Citystate of Askurg Organization in Eldridth | World Anvil

Citystate of Askurg

Askurg is a Isolated Island Nation. They have a strict immigration and Emigration policy, and take extreme measures at the two gates of their large city to enforce these procedures. This does not mean that the citizens within are unable to leave, but it does mean that they are subjected to interrogation for the reasons and plans. Trader ships and their crews are given special license, and must follow specific regulations to maintain said license. Little is known about the structure of its government, because of its isolationist nature. It has never treated to a external diplomat, and it is only public burecrates acting as representatives that any communication has been conducted with any other government.
  Visiting the City is absolutly possible, though you are subjected to extream questioning, physical searches, as well as a magical assesment. Those that violate their laws as visitors, are treated harsher then their own citizens, which is saying something. Ignorance of said laws are never an excuse, and often such claims only worsen the individuals circumstances.
  There is a large fortress, that resembles the ancient fortress, but has been very well maintained. There is also an ancient cathedral, of which visitors are not welcome to visit. Little is known of the worship that takes place within, as only members of the relgious organization are allowed entry, even amongst there own citizenry, and they rarely reveal anything, even what gods are being worshiped beyond those doors.
  The City itself does not seem to be evil on any level, besides the almost totalitarian presence of armed guards, but the peace and safety within the city can be denied by no one, as there is almost zero crime within the bounds of its wall.


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