Amélie I. S. Debruyne

Fantastical worlds filled with romance, magical science, manners, and deadly politics. Romantic Fantasy, Science Fantasy, High Fantasy, Alternate History, and Contemporary Romance.
Fantastical worlds filled with romance, magical science, manners, and deadly politics.

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Deathly Flowers

Romantasy short story   The rash action of her neighbour, Heir Lyrienne, forces Éldorine to go with him into the deadly Black Forest in search of miracle apples.  

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The Empire of the Covenant

The Magical University of Lille

Portal to Sérannie

Empire of the Covenant
Romantic High Fantasy series set in a millennia-old federal empire with hundreds of independent Estate.
Each Estate is ruled by a powerful mage who is linked to the ancestral magic of their Land. The series explores the conflicts between the two main political parties, the Light and the Dark, and between the mages ruling the empire and those that are subjected to their rules. In book 1, Annabelle initiates Courtship Rituals in a desperate attempt to gather allies before the Dark Lord kills her.

The Magical University of Lille
Romantic Science Fantasy series set in 19th century France.
Adélaïde is a lecturer in the university of Lille, content with dealing with spoilt-brat students, academic politics, and the cut-throat race for funding and promotions. However, when the Chosen One prophesied to kill the Dark Lord is admitted among her students, she attracts the attention of both the king and the Dark Lord in question.

Portal to Sérannie
Romantic Portal Fantasy novel set in a Roman-style world on the brink of a civil war.
Isabelle is a young French woman who was called to Sérannie to help them defeat their Dark Lord. Once she did—and brilliantly so—they thank her by throwing her away back to our world. She is not happy about this and is determined to go back, whatever the price she has to pay to do so.

The Engineering Corps

Dark Lord Seduction Plan

Divine Tyranny

The Engineering Corps
Romantic Science Fantasy and Alternative History series set in 19th century France.
Adalinde is the new leader of the engineering corps following the death of all her superior officers during a bloody battle. She has to rebuild the corps, continue the race for military technological innovations, and face the king and his nefarious political schemes. Yet, this time of revolutions. As an outsider, coming from recently conquered lands, Adalinde is only a small misstep away from the guillotine...

Dark Lord Seduction Plan

In a world torn by a war between the Light and Dark factions, Alina is a Dark mage with a plan: if she's going to be forced to marry, she will only accept the best parti in all of the country: the Dark Lord himself. All that remains is to convince him...

Romantic High Fantasy novel set in a world torn between Light and Dark political parties.
Alina is disgusted at the idea of marrying the fiancé arranged by her family. If she is going to marry at all, it will only be with the most eligible man of the country! And who is more eligible than the Dark Lord himself? Her fiancé discreetly pushed out of the way, Alina now only needs to make the Dark Lord notice just how amazing she is...

Divine Tyranny
Romantic High Fantasy novel set in a world where all-powerful gods play with mortals' life for their own entertainment.
Even mortals like Master Archivist Cécile who do not wish to play are forced to suffer the consequences and hope they never catch a god's attention. Unfortunately, a new royal heir selection is coming, and the quarrelling water and forging gods are going to use it as a proxy to settle their conflict. And this time, they are interested in the archives...

Imperial Soulmates

Soul Jars

Rome and the Sasanians

Imperial Soulmates
Romantic Sci-fi Fantasy novel set in a futuristic fantasy world with solarpunk technology.
Hélène is happy with her anonymous life, hiding her status as one of the emperor's soulmates. Yet, when he is kidnapped, she cannot resist using their magical connection to save him to have him lift the legal curse on her friend as a reward. Unfortunately, this exposes her secret, making the emperor highly suspicious of her, a dangerous thing while being forced to live in a palace full of intrigues...

Soul Jars
Fantasy Romance novella set in a city of a thousand towers at the heart of a magical technological revolution.
Galatée died millenia ago and was resting in the imperial mausoleum under the city. However, her soul jar was stolen and used to animate an automated body. She awakens without memory, with someone calling herself her mistress putting a knife in her hand and pointing her towards the tower where her enemy resides.

Rome and the Sasanians
Romantic High Fantasy and Alternative History novel set in a 4th century Roman Empire
The Sasanians are renewing their attack against the Roman empire. This forces the emperor's estranged consort and daughter to come back to Rome. There, Livia, the daughter in question, is thrust at the centre of her parent's quarrels, the deadly politics of the imperial court, and the attention of the Sasanian king.

Challenges of Magical University Life

Victorian Evil Scientists

Magical Maths

Challenges of Magical University Life
Romantic Science Fantasy and Slice-of-Life series about daily life in a magical university.
Noéline tricked her way into the premier university of the country despite not being a noble and not having huge amount of magic at her disposal. She is now struggling to keep pace with her classes and the students' drama, but she is determined not to let anything come in the way of her success, no matter who she has to crush to do so!

Victorian Evil Scientists
Steampunk Romantic Fantasy novella set in an alternative mid-19th century Europe.
Clothilde is a chemist in a French research laboratory. Despite her doctorate, she is stuck doing menial laboratory work; after all, real research and funding are reserved for men. To make matter worse, she is kidnapped by an evil Dark Lord. He drags her to his secret base to get her to do some terrible experiments, giving her threats and... unlimited budget?

Magical Maths
Romantic Science Fantasy novel set in a secondary world.
A royal mathematician gets noticed by the king and dragged into deadly court politics. This makes it harder for her to hide her chronic pain in a world that looks down on disabilities.

Other projects: Academia Romance, The City of the Hundred Fiefs; Poisonous Mist; Desert; The Polish Exiles; The Vampire Court; Independent Short Stories.

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