by hughpierre
Any innoit captain holds power and authority over the occupied people. They enforce Tawantinsuyu laws, collect taxes and maintain control over the city's resources.Government
The White Flames are responsible for ensuring stability, protection and the overall functioning of the city. These dusky noblemen are composed of the lesser scions of old families placed in their positions by innoit generals to oversee the city's wealth transfer to its new masters. In practice, this oversight takes the form of raiding vacated temples, repossessing heirlooms, arresting talented people and evicting households from their manses. The xiuhiztacuhqui draw their power from the material stuff in the city; no matter what or where they were originally. Several of residential palaces were systemically dismantled and portered away towards the other Four Corners in this way.Defences
Gorge Gate
Within a series of mountains and hills, is a 3000 ft long gorge in the southwestern segment. At the other end, it opens to reveal a 150 ft tall gatehouse made via 'architecture in reverse': excavating and hollowing out space between walls and columns in the preexisting stone. The gatehouse is painted in rich red and black colours reminiscent of the Mountain and that stand contrast to the pink sandstone cliffs surrounding it.Districts
Chhukruna is a holy district caressing the slopes of the Fire Mountain itself. From its sturdy temples, the entire expansive city can be overseen and where the generals took for their headquarters. It is the most sparely populated district in Canna because it is the most fire prone.Koretta
A more temperate district due to its distance from the rest of the fiery city. Though it is still heated via the winds blowing from the river. It is another residential district housing poorer, but still very well-off citizens. The foreigners considered it the safest place to be from the flames.Lloq'e
A Giants facing market district that caters specifically to the swinger sensitivities mixed dusky cultural preferences.Phuyu
The city's governing district populated with identical, spaced out, colour-coded buildings complete with tunnels and secret bunkers.Rapra
A Manka facing residential district that houses the richest duskies in the city.Assets
Thirty years after the duskies' submission, much of their material wealth continues to be looted as the spoils of war. Art, treasures and skilled artists are stripped from their homeland; as well as shells to be turned into trumpets, cheap ceramic copies of many things, mullu shell jewelry, bags of stew spices, sardines as fertilizers and cotton bales for highland looms.Guilds and Factions
The authorities in Canna are constantly harried by dusky partisans operating from the Fall Wall in Giantsfall; with the aid of unknown informants.Innoit Interest
The Sapa in Ca-Chisneu demands excessive taxation which has lead to bureaucratic inefficiencies and corruption. Army trains frequently go back and forth transporting treasure between tampus.History
Wars of Fire
Since their loss, the three other sects of Xiuhtotontli - the defiant Xiuhcozauhqui, the exiled Xiuhtlatlauhqui and the corrupted Xiuhxoxoauhqui - commonly view control over Canna as the end goal to legitimize their future rule. In contract, as a religious center, several temples and royal tombs are present; as are festival theaters, bath houses, titanic gate houses and a number of extravagant palaces that are the constant target of sanctioned looting by the reticent Xiuhiztacuhqui.Geography
The sun beats down mercilessly upon a canyon with a scorching landscape emanating intense heat, intensified by a series of natural gas fires that burn incessantly along its rugged cliffs. Within this arid expanse, a steaming hot river mirrors the scalding temperatures surrounding it. Wisps of steam rise from across its surface, weighing the air heavy with waves of shimmering warmth. Inhabitants can feel the searing heat radiating from the water, a stark reminder of the unforgiving nature of this fiery canyon.Climate
Hot Climate
Canna is characterized by high temperatures, low humidity, dry air, limited rainfall and a scarcity of vegetation. The natural gas fires from Fire Mountain amplify the heat and create a distinctive microclimate that results in higher temperatures compared to the surrounding areas. The heat radiating from the many gas craters also contributes to the environment's crumbly rocks, heated surfaces and ash deposits.
Alternative Name(s)
Large city
Related Ethnicities
Inhabitant Demonym
Owning Organization
Related Tradition (Primary)