Evocati Organization in Gaulren | World Anvil
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The Evocati are the intelligence and counter intelligence organization of the Republic. Starting around two centuries after the crusades when the legions fully went back to attacking the other nations they took control of defending the Republic from threats such as wild beasts and undead hordes that threaten the safety of towns and cities. The Evocati rely heavily on mercenaries to cover this task while they focus on intelligence gathering.


The Evocati are broken down into four distinct branches to deal with threats depending on severity and scale.  


  The Chapterhouse is the smallest official grouping within the Evocati. The chapterhouse houses the teams of official or contracted mercenary teams that deal with the day to day activities of the Evocati. Chapterhouses usually deal solely with local affairs unless called upon by a Rector Locum. Chapterhouses are given a fair bit of autonomy in deciding the threats that need to be taken care of as they know their areas better than the Praedictum Locum, but are frequently ordered by the Praedictum Locum to deal with specific threats. Most cities with a Chapterhouse develop a close relation with them as they remove threats plaguing the countryside, but are also despised as they often report misdoings to the local law enforcement or in more severe cases the Justicar's Blades. There are four rankings within a chapterhouse  


  Contracted for a specific job. Employment and what few special privileges are awarded to the mercenary are rescinded once the task is complete.  

Chapter Agent

  An official member of the Evocati assigned to a specific chapterhouse or Preadictum. Agents are awarded special privileges and immunities from the law in order to accomplish the tasks set forth for them. Often can be given extra privileges for the duration of a job should the local chaptermaster have the authority to bestow them and believes that they are necessary for the job to be accomplished. There are two types of Chapter agents, field agents who go deal with threats and internal agents such secretaries or treasurers. Field agents are usually more skilled in direct combat than most other positions in the Evocati excluding possibly some hired mercenaries  

Chapter Captain

  Leaders of either a squad of agents, mercenaries, or a mix of both. Anyone placed under their command must follow their orders so long as it pertains to the mission. Any insubordination the captain spots to the Evocati or Republic or is subjected to must be brought before the Chaptermaster for their decision. If it risks a particularly important mission the captain is allowed to terminate the agent or mercenary, but the incident must be investigated.  


  The Chaptermaster is responsible for all tasks and jobs that need to be accomplished within their specific territory. A Chaptermaster must be flexible and respond to threats that go unnoticed by the Praedictum Locum. The Chaptermaster is given special privileges and a degree of immunity from the law so long as it pertains to their line of work and protects the Republic as a whole. Any insubordination by a chaptermaster must be brought to the Praedictum Loucm  


  The Praedictum is technically at the same level of a chapterhouse, but contains solely direct agents of the Evocati. The Praedictum houses more specialized forces for taking care of more advanced threats and taking on more dangerous or sensitive tasks. Even though members of the Praedictum are on the same level of Chapterhouse members they have far more prestige among the Evocati and thus are generally treated as superiors by Chapterhouse members. Members of a Preadictum deal with more espionage and information gathering as well as neutralizing threats nonviolently whereas a chapterhouse usually deal with targets that are needed to be killed outright. Praedictums are given direct orders by the Praedictum Locum unless the Praedictor or captain believes that immediate action is the only way to prevent disaster. There are three positions with a Praedictum:  

Pradictum Agent

  An official member of the Evocati assigned to a specific chapterhouse or Preadictum. Agents are awarded special privileges and immunities from the law in order to accomplish the tasks set forth for them. Often can be given extra privileges for the duration of a job should the local Praedictor have the authority to bestow them and believes that they are necessary for the job to be accomplished. Praedictum agents are more skilled at espionage and influencing events without the necessity of brute force. They excel at intelligence gathering and a handful of agents are skilled at assassination.  

Praedictum Captain

  Leaders of a squad of agents. Anyone placed under their command must follow their orders so long as it pertains to the mission otherwise they have the same priivileges as the agents they lead. Any insubordination to the Evocati or Republic must be brought before the Praedictor. Praedictum captains on average have more authorities bestowed on them even when not on a mission.  


  The Praedictor is the highest authority within a Praedictum. They are to deal with specialized threats within their assigned territory. The Praedictor will work with a Chaptermaster when they do not have sufficient manpower for a given task as well as informing them of threats that the Praedictor spots that the chapterhouse does not. Praedictors have significantly more privileges than a Chaptermaster and more leeway with the law in accomplishing their tasks. Praedictors are the source of information for the Praedictum Locum.  

