Shonla, the Twelve Organization in Evera | World Anvil

Shonla, the Twelve

Nehalenor was originally written by Dani for his character Saleiar Thalas. Adapted by Lia Felis.
This council guides the tribes of Nehalenor and makes the laws of the Vale.

The Shonla consists of twelve respected Narmiraen priestesses and they often have some special gifts or abilities. Each tribe delegates one member, but their identity is shrouded in mystery, and their families do not even know how they serve outside of ceremonies. The selected high priestesses of Narmiraen have an extraordinary gift: they can teleport to incredible distances through the Pinera trees. In this way, they can travel from their tribe's log sanctuary to Forestdeep, the closed halls of Shonla, at any time. That is why it is important for them that the land of Utea be populated as much as possible with this extraordinary plant so that they can be able to communicate directly with the members of Adrelas.

The work of Shonla is to discuss and make provisions regarding political, economic, and defense issues affecting the Valley as a whole. They also function as a court in all cases when the priestess who controls the tribe cannot decide on the perpetrator or his crime is so terrible that it deserves the attention of the high priestesses. Since crime is not a characteristic of Narmiron elves, this ability is rarely needed.

The Shonla hold a council of war in defense of the Valley, as they are the supreme commanders of the Shemons (border guards) and Adrelas (spies).

Many believe that their power extends over the entire land of Utea. Certainly, there is not much going on in the Valley of Nehalenor that they are not aware of. They also have considerable influence in the kingdoms of Zililon and Vasanna. They rarely look to the east, but it is kept a great secret from the Narmiron elves that many descendants of Tyssa L'imenel's army live on the plateau of Mogeth. According to their teachings, the renegade army was lost in the war with the Segaii. The truth, however, is that the former hunters chose, with the burden of exile, to join the United Nations Army in the last great war against the Beastman to protect the Valley in the Third Age.
Religious, Other
Alternatív Megnevezések
Council of Elders
Ellenőrzött Területek
Kapcsolódó Etnikumok

Cover image: Utea by Lia Felis (with Adobe Express)
Character flag image: Narmiraen by Lia Felis (with Adobe Express)


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