Guess what! There's a book now! — (MxM, Thriller, Erotic)


The Great Outback Recreation

Located several kilometers from the Westminister Dome, the Great Outback Recreation takes up the majority of the Auckland Dome. The contents of the dome are often described as "A happy accident between Nege and various plant species from Earth's Australia" in part because of the makeup of the terraforming of the dome, and due to the dome's rather odd biodiversity. Several species, such as the Thorncaster and a number of carnivorous trees exist only within the dome

Between the dome and the byproducts of the New Queensland refineries, most of Ayun-Ausralia's oxygen, carbon and nitrogen needs are met to provide breathable air within the domes.
Some of the tech and bioengineering boys over in the federation labs cooked up a special terraforming kit for me. Should be fun. And they guaranteed me it'll even be 73% safe.
— Bryce Westminister IV, First Prime Minister of Ayun-Ausralia


Located in one of the larger craters on Ayun-Ausralia the Auckland dome is on an otherwise unremarkable strech of the planet's main continent.

Fauna & Flora

Numerous trees and plants grow within the Auckland Dome. Several are typical of Earth's Austrailia, such as; several varieties of Acacia tree, several varieties of Kangeroo Paw and a number of hybrid species. One notable hybrid exists as a cross between Eucalyptus and the Gympie Gympie plant. Others are less typical of the Austrailian outback, such as a hybrid paperbark and apple tree.

Natural Resources

The trees and plants provide sap, wood, plant fibers and oxygen. Several fruiting species of plant exist within the dome, and are harvested to provide food and byproducts for the other domes. Specialized plants, such as the Thorncaster also provide usable materials.
Alternative Name(s)
The GOR, The Auckland Dome
Forest, Jungle (Tropical)
Location under

Cover image: The Wheel before the Wayhall


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