Praedictum Locum

  The highest level of provincial office for the Evocati the Praedictum Locum is where regional threats are assessed and orders are given to the proper Praedictum or Chapterhouse. The Rector Locum has full power over his province of influence and does not need permission from a member of the Imperatum Evocatio. They can be stopped by a member of the Imperatum Evocatio should a high ranking official disagree with the action the Rector Locum are taking. Any action that needs to be taken by the Rector Locum outside his Province or imperium must be approved by an Evocatio tribunus or Evocati Imperatus. There are three positions within the Praedictum Locum:  

Locum Agent

  An official member of the Evocati that has been promoted to a provincial office position. Agents that have risen to the Praedictum Locum are usually no longer on the front lines of combat or espionage except for a few locations that have an elite team. Agents ensure that nothing major is slipping past the Evocati's gaze and make sure the right team is taking on a job to ensure the safety of the Republic.  

Locum Captain

  A leader of a group of Locum agents. In the Praedictum Locum Captains manage the threats facing the Republic and gather all relevant reports and information to be presented to the Rector Locum.  

Rector Locum

  The highest authority that give orders to individual Praedictums and Chapterhouses. The rector Locum has supreme authority over the territory he has been given imperium over and has to be overriden by a member of the Imperatum Evocatio. There are 4 Rector Locum's, one in each of the non-capital provinces; Albion, Red Water, Plania, and Luclana. The Rector Locum will sometimes have as much power given to them as the governor of a province especially in times when the wars begin to increase in intensity.  

Imperatum Evocatio

  The Imperatum Evocatio is the supreme source of power within the evocati. They are the agents working with the senate, consuls, and legates of the Republic and deal with the macro threats facing the Republic such as foreign nations or the occasional undead army. The Imperatum Evocatio used to be split in two branches preceding the Third Republican Civil War, but the havoc and misinformation and propaganda spread by the separate offices lead to the consolidation of them into one that is supposed to work for the Republic as a whole and not have any allegiance to either city. Imperatum Evocatio members are only outranked by members of the senate or the Arbiterium and they control the flow of information throughout the Republic. There are six positions within the Imperatum Evocatio:  

Imperatum Agent

  An official member of the Evocati that has been promoted to a national office position. Agents that have risen to the Imperatum Evocatio are usually no longer on the front lines of combat or espionage, this is reserved for the excursor. Agents at this point are mostly for gathering the reports created by the Rector locums or doing their own investigations in the province of Solden or Vernica.  

Imperatum Captain

  A leader of a group of agents. In the Imperatum Evocatio Captains are the last filter for the most important and pressing matter to reach the Evocati Trubunus or Evocati Imperatus.  


  The Excursors are the most elite espionage force within the republic. They are given the tasks that nobody else would be able to accomplish. Excursors infiltrate noble houses and even the monarchs of other nations to gather information and to misdirect the enemy. Excursors are kept secret and nobody except the two Evocati Imperatus know who the Excursors are and only select few others know what their tasks are.  


  There are eight Ordine who are responsible for gathering all information about foreign nations and making reports for the Evocati Imperatus and the legions. Ordines mostly collect information about enemy troop movements and supply routes, but also about the political landscape of the enemy nations to see if there are any disruptions or coups could be made  

Evocati Tribunus

  Evocati Tribunus are Imperatus' in training. They are put under the command of an imperatus for a year so they can bestow upon them the knowledge they need to accomplish their tasks. Tribunus also act as reviewers for how well the previous imperatus did in their job as well as check them during their current term. A previous Imperatus can become a tribunus and promoted into an imperatus again so long as the current imperatus wasn't the tribunus that served under them or an imperatus they have served under.  

Evocati Imperatus

  The Evocati Imperatus is a team of two who are the highest ranking Evocati in the entirety of the Republic. They have the final say in the decision the Evocati make and give reports on the state of affairs to the sitting consuls. Imperatus are elected as a tribunus by the consul on their last year of service to serve under the next consul. Imperatus' serve as Tribunus during the last year the consul that elected them and then serve as imperatus for the full term of the next elected consul. The consuls they serve under are the only people with more official authority than the Imperatus. One of the Arbitrators can also overrule any decisions made by the Imperatus, but this is rarely done. Evocati Imperatus are privy to the deepest intelligence and secrets the Republic has.

Public Agenda

The Evocati stand to keep the Republic safe from external as well as internal threats. They are the eyes and ears of the Republic, but will get their hands dirty to protect the Republic.


The organization was formed following The First Republican Civil War in response to information that the flamen of Vernica was corrupted by Those of Gaulren. The Evocati has been apart of the Republic since and has played a key role in a variety of conflicts.

Information is control

Founding Date
1468 C.E.
Military, Intelligence


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