Inktober Writing Gauntlet 2019

Welcome, Worldbuilders, to WorldAnvil Inktober and the Writers' Gauntlet!  

For Artists

Inktober is an annual social media event for artists. Each year, a new series of prompts is put out and artists worldwide post their drawings for those prompts to social media.

Last year made our own promptset for artists, but after some feedback and consideration will be following the official list.

For Writers

The Gauntlet
Each day we will be releasing a small writer's prompt related to the Inktober Prompt. Our challenge to you is to let that inspire you to write about something in your world befitting that prompt.

Use any template, though we'll provide some suggestions with every prompt!

Feel free to do them in any order, but on the WorldAnvil Discord and on social media we will be focusing on the prompt for each day on that day. Challenge yourself to do them on the day of! It's all about practicing and improving!  
And of course, if you're feeling ambitious, you can do both!
Why not write and illustrate an article using each prompt?


Will there be prizes?
No, this is purely to get you involved in worldbuilding and to get your creative juices flowing! We just want to see what you make!

That said, there may be a sweet badge for those who participate... though we'll need you to comment all your work so we can track it!

If you don't comment, you don't count!
Where do I submit work?
Submit your work to social media, tagged with #Inktober2019, #InktoberWA and @WorldAnvil, on the discord, and find the related prompt below and add your submission to the comments there!
Can I only use Ink?
Nope! Use whatever medium inspires you! Inks, writing, watercolor... even baked goods.
Send us some..
If you have any questions, comment below, poke us on social media, or join the Discord and @ the Crypt Keeper role with your question!   If you want to be kept in the loop of goings on, join the discord, go to the info-roles-and-channels channel, and join Gauntlet Ghoul.

Share your work!

Tag @WorldAnvil! with Inktober stuff!
  And make sure to tag #InktoberWA!  
Click each to see the related article!

Articles under Inktober Writing Gauntlet 2019

Inktober 2019 Day 1: Ring
Generic article | Oct 1, 2019
Inktober 2019 Day 2: Mindless
Generic article | Oct 2, 2019
Inktober 2019 Day 3: Bait
Generic article | Oct 3, 2019
Inktober 2019 Day 4: Freeze
Generic article | Oct 4, 2019
Inktober 2019 Day 5: Build
Generic article | Oct 5, 2019
Inktober 2019 Day 6: Husky
Generic article | Oct 6, 2019
Inktober 2019 Day 7: Enchanted
Inktober Prompt | Oct 7, 2019
Inktober 2019 Day 8: Frail
Inktober Prompt | Oct 8, 2019
Inktober 2019 Day 9: Swing
Inktober Prompt | Oct 9, 2019
Inktober 2019 Day 10: Pattern
Inktober Prompt | Oct 10, 2019
Inktober 2019 Day 11: Snow
Inktober Prompt | Oct 12, 2019
Inktober 2019 Day 12: Dragon
Inktober Prompt | Oct 12, 2019
Inktober 2019 Day 13: Ash
Inktober Prompt | Feb 26, 2020
Inktober 2019 Day 14: Overgrown
Inktober Prompt | Oct 14, 2019
Inktober 2019 Day 15: Legend
Inktober Prompt | Oct 15, 2019
Inktober 2019 Day 16: Wild
Inktober Prompt | Oct 17, 2019
Inktober 2019 Day 17: Ornament
Inktober Prompt | Oct 17, 2019
Inktober 2019 Day 19: Sling
Inktober Prompt | Oct 19, 2019
Inktober 2019 Day 18: Misfit
Inktober Prompt | Oct 18, 2019
Inktober 2019 Day 20: Tread
Inktober Prompt | Oct 20, 2019
Inktober 2019 Day 21: Treasure
Inktober Prompt | Oct 21, 2019
Inktober 2019 Day 22: Ghost
Inktober Prompt | Oct 22, 2019
Inktober 2019 Day 23: Ancient
Inktober Prompt | Oct 23, 2019
Inktober 2019 Day 24: Dizzy
Inktober Prompt | Oct 24, 2019
Inktober 2019 Day 25: Tasty
Inktober Prompt | Oct 25, 2019
Inktober 2019 Day 26: Dark
Inktober Prompt | Oct 26, 2019
Inkober 2019 Day 27: Coat
Inktober Prompt | Oct 27, 2019
Inktober 2019 Day 28: Ride
Inktober Prompt | Oct 28, 2019
Inktober 2019 Day 29: Injured
Inktober Prompt | Oct 29, 2019
Inktober 2019 Day 30: Catch
Inktober Prompt | Oct 30, 2019
Inktober 2019 Day 31: Ripe
Inktober Prompt | Oct 31, 2019


Please Login in order to comment!
Oct 3, 2019 07:09 by Aria Grill

Do we have to do all the prompts within this month to get a badge?

Oct 3, 2019 16:02 by Ademal

Yes. I'll be verifying my list of people who completed it within the first week of November.

CSS Whisperer • Community Admin • Author of Ethnis
Oct 3, 2019 22:26 by Aria Grill

Gotchya. so to confirm, just past the article as a new comment each, and the deadline is the end of the first week in november since I don't have those social media accounts?

Oct 3, 2019 22:33 by Aria Grill

Also, do they have to be finished when they are commented on each prompts article?

