The Pact Session Two: The Tournament Report in Evermore | World Anvil
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The Pact Session Two: The Tournament

General Summary

Episode Pitch: A royal procession is coming to Dragonscale, and a tournament is to be held. Our heroes have an urge to win...   The Plot: 
  • Stay at a pyramid hotel (the Desert Spring), three-day prep montage for the contests
  • The party participates in the tournament after watching the Royal procession
  • Basically, the entire session was tourney. A rundown:
  • Vidar and Astolfo participated in the Grand Melee. Astolfo made it to the final ten, but was eliminated. Afterwards, he was approached by a mysterious messenger, promising Astolfo that his master was watching the young knight, and good things were to come
  • Zule, Vidar, Desmond, and Porthos did the archery competition. None of them placed well, but notably Zule, the party's archer, placed last among party members
  • The entire party participated in the Chariot Race, which they placed first in by defeating the other dinosaur racers in combat
  • The entire party participated in Giantslayer, beating a Pit Ogre in combat with Porthos punching it in the nuts to bring it down. The crowd found this hilarious, and voted them the favorites
  • Everyone did the Penitent Melee
  • Vidar performed the epic saga of the Tarrasque in the Battle of the Bards, got approached by Senator Rolf and rewarded for sharing the story of their people... but he still lost hardcore bardcore. 
  • Vidar also did the poison-eating contest, winning by the widest margin in Arena history
  • Most of the party did the Walk of Fire as well, and did so well that two of them placed in first
  • And so, the Traveling Balls were named the champions of the day, and we will pick up next time with a celebration of their victory.

Rewards Granted

1200 GP in prizes, Potion of Owl's Wisdom, 300 XP (660/2000)

Missions/Quests Completed

  • A Matter of Fame: Won the Birthday Brawl by such a lead that the party's Fame score went up by a couple of points.

Character(s) interacted with

Report Date
10 Jun 2021
Primary Location
Secondary Location


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