Magic and Mana

The spell you got on meeeee~ It's like MAGIC~

Magic is a key force in the Fantasme. Magic exists everywhere in the air in the form of Mana, an invisible energy source that can be felt in the pit of ones soul. Magic can be directly channeled, or passively effect it's surroundings.   Magic was created from the Gods' power leaking into the mortal realm. Despite most magic only being a fraction of the Gods' power, it still can be incredibly powerful, unpredictable and dangerous.   Most things that use magic passively are things like crystals or plants, or some animals, which have magic infused into them, giving the object itself inherent magical properties.  

Using Magic

  Many animals and people can actively channel magic into certain skills or powers. The magic is channeled through the soul, as opposed to the body or mind. This makes it difficult for humans to learn, as the requirements to learning it initially seem too vague or abstract understand. However some humans occasionally can exhibit natural magical talent at a young age.   Magic is a broad subject and most mages can only really specialize in one form of magic. Even a mage that spends his entire life studying one form of magic may never be close to mastering it. Entire schools exist dedicated to the study of magic, and it's where most mages will go if they wish to expand their magical talents further.   Most elves have inherent magical abilities, however if they have not studied and practiced their craft, the magic is limited to very small, specific abilities. (For example; A civilian magic user may only have a simple spell as being able static shock anything at will, having basic ESP, or even as specific as being able to tern a fruit into a random other type of fruit.)  

Risks and Dangers

  Magic is a chaotic and volatile force, and needs a skilled hand to control it. If used improperly, magic can easily backfire and have unintentional effects. Failed spells can have devastating effects on the caster, people around them and the world itself. There is also the chance that the over use of magic can cause the soul to be corrupted, which can permanently change someones personality, or even make them unable to use magic.  

Magic Types

  Magic types exist on a spectrum and are capable of doing different things depending on the skill and power of the user.

Light Magic

  Also known as 'Holy Magic' is one of the weakest types of magic. It has almost no offensive use what so ever, except when used against Dark magic creatures such as demons. Light magic is generally used as healing magic. It's used to help heal injuries, and treat poisoning or sickness.   An example of low level light magic would be the ability to sense the physical auras of people around you as well as sense their physical condition. High level magic involves using light magic to physically heal wounds and illnesses. The better the user, the more effective it is. Healing magic encourages the bodys natural healing mechanisms to work on over time. Unfortunately this process can be very painful and potentially taxing on the body.

Illusion Magic

  Illusion magic involves perception and tricking the senses. It has few offensive uses but enough to make it stronger than light magic.   Examples of low level illusion magic would be like, forming lights and colorful patterns from your hands, being able to throw your voice well, or various other things that could be considered more novelty 'magic trick' like abilities.   High level illusion magic can include invisibility spells, disguises, and various other disorientating effects. Spells can even involve mind control and hallucination. Offensively it can even be used to make enemies experience 'phantom pain' from wound that does not exist.

Elemental Magic

  Elemental magic involves channeling magic into a physical representation of earths natural elements. This is the most common magic type, as it's the easiest to learn. Elemental magic includes fire, water, ice, electricity, ground, wind and plant magic, and many more. Any form of magic that involves a natural element or resource counts as elemental magic.   Low level spells can be as simple as changing the physical temperature of the body or objects, reviving small plants or being able to blow streams of air from your fingers.   High levels spells can result in the physical creation or manifestation of certain elements. This kind of magic can be incredibly destructive. Powerful mages can cause earthquakes or even change the weather.

Transformation Magic

  Transformation magic involves changing an objects physical form, appearance or properties. It can involve turning an object into a completely different object, or changing the properties of that object to change it into something new.   Low level transformation magic is often very specific, and usually means a person can only change one specfic object into another specific object, like changing a flower into a different species of flower, for example.   Higher level magic allows mages to transform more complex things, including people. Depending on the user transformation magic can be used to say, quickly and instantly turn someone into a toad, or slowly and painfully transform someone into a monster.   Transformation magic is one of the hardest to learn, and the easiest to have go wrong. For example, attempts to turn an item into a more valuable item, can often result in the item being destroied, turning into worthless item, or turning into something dangerous. Transformation magic in living creatures can act similar to healing magic, by compelling the body to act in change in ways it wouldn't normally.

