Florian, the Green Lord

"And where he walked, greenery flowed like rivers to make lush forests and bountiful meadows. And at the three peaks of the world, he planted the Seeds of Life. Behold the World Trees, where the glory of Florian grows for all the see."
— from the poetry of the elf Alinaliin

The god of all greenery, he is the Fifth Dream of Malorel and a member of the Circle of Ímlæs. He governs the third month of the year, Orien, when the fertile moon is dominant.

Florian is the creator and guardian of all plant life. He is also the creator of the elves, and they are considered his sacred people, charged with the care and protection of the three World Trees. He works in tandem with Drakala to protect the wild, and when he appears to mortals he looks like an unnaturally slender man with bark-like skin and leafy vines in place of hair.

Tenets of Faith

Holy Books & Artifacts

Holidays & Festivals


Florian, the Green Lord


Towards Drakala, the Queen of Beasts

Drakala, the Queen of Beasts


Towards Florian, the Green Lord

Florian, the Green Lord


Towards Tempasera, Goddess of Time

Tempasera, Goddess of Time


Towards Florian, the Green Lord

Florian, the Green Lord


Towards Noxera, Goddess of Night

Noxera, Goddess of Night


Towards Florian, the Green Lord

Alternate Names


Plants and Greenery

Symbols & Signs

A tree or budding sprout

Divine Goals

Divine Relations

Father: none, created by Malorel

Mother: none

Spouse/Romantic Interest:

Children: The Four Seasons (Vern, Soon, Auctum, Nival), Felgrem (Poison), Morbrem (Plague), Cimexi (Bugs)

Siblings: none


Parents (Adopting)


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