
Synopis of Roseport

Ruled by King Thadeus Telvour VIII, Roseport resides in the Kingdom of Heldrin. It is the busiest merchant town on the west coast of Heldrin, due in part to its harbours being a major trade stop for various neighbouring nations. The city is a living construction of damp stone and salty streets. Overrun with sticky-fingered thieves, conniving merchants, and the occasional corrupt official or two.

Roseport was founded over a thousand years ago, much before Heldrin became a nation and assimilated the city into its borders. It would eventually become a prominent harbour city and control a substantial chunk of what is now the west coast of Heldrin's territory.   Over eight hundred years ago Roseport and Heldrin, lead by Alexander Tavron, would lead their armies into battle against a horde of humanoid monsters from what is now known as Keldavor, in the south. This would become known as The War of Dredarek, and while they would be successful in destroying the horde, it would come at great loss of life. After the war, the nations decided to come together, with Roseport officially joining Heldrin as its subject. Thus ending hundreds of years of independence, this would be the lynchpin that begins the Era of Crowns. Hundreds of years later the city would become the second most important city in Heldrin, being an important cog in their growing nation.   Recently the city was witness to an incredible spree of heists and feats conducted by a man and his associates who would in time be known as The Golden Mask. The Golden Mask, who had received his name after stealing The Veil of the Golden Pass, a mask of gold said to have been forged by the Goddess Eeavarin, upon which he would flaunt his success by wearing a similar mask during his sprees henceforth. During the reign of the Royal Regent Duke Cross, The Golden Mask and his associates would to their surprise help the citizens of Roseport form a rebellion in order to fight and depose Royal Regent Duke Cross and his Imperial Royal Guard aka The White Cloaks.  


Though technically under the rule of the King of Heldrin, King Thadeus Telvour VIII, Roseport is governed on local matters by a council including Flora Jezelbit, Lacey Larcoga Fentina, Lorne Rolfie, Mort Trenton, and Osler Van Ross. All figures of extreme importance to the city. Each having a hand in the recent expunging of the former Royal Regent, Duke Cross. Some of these figures have had a hand in the running of the city even before this time. Though this is not common knowledge.   In fact, all of these individuals were at some point or another associated with the now-defunct Thieves Guild of Roseport (though a new guild has replaced it since). Opinions vary on how involved these individuals were with the guild, but it is commonly accepted that they did hold positions of some importance within the old guild.   The council meets at the Royal Estates (formerly the Royal Compound) in the Cardamom district weekly, or whenever there are urgent matters to discuss.  


Roseport is a city of many people, one that represents a great opportunity to the downtrodden and affluent alike. Now, this isn’t because of the towns busy harbour and trade work. No, it is because the city accepts all. Regardless of creed, status, or race. It gives the poor and dirty the chance to hopefully make a living, even gives them a small shot at making something of themselves. And it pays no mind to scrupulous tactics of those that work in the dark, letting them ply their trade to their heart's content. Their only concern, the lazy eyes of the guards watch, whom most have already fallen into the pockets of the thieves guild.   An assortment of people visit the city daily, with an almost constant flow coming into and out of the city gates. Some. stay for as little as a day or two, seeking food, shelter, and the indulgence of a quick vice or two. Some stay longer, weeks or months, working out major business trades, finding a quick harbour gig, or even the occasional spy trading information with cities underworld. You'll see many races wandering the streets of Roseport upon arrival. Whether it's an Orcish smith tempering a smoking axe head at his forge in the Merchant's District or a Murinae cutpurse looking to relieve a wealthy Avarii merchant of his spare change. You'll certainly see it all in Roseport.   However, the difference between the rich and the poor in Roseport is quite apparent. The rich and poor of the city do not mingle often. With those who have significant wealth and power residing in the affluent and guarded district of Iona, a walled community on the northern side of the city, with large estates and perfectly cultured gardens. Iona is the height of class. But those without, live out their lives in the, less affluent districts. Districts like Lamphouse, Shortleaf, or if you are extremely unlucky you may reside in Olde Crow. A district, so decrepit most of the buildings should be condemned and immediately tore down, where the streets and alleyways are so cramped that some hide the light of the sun and sit in a strange form of twilight.


Much of the aged and weary cobblestone roads and alleys of Roseport were laid out hundreds of years ago. They are cracked from countless footsteps and damp with the salt of the nearby ocean waters. Creaking over top the roads are the homes, dwellings, and businesses of Roseport. Many of them just as aged and experienced as the roads themselves. Each one has a story, and each new addition, though rare, adds to the clustered and claustrophobic feel of the city.   Many of the oldest buildings are still standing, miraculously having survived hundreds of years of abuse and wear. This includes the likes of the Central Library, a large foreboding castle that sits in the centre of town. For hundreds of years, it acted as the political centre of Roseport and home to the ruling nobility of the city, once its own independent state. Now, it stands as a bastion of knowledge and learning for scholars and the curious. A relatively safe place for a city commonly known for its cutpurses and rough nature. Another one of Roseports more impressive structures is the feared Driftgate Prison, a sprawling underground prison carved from the bedrock that lies underneath the Cardamom district. Many believe that the prison is impossible to break out of, or that was the belief until recent events proofed otherwise.   Though despite its many storied structures, Roseport still contains many, less, interesting structures. Though they still contain wild stories and even wilder parties. Take, The Dirty Kitty Inn, for example. A place of depravity, vice, and alcohol it is the perfect locale for a long night of revelry. Or if you’re smart, the perfect place business.


