Greynshal Donderiall Character in Istralar | World Anvil

Greynshal Donderiall

Greynshal Donderiall

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There's nothing like a Mother's fury to bring order to a troubled chaotic boy.
  Greynshall Donderiall, mother to Burdyr and wife to Granik Donderiall, was a loyal Gildón citizen, cleric, and well-respected figure in her community.   She was a devout worshipper of Kols, and in her time serving as a healing cleric for her church, held a great sense of duty and importance in keeping peace amongst her people. Her methods for doing so did carry a... far less gentle hand than one might have expected, but it was nonetheless filled with compassion. She was blessed with vibrant ginger locks and stood a shy bit taller than her husband, and just as stocky to boot. When it came time for Burdyr to be born, she hoped that her wisdom and sensibilities could be passed on, and for him to lead a less destructive life than his Father.  
Boys will be boys, I suppose.
— Greynshall, exasperated
  For Burdyr, no one person commanded as much authority as his mother - she eclipsed even Granik when something truly sparked her. In his teens, this unfortunately only led him to rebel... which further provoked her. 'Yae dinnae fuck wi'ae Dondie's ma' was a common phrasing amongst Burdyr's fellow youths, and for good reason: they had all heard stories of her chasing Burdyr and his friends down the street with household objects when he was returned home far later and wearier than he should have been. In time, he saw this for what it truly was: a mother's love and worry.   Perhaps this is why it was most difficult when it came for Burdyr to tell her that he was going off to fight. She never responded with anger, or fury - she wept. As a healer, she understood that the prospects for a soldier were not the brightest... and to go alongside your husband and friends lowered these tenfold. Ultimately, she understood the necessity of his duty, but her grief was made painfully known. It stood as the most difficult barrier for Burdyr to cross before entering the war.   She was the first at his bedside when he was brought back from the fight, sole survivor of an entire unit - his husband amongst the dead. She dared not let another priest near him, and sought to tend to his wounds herself. He never got an earful for that day.   Greynshal passed away in the year 5611, aged 197.


Greynshal Donderiall


Towards Granik Donderiall

Granik Donderiall


Towards Greynshal Donderiall

5414 EA 5611 EA 197 years old

Cover image: Istralar Generic Header by Hanhula (ft. photos from Phil Botha, Jonny McKenna, and Luca Bravo)


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