindë Ae'tharis

Partner (Vital)

Towards Burdyr Donderiall



Burdyr Donderiall

Partner (Vital)

Towards Talindë Ae'tharis



Burdyr Donderiall


Towards Zanditir Donderiall


Zanditir Donderiall


Towards Burdyr Donderiall


Grumpy old git with a mean swing.

View Character Profile
Lawful Good
Current Location
Currently Held Titles
Date of Birth
12th of Kuthona
Year of Birth
5516 EA 110 Years old
Other Affiliations
Old Timer, Burdyr's hammer by Hanhula (via Midjourney)

Cover image: Burdyr cover by by Hanhula via Midjourney & Heroforge
Character Portrait image: Burdyr Donderiall by TheDumbOwl via Heroforge


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