Clementis, The Weaver in Eldridth | World Anvil

Clementis, The Weaver

Clementis, The Weaver

Master of Magic
The Knower of all




Pentharion, Agethis, Velnurara
Rem, Phaestus, Aery
Corellion, Try, Eros and Sellen


Clementis is the one who weaved magic into the multiverse. The creation of Pentharion, Clementis was tasked with connecting all the worlds and planes together through the weave. Magic is entwined with everything, The natural laws of the universe are apart of the weave. It was through that task that Pentharion hoped to bring true agency to mortals, and allow them to shape the world that is made for them. Clementis loves mortals, of all backgrounds. They wove the magic through them, and in this has come to know much. Even Monsters are apart of his weave, to be apart of the multiverse now is to be sown into the universe. While Clementis does not think of themselves as the creator, they do have seen into the depths of all things, and created the magic that would drive and shape the world to its end. His quest for knowledge, while it would be never ending, is almost futile as any knowledge they would seek is at their finger tips, if it were not already known. It is now more a search for the questions that one would not think to ask. Those who Clementis has taken into their realm describe it as a endless library.


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