Believe It! Magicworks Building / Landmark in Evermore | World Anvil
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Believe It! Magicworks

This Mage's Guild storefront specializes in the crafting of custom magical items. The only store of it's kind in a thousand miles, they make good business. They craft everything from healing wands to war golems, all on demand. Rannigor Magicborn runs the place for the Guild and is the reason the business has expanded in popularity.


Believe it! is made of living trees specially grown in the shape of a crescent moon. It is massive, with dozens of workshop rooms, bunks, and a bunker for the staff of Wardens always on hand.


The Order of the Eye founded this shop within the last two hundred years as an experiment. It has done so well recently that the Guild is considering limiting how much a customer can purchase, since they have become the de facto supplier of magic arms for multiple military groups.
Shop, Magic
Parent Location
Owning Organization


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