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Bound Series
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Syus Nightingale (sī - əs)

Syus Nightingale is a mystery. Ever since he began working for the Tepes-Cheonsa Family, he has worked diligently to prove himself as a respectable bodyguard for the Crown Prince of the Itude Empire, Kěith Cheonsa, and refuses to see him as someone with weakness and defiance. Nobody actually knows who his family is, but he has dropped a few hints that he may have a younger brother.   Although, it is hard to believe him with how direct and to-the-point he is. Most of his past can be written off as stories with little merit. Syus is a fighter, one who stands by his friends and helps them achieve their greatest goals in life, unless said goals happen to put others in harm's way. Regardless, Syus takes the laws very seriously.  

Syus Nightingale: "This blade isn't a decoration, so step away from His Royal Highness."


by Amelia Nite (Hero Forge)



Raised by his parents to appear deadly and cold, Syus regrets most of his childhood experiences. He carries with him a sensitivity that quickly makes Kěith look calm and collected. While he can be sensitive, Syus has proven himself a hard-worker and stares down his enemies with vigor. His shyness can be a downfall when around the Crown Prince, which also alludes to a secret he bears on his shoulders.


Growing up, Syus witnessed a horrific death in his family that left him unable to cope with death at all. He hates the sight of blood and despises having to drink from living beings as a result. Due to the death in the family, Syus' family turned on him and started to blame him for the death, stating that he could have prevented it if he just watched over the now deceased family member. Syus never speaks of the deceased family member out of respect and regret. This, unfortunately, has left Syus growing up without the warm, tender touch of a loving parent. His fears pushed him into running away with his younger brother as last resort to protect themselves from the abuse.  


All Syus wants to do is keep the Crown Prince safe from any threat, including the Crown Prince's Exotic Pets. He sees them as potential threats that could turn on Kěith at a moment's notice.   On top of all that, Syus sees Emperor Vladimir Tepes as a true threat. The war started because of him. Countless lives have been lost because of him. But he also understands why the war started.  


Syus Nightingale: "Prince Kěith, I'm sorry that you see it in that manner. I have come to care about you as though you're my friend. Vampires don't get friendships that easily, but I do enjoy hanging around you and making sure you're okay. I take my friendships seriously."

  A soft smile formed on Kěith's face.  

Kěith Cheonsa: "You really see me as a friend?"

  Syus glanced at him like he was an idiot.  

Syus Nightingale: "Are you kidding me? To me, you're my best friend. I trust you more than anyone here in the empire."

  Now, it was Kěith's turn to lower his head. Syus had been kind to him over the decades. All this time, he had been so cruel to Syus, who merely tried to be good to him. Maybe Kěith could let go of past grudges and see things in a new light. Syus and Kěith could build a proper friendship, one that didn't rely on half-truths. But how could they go about one when Kěith had shown so much hated over the years? Kěith's other friends wouldn't even know what to make of it.
— Syus and Kěith talking
Wolf Bound, Bound Series book 1 scene snippet
  Syus' history is a complete mystery before becoming Kěith's bodyguard. He hates talking about it and attempts to focus on the tasks set before him. However, he has made mention of a few things in his childhood.   To the empire, Syus worked the Sangelfique Family with every intention of impressing his parents. He took the job of the stable hand at the age of 325-years-old since his family was poor. During the war, working at such a young age proved that he was capable of being loyal, determined, and focused. He claimed the Sangelfiques took care of him, seeing him as one of their own children, which bumped him up to working as a "maid" of sorts for the Sangelfique children.

Table of Contents

Nightingale / Sy
Quick Facts
Neutral Good
Gay (secretive, but obvious)
Birth Date:
Sihm 10th
Birth Year:
1437 EoL 579 Years Old
Culbo, Coastal Region District
Cis Male
Pale Blue (at birth)
Scarlet Red (changed to)
Platinum Blond
Skin Tone:
Pale White
5'8" (172.72 cm)
Other Notes
Heian Nightingale (younger brother)
Affiliated Organization, Primary:
House Evkein
Affiliated Organization, Secondary:
Affiliated Family, Primary:
Sangelfique Family (formerly)
Tepes-Cheonsa Family
by Amelia Nite (Hero Forge)
Around ninety-five years later, Syus ran away from where he grew up for the death of a family member blamed upon him. He took his younger brother with him to keep him safe, but the treacherous roads were proving to be too difficult. Upon the roads, Syus was discovered by a traveler, who saw potential in the current street urchins. He ushered them to follow him back to his home base. Syus and Heian greatfully accepted the help and they became workers for the stranger until the year 1958 EoL, when Syus was 521-years-old.   Syus saw the potential in returning the royal city of the empire, where Syus noticed the Crown Prince was looking for a new bodyguard. Being a royal bodyguard for the Crown Prince would earn him some much needed points and prove to his parents that he was better than they ever thought he'd be. Undergoing to the rigorous trials, Syus was eventually named the royal bodyguard of the Crown Prince.   As of this moment, the prince pressured him for some information regarding his past, such as where he grew up and how long he had been away from home. He barely gave any information, claiming "there isn't much to tell."   To this day, he is still the bodyguard for the prince and is struggling to keep him in check since Kěith loves to disappear without his knowledge and nearly scare him to death when he can't find him. During his time as Kěith's bodyguard, he has learned quite a lot about the royal family, such as the emperor is corrupt, and that Kěith is only suffering from depression and isn't the monster everyone makes him out to be.  

Kěith Cheonsa: "I know you said we're friends, but I need to understand what you mean about being a spy. I have to become emperor and I need someone I can trust. Just because you state we're friends, doesn't mean I can trust you if you step up to the throne. I need solid, hardcore evidence."

  Now, it was Kěith's turn to lower his head. Syus had been kind to him over the decades. All this time, he had been so cruel to Syus, who merely tried to be good to him. Maybe Kěith could let go of past grudges and see things in a new light. Syus and Kěith could build a proper friendship, one that didn't rely on half-truths. But how could they go about one when Kěith had shown so much hated over the years? Kěith's other friends wouldn't even know what to make of it.  

Syus Nightingale: "That's reasonable. What do you need me to do to prove myself?"

  With a small smile, Kěith sat back and looked at the ceiling.  

Kěith Cheonsa: "All you have to do is swear on the Sun and Moon Goddess that I can trust you--that you won't betray me."


Syus Nightingale: "I never thought I'd end up here. I swear on the Sun and Moon Goddess that you can trust me as I would never betray you."

  Syus spoke, running his fingers through his hair. Syus took a deep breath and then clasped his hands together, looking Kěith straight in the eyes.   A crackle of thunder echoed overhead and after a few moments passed with Syus not dropping over in pain, Kěith knew that he wasn't lying. Kěith let out a breath he didn't know he had. It felt good to know he had one more person to back him in this horrible place.
— Syus and Kěith talking
Wolf Bound, Bound Series book 1 scene snippet

Cover image: by Amelia Nite (Canva)
Character Portrait image: by Amelia Nite (Artbreeder)
This article has no secrets.


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