Letter from the Dark Lord

Welcome to Dark Lord Seduction Plan! In a world torn by a conflict between the Light and the Dark, Dark mage Alina only cares about seducing the Dark Lord and getting him to marry her... Come read about her plans, and the world where she lives!
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Table of Contents

De Coroy,
  Add a trigger for the 14th. Power specific. Large.  
Of course, Alina was not able to avoid looking at the letter, seeing how prominently displayed it was on de Coroy's desk. That made her pause for a second, yet the dry form of address, the coded message, and that C as a signature... Surely not standing for Cenlys? The Dark Lord, truly?   De Coroy followed her look. "Oh, that. Just a little extra crafting order I've received from an important client." He made no move to hide it and was not even pretending to be bothered by it.   She raised a dubious eyebrow. "Adding a complex trigger to an artefact after its crafting seems a little difficult in such a short time." And this had to mean a mechanism triggered by a specific power level. Large, however... Something related to the unknown artefact?   De Coroy laughed. "Yes, he likes to send me challenges to test me. It's always fun to see what he's going to ask out of me next."   Definitely the Dark Lord. And with de Coroy being so direct about it—he was finally trusting her despite the differences in their ranks! Being surrounded by disgustingly Light mages all day long had one advantage at least...   "But with the report the Lady Director has just asked of you, this is going to be a bit of a tight deadline." She paused before adding with the same casual nonchalance, "I have some experience with complex trigger mechanisms . If using all resources at your disposal is within the rules, I would be happy to assist you."   Judging by his lazy smile, this had been just what he had been angling for. Alina would have been suspicious if de Coroy had not already taken upon himself to mentor her in smaller ways. This was perfect. Finally an in directly with the Dark Lord! If everything continued as smoothly, she would have him amazed about her skills and fully seduced in no time.


Related Articles

Alina and her Plans
Family Alina's family · Pet (Her Highness Princess Luna kitten) · Fiancé (Christopher Ashenfaures)
Work Rune Guild · Colleagues (Madame Solène de Nivers, Master Sérénius de Coroy, Master Jean Lannoie, Mistress Lanton, Mistress Norine, Guild directors, Ingredient procurers)
Magic Runic magic · Runes · Rituals
Plans Courtship gifts · How to use food to seduce a Dark Lord · Letter from the Dark Lord · Light-activated artefacts

Cover image: Letters by Michal Jarmoluk on Pixabay


Author's Notes

The background of the letter is from ChrisFiedler on Pixabay.

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Jul 10, 2023 22:40 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Oooooo. I somehow don't think it is going to be as simple as Alina thinks, lol.

Jul 12, 2023 17:10 by Amélie I. S. Debruyne

Why, don't you think she's charming enough? :p

To see what I am up to: my Summer Camp 2024.
Jul 13, 2023 11:34 by Marjorie Ariel

I love the little snippet of story. And it's interesting to see Light mages working with the Dark Lord, though I can't say surprising...

Jul 16, 2023 15:09 by Amélie I. S. Debruyne

Thanks :D   The Light mages comment in the snippet might have been a bit confusing without all the background: Alina and de Coroy are both Dark mages and hiding that fact since anything Dark is now illegal. Their colleagues are all Light mages and so they both come together to commiserate on their stupidity XD Here Alina was saying that one good thing came from this fact: this has brought her and de Coroy closer together, something that would not have occurred in other circumstances since he has a more important status than her. I'll add a tooltip to make this clearer :D

To see what I am up to: my Summer Camp 2024.
Jul 19, 2023 05:00 by Marjorie Ariel

Ah, makes sense. Thanks for the clarification!

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