T'laniel Mirar Building / Landmark in Evermore | World Anvil
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T'laniel Mirar

T'laniel Mirar is a runestone building in central Dragonscale that has stood in that location for thousands of years, unchanged. Widely considered to be the oldest establishment of it's kind, it is five floors of rooms for rent, and has always been an inn for weary travelers. It's true age is unknown, but the records kept by it's owners indicate that it was thousands of years old before it was purchased by an Oenkanen family from a Halfling couple six thousand years before Skaldor's landing in Kuasta. After the Sylvan War, it was re-opened by a Skaldoran soldier, and that family has operated the inn since the founding of the First Empire. He decided to keep the Elvish name as an acknowledgement of the building's impressive history.    The inn is not a tavern, it's common room is open only to customers who have rented out one of it's twenty rooms.
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