Burdyr Donderiall

Grumpy old git with a mean swing.

Played by
Alex (TheDumbOwl)

Hiya! I'm Owl. Or Bowl!   I play a handful of characters across a few ongoing campaigns, and am starting to build up my own world, Vertinall. I live by my online name very closely, I'm incredibly silly and make mistakes, but hopefully it'll make you laugh.


The major events and journals in Burdyr's history, from the beginning to today.

i love this fuckign elf

04:32 pm - 01.04.2022

Back tae this [i]madness..[/i] They are as out of control as they were when we left them. Our work is fuckin' cut out fer us.

04:14 pm - 26.02.2022

We.. We fuckin’ did it. [i]We got out.[/i] I’m not leaving his side. Never again.

10:16 am - 08.02.2021

Gods, fuck war. A world filled with as much wonders as this one would be better off without that ugly thing marrin’ its surface. So much sufferin’ an bloodshed, so many innocent lost. Then those that fight to protect those close, they’re shunned. Robbed of their favour, their morality. Tae do nothing is tae let someone else put their life on the line. Tae do somethin’ is tae throw away yer own principles, yer own dignity an honour to protect those that cannae protect themselves. Its a damn curse. Those lives lost haunt ye tae the grave. Even after everythin’ I’ve done, if I had the chance tae go back I would do no different. I wouldnae dream of puttin’ my curse on someone else. My burden.

11:04 pm - 07.12.2020

It is comforting to hear from Thalsam here, but I still worry for his condition. Hopefully we will be together again soon.

10:43 am - 02.11.2020

Still can’t be trustin’ of this ‘Father’s word, but if what he says is true then that’s a fuckin’ weight lifted. I cannae even begin to imagine the hell Thalsam went through just tae get to him, even after seein’ the aftermath.

01:50 pm - 28.10.2020

I want to take him home. We need to find him and go [i]now.[/i] Who knows what that damned undead bastard is doing to him. Gods damn it Thalsam, the more I hear the more I worry.

02:26 pm - 27.09.2020

I just wantae find him and get the fuck out of here. Screw lookin' fer some stupid weapons and screw this fuckin' [i]mansion.[/i]

10:12 am - 25.08.2020

Puttin' these robes on was tae biggest fuckin' mistake.

04:24 pm - 14.08.2020

Truth er dare is fuckin' shite. It's only [i]slightly[/i] made worth it by giving others shite.

11:09 am - 05.07.2020

Gods I wish them two nextdoor would fuckin' pack it in. These new ears are bloody sensitive.

12:22 pm - 29.06.2020

Became an Elf


06:27 am - 21.06.2020

I donae wantae know how many times I've came close to dyin' in this fuckin' place. I need a drink.

12:08 pm - 16.06.2020

Of course it'd be [i]that[/i] fucker that shoved me in the water. Slimy arsehole. I just hope Talindë is ok.

06:30 pm - 17.05.2020

Wee odd that me first time speakin' directly with a god, and it ain't me own. Course it would be her, though. So graceful, and kind. Explains a few things.

05:58 pm - 12.04.2020

Somethin's a bit fucken off when the so called "bad people" make more sense than yer party. Who the hell have I thrown my fucken lot in with..

07:09 am - 15.03.2020

So gracious of this fucken' place to show me a life A'll never have. A knew it was comin'. A still hated it. [i]Fuck[/i] this.

06:47 am - 23.02.2020

Apparently A just cannae fucken' hit ANYTHIN' anymore Torag help me, these bastards are gonna get me killed. [i]Again.[/i]

07:38 am - 16.02.2020

Well, I'm no' dead anymore, guess thas a fuckin' start aye. Met with the herald o' Torag hisself, or theyself a guess. Bit fuckin' mardy.

03:34 pm - 11.12.2019


That was fucken somethin, aye?

07:37 am - 08.12.2019

I wonder how Talindé is gettin' on with this shrine. Gods I hope this shite is done with quick.

10:40 am - 05.12.2019

This fuckin' shrine has you talk about... Things. I do not like it.

10:24 am - 17.11.2019

We're holed up in a cave right now. Fuckin' freezin' up here. And this group's "pet" vampire is spinnin' some shite about his life. Very 'ard not to just take his 'ead off but they vouch for 'im. Their warpriest is good company at least.

11:41 am - 06.11.2019

One of the lot I'm travalin' with has an issue with me smokin'. I'm gonna fuckin' pop a blood vessel with this lot, a swear.

09:05 am - 25.10.2019

I didn't get te hit the dragon. Twatted some dinky little construct tae fuck though.

07:07 am - 29.09.2019

Dere is absolutely a Dragun on the other side of this door, and I swear to Torag if these mad bastards try to walk through immediately I'm going to LOSE IT.

03:12 am - 29.09.2019

Ah well, I dun care what this thing is. Might as well use it. Currently I'm escorting some folks through Gildómar who're lookin' fer someone. They're bloody mental. And have a capacity for finding danger, according to the dark elf one. Typical.

02:23 pm - 16.09.2019

What the fook is this?

01:59 pm - 16.09.2019
Played by
Alex (TheDumbOwl)

Hiya! I'm Owl. Or Bowl!   I play a handful of characters across a few ongoing campaigns, and am starting to build up my own world, Vertinall. I live by my online name very closely, I'm incredibly silly and make mistakes, but hopefully it'll make you laugh.

Other Characters by TheDumbOwl