City of Hawen Settlement in Essilion | World Anvil
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City of Hawen


Racial Demographics

Humans: 79%
Halflings: 9%
Half-Elves: 5%
Dwarves: 3%
Gnomes: 2%
Elves: 1%

Half-Orcs: 1%


Bakers 30 Coopers 26 Jewelers 50 Rugmakers 11
Barbers 42 Copyists 9 Locksmiths 7 Scabbardmakers 14
Bathers 5 Cutlers 8 Maidservants 79 Sculptors 7
Beer-sellers 17 Doctors 12 Masons 39 Shoemakers 87
Booksellers 2 Fishmongers 14 Mercers 11 Spice Merchants 15
Bronzesmiths 16 Furriers 55 Old Clothes 31 Tailors 41
Buckle Makers 18 Glovemakers 10 Painters 10 Tanners 7
Butchers 11 Hatmakers 15 Pastrycooks 36 Taverns 42
Carpenters 41 Hay Merchants 4 Pursemakers 6 Watercarriers 10
Chandlers 27 Illuminators 6 Roofers 12 Weavers 12
Poltry Butchers 8 Inns 7 Ropemakers 12 Woodcarvers 10


40,000 gp individual items 33,000,000 gp total resources

Major Districts

Diviner's Square

Orb Ward

Large city
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Included Locations
Owning Organization

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