The Vigilant Organization in HIP Master Files | World Anvil
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The Vigilant

An international organization that investigates, records, and interact with the supernatural, paranormal and the physically enhanced to better maintain the lie of normalcy to prevent panic among the normal humans and protect them from world ending threats. The organization also works alongside the Round Table and the recently establish Magic Society to also aid in developing order and laws for the usage of magic, especially with the recent increase of magic users thanks to the development of the Arcane Institute.


  1. Head Director- The head operative put in charge of the branch with their main duties consisting of them maintaing the delicate balance between the two worlds and run the many operations that go on within their territory. Though, they do have to answer to the authority of the UN Rountable, as they act as the middle men for the world governments and run a lot of the funding for the organization. Despite this they do still serve as the leader of their respective groups and help shape their branch to best act how they believe the organization should run. 
  2. Vice Director- Special Advance operatives selected by the Head Director to act as pontential canidates for the position of the Head Director. A lot of their duties revolve around assisting maintaing the infastructure of the branch and partake in assignments that the Director themselves couldn't. Due to their skill level they can actually lead expeditions into A and S rank cases with many peopl below them following there command.
  3. Advance Watcher/Researcher- Expierenced operatives with years of service that are trusted to handle dangerous assignments and handle delicate political situations. They can handle B rank task confidently by themselves and some cases A, though depending on the case it would still be preffered to have multiple Advance ranked operatives to be present during the job. 
  4. Intermediate Watcher/Researcher- Average operatives capable of dealing with C or lower tasks solo, while B requires teams.
  5. Beginner Watcher/Researcher- After some careful evalution an acolyte will be promoted and brought on as official members of Vigilant. Their access to certain privileges is rather limited much like an Acolyte, but they can largely go out on E or low D rank assignments solo while high D or C requires multiple beginner or higher present to go on said assignment.
  6. Acolyte- Protege, students, or recruits brought on by the current members of the organization to train under them and study how they carry out their task. For this reason they must always be accompanied by someone higher up when on assignments.


  • African Branch, 
  • Asian Branch, 
  • Eurpoean Branch,
  • North American Branch, 
  • Oceanic Branch, 
  • Soouth American Branch,

Public Agenda

1. Keep the dangers of the paranormal out and away from the general populous.

2. To obtain a better understanding over what is deemed a part the paranormal and the universe as a whole.

3. To apprehend those who seek to abuse the paranormal and the extraordinary for the goal of doing harm.


Normally they have access to most ancient weapons created by the Deities and Celestials back in ancient times, and long forgotten grimiores once owned by Magi that went rouge and didn't conform to Lookout beliefs. Their funding also amass by the U.N. and private organizations that are led by Elves.


According to the files obtain from the drive, around the 1800's many disputes arose across the American continents between human colonials and other races that resided in the vast wilds of the west. Many individuals dub hunters tried to ease conflicts and protect bystanders, but aggression don't halt until local Magi intervened. A truce was then struck between humans and elves, sentient races that aren't human would maintain control over certain regions and areas deemed 'inhospitable' for human life while humanity stays as far away as possible and don't disturb anyone's property. To ensure that this agreement was upheld elves, humans, and a few neutral individuals created a group to watch the border and ensure that the two sides stayed separate. This group is called The Vigilant.  

By the time WW1 ended, many nest and territories residing in Europe has taken a huge blow to their resources due to the continent wide conflict, which would also cause an uproar due to several laws being breached. Villages and country sides would get ravaged by the resident wildlife, Lookout attempts to deal with the situation but lacked the man power to do so efficiently and being based in the America's also limited their response time. To make up for this they've contacted the recently established United Nations to establish a new location for a base of operations that's a lot closer to the other continents and a new facility designed to create a new set of Magi. The request was met on the rules that the organization always has to follow any regulation set by the U.N. to prevent a particular side from gaining too much power, especially the organization itself.  

In a few years conflicts in the east would be resolved quickly through Lookout's efforts and shortly expanded to other parts of the world. Though they weren't allowed to partake in issues involving wars between nations, they did manage to keep local paranormal monster whose territories were invaded as a byproduct. Though as time went on it got harder and harder to cover up these events as human borders expand and technology continues to evolve. Makes you wonder, how long do they think they can continue to hide?

Founding Date
Secret, Governmental arm
Alternative Names
Ruling Organization
Leader Title
Subsidiary Organizations
Related Ranks & Titles
Related Professions
Controlled Territories
Related Species


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