Guild directors Rank/Title in Dark Lord Seduction Plan | World Anvil

Guild directors

Welcome to Dark Lord Seduction Plan! In a world torn by a conflict between the Light and the Dark, Dark mage Alina only cares about seducing the Dark Lord and getting him to marry her... Come read about her plans, and the world where she lives!
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Table of Contents

Guild members—Guild directors


Responsabilities & skills required


A very prestigious and influential title, "Lord/Lady Director"
Need to have the stature & charisma to fit the role


Elected by all members of their guild + approved by the king
Need to be able to represent & satisfy them all


Automatically become royal advisers
Need to have political knowledge & lots of diplomatic skills

Guild directors



Get to decide how their field is going to progress—or not
Need to be ambitious & visionaries


Impact the practice of their field throughout the country
Need to set high standards but also be pragmatic


Not rare to have discontent masters murder them
Need to be powerful & to be able to defend themselves

Of course, the Ladies and Lords Directors would be nothing without their trusted guild administrators. While the Directors deal with the royal court, lofty politics and grand visions for their guilds, their administrators see to the concrete application of these, as well as take care of the actual day-to-day running of the guilds and of the managing of their members and their research.    

Current director of the rune guild—Lady Aliénor Duhaut

Lady Aliénor Duhaut by HayDmitriy on DepositPhotos
Lady Aliénor Duhaut is a rune mistress known for her silver tongue with politicians and her ability to make any sponsors part with their money and be happy about it. This has allowed her to make a few very successful collaborative projects and to be a very looked-after partner among the guilds.   In 10699, she was unsurprisingly voted director of the rune guild by a vast majority of members. Since then, our Lady Director has worked diligently at increasing the official government funding allocated to runic research, representing us in guild disputes, and making us look generally awesome.
Guild members' opinions
We are of course all very satisfied with our Lady Director and appreciative of the huge efforts she goes through on our behalf. Also, could I please finally get my researched program approved? I swear I've done all the revisions you were demanding!
Master Jean Lannoie
I am always very appreciative of the many high-society parties to which the Lady Director invites some of us and of the opportunity she gives us to meet politiciens and influence future policies. She naturally always has my support during guild votes.


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Cover image: The rune guild by Flydragonfly on DepositPhotos


Author's Notes

The slavery-whip icon comes from game-icons.

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Jul 6, 2023 14:02 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

I am side-eyeing those opinions, just in case they are coerced.   Love the titles of Lord Director and Lady Director!

Emy x   Etrea | Vazdimet
Jul 8, 2023 17:58 by Amélie I. S. Debruyne

Thanks :D I was calling them all directors before I remember it would not be the most common term used in English XD But then I decided I it would be perfect with the Lord/Lady in front XD   Why would these opinions be coerced? Are you suggesting the Lady Director is not perfectly admirable and lovable on her own??? :p

Jul 9, 2023 19:28 by Molly Marjorie

lol the quotes about the current director are hilarious.

Check out Natural Magic : a coming of age fantasy novel, because life is hard enough when you're fourteen, even without saving the world. Or listen to it in podcast form .
Jul 12, 2023 17:16 by Amélie I. S. Debruyne

Thanks! I think I'm going to use quotes like that with all of my employee biographies to have some fun with showing their relationships beyond the official façade :D

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