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Second Breakage of the Sacred Pact


Known as the Second Breakage of the Gendirl Sacred Pact and the "war with humans" by Gendirlo and as the "Gendirl war" or just "the war" by humans, this war began a year after humans arrived in Dosjorya and ended five years later due to the appearance of a negotiator and mediator.  
When humans arrived in Dosjorya, they were unaware that they were not the only intelligent species. Focused more on building their first settlement, Landfall, and gathering the resources to make their settlement permanent, they did not pay attention to the various species that they now shared the land with. In their ignorance, hunters killed a Gundent for food and material. The Gendirlo, who had been studying the humans from the beginning, saw this as a breakage of the Gendirl Sacred Pact despite humans making full use of their kill. Their observations had deemed humans as a nonnative type of Gendirl, though they lacked a common language and did not know how to communicate the pact to the humans. Many Gendirlo assumed that even without communication, the humans would obey the pact anyway and were shocked when they did not.   Angered that one of their own was killed for food and that it could happen again, the Gundenti began to threaten humans outside of Landfall, not yet attempting to hurt or kill but trying to send in a wordless language that the Gundenti need to be left alone. In one incident, a Gundent was killed in defense, triggering more anger and the killing of a small human hunting party. Their actions were justified by the pact, as it was universally accepted that the humans already broke the agreement and thus were not subject to its protections.   Soon after this incident, the Dookeni joined the Gundenti in intimidating humans and hindering anyone who traveled outside of Landfall. Not liking their territory being taken by a new species and certain in their superior size, the Dookeni were quicker to resort to violence. More deaths occurred on both sides, with the humans now realizing that many of the creatures in this new land are as intelligent as they are, but incorrectly believing that those creatures want them all dead. They prepared Landfall accordingly, not intending to be wiped away.   Tensions continued to escalate as the last wave of humans arrived. Many Gendirlo who had traveled to the human settlement for observation retreated to their own clans out of fear of an all out war. One large clan of Dookeni marched on Landfall with the intent to kill as many humans as possible, but were met with strong defenses and fighters that managed to kill all of the Dookeni with few casualties. The Coloktialo urged observation rather than offense after this skirmish.  
Full Fledged War
For three years, little happens between the two sides. Both were wary of the other but were preparing for tensions to escalate into fighting. Humans were able to expand their settlement and build stronger walls around not just the main part of the city but also their croplands. An outcropping of rock a few miles to the northeast provided a small amount of ore, enough to sustain their currently small population for many years. They domesticated many Satheni, a Sulendirl species that they discover to be less intelligent and peaceful.   However, the Gendirlo were perplexed by the use of materials and tools by the humans, for the humans were changing the very shape of the landscape. Why tear up the landscape when it can provide of all needs as is? Their confusion grew into alarm when they realized just how capable the humans were of causing damage. The end of the three quiet years in the war came about as a massive army of Gendirlo assaulted Landfall with the intent of reducing the human population to a number too small to endure. But they were unorganized and ignorant of siege tactics, causing the Gendirlo to suffer heavy losses. They retreated, but the Dookeni in the army attacked again on their own a few weeks later. Again, they suffered heavy losses. Neither assault kills many humans or breaches defenses.   The Coloktialo then developed a plan to have smaller Gendirlo like the Failers to infiltrate Landfall and sabotage human defenses, and then attack. Wary and unsure what to do, the participating Gendirlo failed to make a difference for nearly a year. During this time flying Gendirlo observed from above and sometimes dropped large rocks into the settlement. In spite of this, the humans expanded far upstream of the Grashen River into the forests, forming their second settlement, Treesden.   When the humans of Landfall first discovered Gendirlo among them and the trouble they were causing, their leader, Oshah Kodear, ordered part of Landfall's army to march out into the forest both to defend Treesden and to massacre any Gendirl clan or group they find, especially Failers. He does not lead the men. Unfortunately for the human army, Dosjorya was going through a severe drought, and they discover that Failers can breathe fire and are no longer afraid to hurt the environment. A large group of Failers set fire to the trees around the army, trapping them and ultimately killing them. They then turn their efforts to Treesden. Residents of the forest settlement were forced to flee to Landfall and Treesden is forever abandoned.   Full of wonder and fear that a living thing can spout fire, many Treesden evacuees begin to search for answers. No human is aware of the idea of magic or of the gods, nor that some humans have the ability to use magic. But one evacuee, a woman by the name of Lue Sucorsa, discovers by accident that she is a conjurer and searched for ways that her new found powers can help in the war. In her search, she found another man who can use magic.   A second large army of Gendirlo set its sights on Landfall, this time to choke the settlement to death. They unsuccessfully try to reroute the Grashen River away from Landfall and attack anyone who leaves the walls. A month into the siege, a small army of humans left Landfall's walls briefly to engage directly with the Gendirlo. Weapons allow them to kill many before retreating.  
Calls for Peace
By now, both sides have suffered great losses. In Landfall women, children, and the elderly, as well as those needed to keep the settlement running, far outnumbered the able bodied men needed to defend everyone. Among the Gendirlo, fears that their numbers might be compromised like what happened to the Nackadongo millennia ago when the Hahklemems turned violent had settled in deep. But neither side could concede for fear of being wiped away by the other.   Before tensions could snap further during the siege, a young man and an Emen, having apparently met a year prior, called for both sides to send their leaders to a neutral zone to negotiate. They would serve as translators and moderators. This pair is the Nameless Innen.   Oshah of Landfall and Jasofado of the Coloktialo meet with this unusual duo, amazed that a human and a Gendirl can be friendly. Not only that, but that they could share thoughts and understood both the human language and Salimen. Over three days, the two leaders discuss their circumstances, their fears, needs and wants, and how to achieve peace. Successful, they declare an end to the war with the Nameless Innen keeping an eye on both sides. In addition, other humans that can bond to a Gendirl would be found and they would form an organization dedicated to preventing another war.   The true end to the war came when humans were formally added to the Gendirl Sacred Pact. In anticipation of increasing numbers and the humans' need of natural materials, the Gendirlo agreed to designate certain lands as available to humans.
Conflict Type

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