The College of Wizards Organization in Eldridth | World Anvil

The College of Wizards

The College of Wizards, is the organization that governs the study of magic in Aygess. Not all Wizards, Sorcerers or other magic users adhere to the hierarchy of the College, but it would be difficult to dismiss its influence over them, and the power they wield. There are three schools of the College of Wizards.

  • Vabrack Tower - Within the Frozen North, just north of the Klendev Pass.
  • The Great Spires - Tucked away hidden within the Melinach Woods, in the mountains of Arnna Tops.
  • Yassgrove Tower - A School of magic in the Fae Touched lines of Othaya River Valley.

      The leadership of the college, The Council of Eld resides within the Great Spires, and it is a difficult place to reach without magic. While the Great Spires are a place of great magical learning, it is not a school. Magic users come to the Spires to research and learn themselves, while being amongst others who are doing the same.
    The Vabrack Tower is a school for those seeking to learn some of the more dangerous Magics. This is one of the only places that Wizards can 'Legitatamtly' learn Elemental Magic. The Tower Yassgrove dedicates itself to the study and teaching of natural magics.


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