The Scaled Arena Building / Landmark in Evermore | World Anvil
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The Scaled Arena

Purpose / Function

To provide the masses of Dragonscale with violent entertainment


The only way in or out is through the Dragonshead Gate, a fifty foot wide carved dragon's mouth lined with obsidian teeth.


The Dragonscale Wyrmslayers is the professional team that claims the Scaled Arena as it's home. The most famous fighters of the team are
  • Boulder, Half-Orc Captain who uses stonework gauntlets,
  • Whispers-Twice, a Lizardfolk who fights with an oversized Gnomish Hook-Hammer
  • Wolf, a warrior of the Steinulf Tribe who fights with a massive club
  • Mirri Cripple-Maker, a halfling barbarian with a medium-sized Earthbreaker
  • Lady Love, an unarmored woman who wields a rapier and a dagger
  • The Hellknight, a disgraced lord who fights with honor, and with sword and shield
  • Ser Hugh of Silverlight, the Silver Knight, who fights for Lady Love’s hand
  • J’Qar Bonecruncher, an Orc from the Boneyard who wields twin clubs bound by chains

Special Properties

The Scaled Arena is laid with ancient enchantments designed to allow anyone inside to view a fight. Simply sitting in a seat allows the audience member to hear the banter between the fighters as if down on the field with them, and can see the battlefield as well as if they were sitting right in the front rows.


From the outside, stone walls three hundred feet tall form an oval. The walls are carved so the whole building resembles a dragon sleeping curled around itself, with the snoring head of the dragon proving the entrance. Within, marble columns painted with past scenes of gladiatorial combat support the viewing structures. There are several shops and stalls literally carved into the grand entryway of the dragon's mouth, ready to sell souvenirs, take bets, and provide snacks.


The Arena predates the city of Dragonscale by some significant number of years. No one knows who built it, or how, but it is constructed of Runestone, the same timeworn material used to create the walls of the city, which itself predates the Empire by some number of centuries. The painted columns marking gladiatorial bouts show scenes involving races there is no record of, and is hailed by historians as the most complete visual history of The Darkwood known to modern academia. It shows scenes from ages long-forgotten, times when a vast empire of Minotaurs controlled the area, and later on Halfling adventurers coming to fight during the Age of Heroes. The Arena itself seems to paint these scenes by magic when no one is looking, the spell for which is so complex the Order of the Eye has been unable to crack it for the entirety of it's existence.
Parent Location
Owning Organization
Related Report (Secondary Locations)


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