Habury in Eldridth | World Anvil


The Habury Penisula is sparcely, but evenly populated, mostly by farming communities. This area grows much of the food for the whole Queendom. A light house on the end of a cliff on the southern tip of the Penisula. The Marshel in charge of of the Penisula has regular patrols that ensure saftey along the roads. A port town exisits that allows goods to come in from the ocean from other ports along the continent, and houses many fishing boats that fish inside of the bay made penisula. The Colreeg WIlds ends on the north side of the penisula, but the rare hobgoblin party may come south if they evade the patrols form the Norstal Castles.   The open planes of most of the penisula make for excellent farm land. While the population is thin, migratory workers often flood the area during harvest and planting seasons, often poorer workers from Thena City, try and make some extra funds this way as well. There are also several small Dwarven communities founded around here as well, as they often find the City too busy.


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