Pantheon of Light in Eldridth | World Anvil

Pantheon of Light

The Pantheon of Light is Pentharion's, who has taken the mantel of leader in the Upper Planes, loyal Divine, those who recognize him as the rightful leader of the multiverse, and are the primarily worshiped Deities in Eldridth.  

Greater Deities

These Gods are excessively powerful, and lifetimes have been dedicated to trying to understand them and their will. They can manifest Avatars similar to Lesser Deities to represent themselves. Their powers exceed all others, and they do not require worshipers, offerings or rituals to maintain or express their power. Offending these Gods is considered to be on par with attempting to taking your own life to believers. Lesser Deities will not cross the will of these Gods. They care nothing for the affairs of Mortals, and barely even concern Themselves with the affairs of other Divine.

Pentharion, God of Light and Justice

  • Domains: Light and Knowledge
Troth, God of Life and Death
  • Domains: Life and Death
Aoura, Goddess of the Seasons
  • Domains: Tempest and Nature
Agethis, Binder of the ELements
  • Domains: Nature and War

Lesser Deities

These Gods are embodied somewhere, and while they can at times create avatars of themselves, those are far less powerful then the avatars of Greater Deities, more on kin with a Titan or Demigod. They have power in a particular domain, and tend to have there own designs on how to shift the mortal worlds. There power tends to be dependent either on favor from Greater Deities, or worship from mortals. While the term Lesser Deity may be deceiving, as the only beings in existence more powerful are the Greater Deities. Their powers are both revered and feared. Shrines and Temples to these God's offer opportunities to draw their attention, which can either be a good thing or a bad thing depending on what they see. Divine vision is not limited by time, and they can see the past with extreme accuracy.
Lupus, God of the Hunt
  • Domain: Death
Gaia, The Forest Goddess
  • Domain: Nature
Vashnar, God of the Dragons
  • Domain: Tempest
Clementis, The Weaver
  • Domain: Knowledge
Aegis, God of War
  • Domain: War
Velnurara, The Dreamer
  • Domain: Trickery
Aeon, The Great Light
  • Domain: Light
Rem, The Goddess of Peace
  • Domain: Life
Tyr, God of Peace and War
  • Domain: Knowledge
Artemis, Bringer of Wrath
  • Domain: War
Phaestus, the Smith
  • Domain: Knowledge
Avandra, Lady of Luck
  • Domain: Trickery


Divine beings created by the Greater or Lesser Deities. Given enough devotion from Mortals, or to gain a blessing of power from a greater deity they could rise to the status of a Lesser Deity. This is the state that a Lesser deity without worshipers or a Greater Deity can fall too. Titans tend to follow the wills of Greater Deities, and to some extent the Lesser Deities, for they know the worship of mortals can be more then just fleeting. Some Titans disobey the will and direction Pantheon, some grow jealous, and begin to secretly undercut the other Deities. Titans may be the children of two Gods or formed from divine magic. No being can ever rise into the status of a Titan, they are made. Their powers can vary, but they tend to attune to more specific aspects inside of domains. These beings can move between the planes of existence, and can make the lives of mortals very difficult or easy depending on there own whims, and the directions they may be following.
Neraeos, Lord of The Seas
  • Domain Origin: Nature
Prospero, Lord of Commerce
  • Domain Origin: Trickery
Eros, Lady of Love
  • Domain Origin: Life
Aeyr, Lady of Magic
  • Domain Origin: Knowledge
Sellen, Lord of Beauty
  • Domain Origin: Life
Eris, Lady of the Seasons
  • Domain Origin: Tempest
Tarah, Lady of Valour
  • Domain Origin: Light


Demigods are the least powerful of the Divine, but still immensely powerful. These are children of other divine with mortals, or mortals who have been bestowed divine powers. They may or may not have the power to shift between planes of existence. Like Titans they can ascend to that of a Lesser Divine, although it would take more worshipers then almost possible, so it is only likely to occur from the favor of a Greater Divine. Much of the time they are champions dispatched to complete tasks in mortal realms, though they can also be cast out without purpose, or have turned against the Pantheon. Some Demigods may not even know they what they are sometimes, but they will recognize they have powers. Many of them do not have domains in the same way other Divine, though they often begin to drift closer and closer to one over time.


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