Vashnar, God of the Dragons in Eldridth | World Anvil

Vashnar, God of the Dragons

Vashnar, God of the Sky and Dragons.

Lord of Dragons
Him on the Wind




Aegis, Aoura, Neraeos
Lupus, Aeon and Phaestus


God of the sky, and Creator of the Dragons. Ally to Gaia in her battle against Azar, along side Phaestus his half brother. Vashnar kept the Fiery lord from escaping into the sky. Vashnar brought his dragons, resistant to fire to push back the flames of Azar. It is on Eldridth that Vashnar first brought his Dragons. But the Orcs hunted them to near extinction, and when none of the other gods acted, Vashnar pleaded with Aegis to save his Beloved Dragons. It was then that Aegis broke the world from one large land mass, and separated the Orcs from the rest of the world, and broke of a land mass for Vashnar. Vashnar was displeased with the lack of effort given from Gaia and Phaestus, and so abandoned the larger continent completely. The few that remain worshiping Vashnar in Aygess are those who are faithful in the full absence of their God, for he has not given any sign of care for them since the world was broken.


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