Oct 3, 2019 23:04 by Ademal

You are correct on the deadline. They don't need to be completed! This is all in the spirit of getting people to have fun and worldbuild so I don't intend to dock points just because something is half-done; as far as I'm concerned that's the same as doing a sketch for Inktober instead of a fullblown drawing—you still did something!

CSS Whisperer • Community Admin • Author of Ethnis
Oct 3, 2019 23:23 by Aria Grill

aaa yay I was a bit worried for a sec there, thanks!

Oct 3, 2019 15:51 by Frank Ansede

Where can we see badges? I still havent seen anything from Summer prompts

Oct 3, 2019 16:02 by Ademal

Summercamp badges are still pending. Now that the ceremony is over they should be pushing them out soon.   I haven't revealed the Inktober badge yet.

CSS Whisperer • Community Admin • Author of Ethnis
Oct 4, 2019 00:34 by Aria Grill

heyyy 'nother question! 1. What template would be best for a legal law? 2. Could the 'Item' template be used as a category of different items?

Oct 4, 2019 06:36 by Ademal

For legal law I'd do it either as the document which outlined it or treat it as a tradition/ritual that society observes.   I believe you can create one item and then set it as the classification of another, yes.

CSS Whisperer • Community Admin • Author of Ethnis
Oct 5, 2019 13:01 by Heliopath

Hi, quick question. I'm creating a generic article for the event as a way to have all the articles in the same place, and I was wondering if I can use the same cover you have in this one, and, if so, who should I credit in the image. Thanks!

Oct 6, 2019 00:12 by Ademal

I really appreciate that you asked, and that you reminded me to add credits! The cover was made by TJ Trewin and the Inktober text by Jake Parker and you may use it!

CSS Whisperer • Community Admin • Author of Ethnis
Oct 7, 2019 04:29 by Aria Grill

I know I'm annoying, but: Is there a set time that the prompts are posted each day?

Oct 7, 2019 08:03 by Ademal

They're posted to social media and the discord every day at 5 PST!   I am slow to add the link to this article because I'm not awake at that time...and because I can be a little scatter brained ^ _^;.   Someone else publishes the article to post to discord and the twitter component is automated.

CSS Whisperer • Community Admin • Author of Ethnis
Oct 7, 2019 08:05 by Ademal

Also if it's not linked here you can search the world for the day's prompt word and if it's been published it will appear in the search!

CSS Whisperer • Community Admin • Author of Ethnis
Oct 12, 2019 23:28 by Ariel Webster

If I'm submitting art and an image is NSFW (like mild nudity, nothing gratuitous or tasteless) what should I do? Would using a spoiler tag work (idk if that works in comments I've never tried)

Oct 13, 2019 07:11 by Ademal

I suggest something like:   "Here's my entry, it's got mild nudity so [url=link here]here[/url] is my entry!"   That way I see it in the comments and can verify it for the inktober badge!   I'm not too worried about it either way. Linking the article you add it to, if you do, also works.

CSS Whisperer • Community Admin • Author of Ethnis
Oct 14, 2019 21:06 by Aria Grill

Is there a general area (other than twitter) to get the other prompts?

Oct 15, 2019 09:13 by Ademal

A few!

  1. Over on the Discord community
  2. By checking the Inktober tag on here
  3. By searching this Codex for the name of each prompt each day!
Sorry for how sporadically this page gets updated! The articles are published each day but the main thrust has been on Discord and Twitter so this page ends up getting a bit neglected in the chaos.

CSS Whisperer • Community Admin • Author of Ethnis
Oct 17, 2019 15:02

Uh... there are two day 13s?

Oct 17, 2019 16:48 by Ademal

Oopsie, fixed!

CSS Whisperer • Community Admin • Author of Ethnis
Oct 19, 2019 02:11 by Melissa White

How many words are required for an entry.

Oct 19, 2019 06:38 by Ademal

There's no minimum requirement. :)

CSS Whisperer • Community Admin • Author of Ethnis
Oct 20, 2019 17:40 by Jimmy Shrekson

For getting our articles into the comments, do we just copy the links we see when we open them up in view? Checking in case it might, for example, make it possible for someone else to edit my stuff for a laugh. Furthermore can the article still be classed as a WIP?

Oct 20, 2019 17:48 by Ademal

1) You can copy the presentation url (which for example is the one you see at the top of this browser page)   2) Only co-authors can edit. If you sent me the edit url it would just show 404 for me.   3) WIP is perfectly fine!

CSS Whisperer • Community Admin • Author of Ethnis
Oct 21, 2019 18:05 by Jimmy Shrekson

Thank you remember to stay hydrated.

Nov 4, 2019 02:30 by Aria Grill

two questions: 1. how much longer do we have to work on them 2. will you tell us if something is missing or the articles aren't enough?

Nov 4, 2019 16:44 by Ademal

I'll be monitoring the contest for a couple more weeks, after that I'll probably swing my focus to other projects. If you can get everything in by the 16th at the latest I'll be happy with that! :)   I'll reach out if stuff has been accidentally marked private or if someone is a couple short and I think it's just the result of forgetting to post or something!

CSS Whisperer • Community Admin • Author of Ethnis