We have had members of the Snafu Guild depart before. We have had new members of the Snafu Guild join since its founding.   We should perhaps have an equitable procedure for each of those.

Public Agenda

  1. Protect and serve the citizens of Aquitaine and surrounding area in any high-risk or atypical matter which may develop.
  2. Protect and assist one another.
  3. Provide niche services outside the municipal and traditional responsibilities of local government and/or civil organizations.
  Optional #4: {Bail Miro Teague out of gaol} / {Deposit Miro Teague into Sheriff Belor Hemlock's proper custody}, depending on the month and the bloodborn's place on his personal alignment pendulum.


Guild house in Aquitaine which contains:
  • one chest with communal funds
  • one chest with communal supplies,
  • collection of copies of contracts and commitments already made,
  • 10 small but private single bedrooms
  • kitchen primarily under Lee Chung's authority but its stocking and cleaning are everyone's responsibility
  • A contract for stabling and assisting in care of guild animals
    Active, unfilled commitments:
    • Protect and assist the city of Aquitaine as directed by Mayor Kendra Deverin, Sheriff Belor Hemlock who is the captain of the Aquitaine Guard, and the unofficial city leaders.
    • Assist guild member Darly Quince, "Minstrel", in remaining unbothered by past acquaintances
    • Take the evil, soul-eating swords to a volcano. Throw into volcano. Make absolutely certain that they arrive in lava and are destroyed. Do not feed swords.

    Cover image: by CB Ash
    • 578

      17 Muzis

      The Gloom Over Dunnocksdell

      Paladin Marcos Galvos travels by request to the logging town of Dunnocksdell. They do not have much money to hire a Pathfinder, but within less than half a month, four of the village residents have disappeared ... and every night, magically enthralled forest creatures swarm into the village to attack! What unholy gloom has befallen this forest?

      More reading
      Marcos Galvos
    • 578

      25 Muzis

      Kobold Diplomacy
      Diplomatic action

      Traveling ranger Zhang Sephia joins the SNAFU Guild just in time to participate in the investigation of some livestock disappearances.

      More reading
      Kobold Diplomacy
    • 578

      4 Xerad

      22 Xerad

      Set in Stone

      In an adventure adapted from a module of the same created by James Coleman, Timothy Southall, and John Steele, and published by Corvus Lunaris, the nonelven heroes of SNAFU Guild skip most of this year's Aquitaine Great Fair to fulfill a contract as guards for one leg of a merchant company's summer travel. At the endpoint, young self-taught paladin Marcos Galvos might be able to interview a veteran paladin (albeit of a different faith) about how this whole thing is supposed to work.   Except that the veteran paladin in question is out of town.   And something unpleasant has been building up in this place for a very long time indeed -- for, in fact, the entire lifetime of the youngest adults.   Something attached to an attempted mugging more than a hundred years ago.

      Quilton's Rise
      More reading
      Set in Stone
    • 578

      22 Xerad

      11 Knaqod

      Road to Justice
      Diplomatic action

      It happens to every fantasy adventurer somewhere in the course of their career:  

      You wake up, you have an odd taste in your mouth as if you've been munching rose petals, you feel GREAT -- so incredibly well-rested! -- as if you slept an entire night through even if you know you served a watch shift.
      You are in your skivvies.
      Everything that was not on your sleeping body is gone.
        Even the cookware and breakfast setup that you left on your campfire have been stolen!

      Warden Road
      More reading
      Road to Justice
    • 578

      12 Knaqod

      15 Knaqod

      Diplomatic action

      SNAFU Guild explores the city of Morodar for ways and means of seeing justice done to Magus Barhvell Tillon the Blue via the Wizard Court. And for helping the Demay sisters.   While we are here, we should check in with sponsor Gringlebrush Faegon.   And maybe pick up some additional clothes for future adventures.   And maybe even figure out this puzzle with the bits of crystal -- that might fit together into a short of hope chest shape?

      More reading
      Elohey: Restitution
      Additional timelines
    • 578

      15 Knaqod

      16 Knaqod

      Moral Turpitude
      Life, Supernatural

      The court in judgment of Magus Barhvell Tillon the Blue -- until recently of Quinlan's Rise -- has sentenced the SNAFU Guild to restore Tillon's three victims to unpetrified state if possible, so the court can determine their final sentence on Magus Tillon himself.   Meanwhile, the city of Morodar has an odd bird-transmitted disease or pestilence or something that city leaders are trying to get under control.

      More reading
      Moral Turpitude
      Additional timelines
    • 578

      17 Knaqod

      24 Knaqod

      Epilogue: Road to Justice Trilogy
      Life, Relocation

      The Road to Justice Trilogy ends with a trip south on the Warden Road from Morodar back to the Free City of Aquitaine.

      Additional timelines
    • Midsummer Day, 578
      Crystal Chest of the Scarlet Sun
      Life, Supernatural

      At this year's Swallowtail Festival, one of the merchants is something extraordinary.

    • 578

      27 Knaqod

      Diplomacy at Dunnocksdell
      Diplomatic action

      Where did SNAFU Guild resident paladin Marcos Galvos go, anyway?

      More reading
      Shadow Over Rythwood
    • 578

      29 Vebel

      10 Grolm

      The Bows of Purgatory Gulch
      Disaster / Destruction

      Since this adventure has not yet concluded, the "ending date" is extremely subject to change!