Arcane Magic

  Arcane Magic is magic in it's purest form, and a very abstract form of magic. It's an easy magic to learn, but difficult to master. Arcane magic is, rather than channeling magic into the form of something else, channeling magic itself into a physical form or into an object.   Low level arcane magic is used in enchantments blessings and curses. Arcane magic can alter abstract concepts luck and fate. Enchantments can also include an object producing mana or a persons ability to use mana more efficiently.   High level arcane magic can control physical forces like gravity, or push object around. ESP is a known and common from of Arcane magic. High level arcane magic can also create physical spells that can do damage, or create shields.

Dark Magic

  Dark magic is considered the most powerful type of magic. It is also a very taboo form of magic and certain practices involving it are considered illegal with groups like the Mage's Council. Dark magic heavily involves death, the afterlife, and dark/demonic energy. Dark Magic is deceptively easy to learn, but also incredibly hard to control.   Dark magic is such a powerful form of magic, that even low level dark magic user can be very powerful. A basic understanding of dark magic is enough to allow one to summon low level spirits and demons to aid you. 'Shadow Hands' is a common spell one can learn, which summons a ghost arm to move things out of each or too heavy to lift.   High level dark magic is where things start to get dangerous. A skilled dark magic user can engage in the practice of necromancy, or summon powerful demons and spirits. Dark magic can also change and corrupt most things it's exposed to, making it very dangerous.

Enchantments and Passive Effects

  All forms of magic can be used to enchant objects either on it's own or with the aid of a mage. Enchanted objects usually have bonus passive effects that can vary depending on the form of magic used.   Some plants, animals and elements have absorbed mana and gain passive magic effects that way. Many of these naturally magic charged objects are useful for spell casting and alchemy.    

Myths and Misconceptions

  One huge myth regarding magic is that, while elves are naturally gifted with magic, humans can only use it if they have something known as 'The Potential'. The idea of the potential is to explain why some humans born in the Fantasme can develop magic at a young age. The potential is supposedly something a human must be born with in order to use magic, and those with out it could never use magic.   This is absolutely false, and was proved so by Vahit, a human with no previous magic skills who managed to sneak into a mages collage and learn dark magic on his own. After discovering this Vahit himself believed this myth was being perpetuated on purpose to oppress humans and keep them from learning magic.   Another misconception is the idea that magic types are a spectrum, with light magic being the weakest, and dark magic being the strongest. However, dark magic is incredibly weak to specifically light magic, making the spectrum more like a wheel.

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"To master a sport, you train your body. To master a science, you train your mind. But to master a magic, you must train your soul. Magic is a feeling that you channel through your aura. To understand magic, you must understand your own soul. Handbook for the Mage in Training


  Mana is an invisible energy source that fuels all magic. Mana is naturally produced in The Fantasme air, which lead to the heavy use of it in that dimension. Mana is required for magic use. If a mage is an area of low mana presence, magic is not likely to work correctly, if at all.   Dark Energy is similar to Mana, and can be used in conjunction with it to use dark magic spells. Dark energy how ever is only found in Underworld or through objects that can produce it through an enchantment.   New Earth has an extremely low concentration of mana, meaning people there do not have magical abilities. However if a being with heavy magical potential in their genes can exhibit some small amount of magic ability. There's enough magic on Earth for a magician to do some magic, but they need to be careful as it's easy to get magical burn out with out sufficient mana.   The imbalance of Mana between New Earth and the Fantasme puts pressure on the barrior between the dimensions, which causes Portals.

Articles under Magic and Mana

Cover image: by IbbyWondrous


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Jun 30, 2018 22:50 by Luiz Henrique P. de Carvalho

Oh, this is pretty interesting! Love the idea of portals and the possibilities they create... *u* also the idea of a powerful but forbidden type of magic, I'm a sucker for those, lore-wise   I'm curious... what is an "ESP"?   Also, I liked the idea of having that panel with a "difficulty rating" for each school. Makes it easy to understand!

Jun 30, 2018 23:17 by Ariel Webster

ESP - 'Extrasensory perception'. It describes the ability to have a sixth sense, or or use telekinesis. There's also the term 'Esper' which refers to someone able to use ESP.   And with the difficulty system, I mostly use it as a means of reigning in what characters can and can't do for the sake of story. Magic with no rules means magic with no tension. If there's no rules to what is plausible for say, a young mage to pull off, then every problem in the series can be solved with magic, essentially making it an "A Wizard Did it!" situation. It's pretty much a way to avoid Deus Ex Magica.