Before the Era of Crowns began, back when Roseport was an independent nation it was a heavily fortified city. Large ballista and trebuchet lined the thick stone and metal walls that surrounded the city. A battalion of guards standing atop the tall walls, dutifully watching for any dangers.   Now the siege weapons are gone, broken down for material or destroyed in the last wars of the previous era. And the wall sits, still standing, still impressive, but slowly falling into disrepair with only a handful of city guards lazily patrolling its pathways. These same guards wander the streets of Roseport, half-heartedly keeping watch over the often problematic citizens of the city. The guards are hesitant to involve themselves in most matters, often falling victim to bribery and intimidation. Though there are still a handful of trustworthy, honourable guards amongst these lazy lot.   The only natural defence the city has is the ocean that lay at the west end of the town. Though it may seem like an obvious weak point, the choppy waters make it difficult to navigate for those unfamiliar with its waters. As such, the city has never fallen from a seafront attack.   Upon any serious event, Roseport relies on the strength of the National Heldrin Army. Though they must wait several days for their arrival, which poses a serious problem if a sudden major attack befalls them.

Industry and Trade

Roseport doesn’t produce anything special, they aren't known for their steel, cloth, or food. They are a hub in which many merchants, traders, and even smugglers bring their wares for sale and exchange. Much of the product stays within the city, being used to feed the appetite of the city itself. The remainder finds its way down a winding network of merchants and resalers and finds itself being spread across Heldrin.   You can find almost anything coming off the boats in the harbours of Roseport. Though, the majority of the products come from the western coasts of Fyria, rarer and more exotic items from the farther coasts do occasionally find their way into port. Fine Cassarei wines, lively Heldrin livestock, even Aldelgian spring water is occasionally smuggled in from the north can be found sitting on the docks of Roseport’s Harbour District. Eager merchants yell and badger potential clients, everything is for sale here and if you have the money it can be yours, even if you're not supposed to have it.   There are many ways to earn a living within the walls of the city, and while the docks are a popular place of employment other options are frequent. You could find work as a blacksmith or run a shop selling general goods in the Merchant Quarters. Or find yourself running an inn or tavern, providing the thirsty and bored rabble with entertaining and drink. For the few highly educated members of Roseport society, you may find yourself scouring the long corridors at The Central Library seeking out rare information, or within the expansive grounds of the Royal Enclave assisting the council with important decisions about the cities future.   And for those who don't want to participate in anything as foolish as an honest day job you could always slink through alleys and pickpocket the careless. You may even find yourself in the employ of the local Thieves Guild.

Guilds and Factions

There are many different factions and groups within Roseport, each one with their own goals and position within the city. Take these groups for example, The Amber House, a collection of bar owners who lead the alcohol trade in town, The Roseport Home and Security Department, a company of security guards for hire, The Addicted Legion, a group of ex-city guards who have banded together to support each others various vices, or The Blackwell Gang, a group of weapons dealers run by the ornery Sergey Blackwell.   None of these, however, compare to the Roseport Thieves Guild. A guild once filled with hundreds of thieves, cutpurses, and spies. Each working in the darkened corners of the city, plying their trade and making coin however they can. At one point, the most prominent members of the guild practically ran the city, pulling the strings of politicians and important city officials through bribery and intimidation. Many believe the city actually ran quite well during these times. But much has changed since that time though, the guild was dismantled, brutally, during the reign of the Royal Regent Duke Cross and chaos fell over the city as dozens of factions flocked to seize control of the remnants that the guild left behind. After Duke Cross was removed from Roseport by King Thadeus Telvour VIII a new guild was founded by Valdir Fendir. This new guild is much smaller than its predecessor but is growing steadily. Rumour has it that this iteration of the guild meets at the Dirty Kitty Inn, which is run by Valdir Fenrir.  


To the north of Roseport lies extensive farmlands, used to feed the citizens of the city, along the farmland runs a small marsh and an adjacent river runs eastward towards the centre of Heldrin and the capital of Sumner. To the east lies grassy plains, and gentle hills which eventually open up to a vast expanse of Royal farmlands used to feed the capital of Sumner. To the south, are several large forests and lakes that wind down the coast eventually leading to the southern borders of the nation of Casarei. To the west lies the sea and a complex series of merchant trade routes.


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