Dominitheo Character in Dálnaes | World Anvil


Little is known of Dominitheo by the general public beyond that he was a fanatic follower of Chaos. His name has been purged from all but the restricted history books in the Hall of Records in Araniae for fear that others might attempt to follow in his footsteps. He has been attributed with many heinous acts, including the destruction of C'Oros Mialga, the near complete genocide of surface-dwelling Kilgrothians, and the corruption of hundreds of young elves and wüldfrael.  

Early Life

Dominitheo's early years are not well-documented. What is known was gathered by the elves during their efforts to track down all who were struck by the same catastrophe that first turned him to Chaos. Originally called Dominithiin, he and his twin sister Dominiliin were born to a respected wüldfraeli female. They had no permanent home, but their small group traveled mostly throughout the northwestern parts of the Enchanted Wood.   Sometime around his ascension to adulthood (roughly thirty years of age), Dominithiin and his kin were visiting an elven settlement when an explosion of Chaotic power and energy destroyed the settlement and mercilessly corrupted all those within. No one is entirely sure where it came from, but it is theorized that a traveling Kilgrothian mage was responsible. Many died from the sheer levels of power released. Others were driven insane. Dominithiin and his sister were the only wüldfrael that survived, but they were changed forever. Utterly corrupted by Chaos, they and the corrupted elves - dubbed dark elves by their kin - fled the Wood and entered the mountains of Kilgroth.  

The Rise of the Dark Elves

What followed was a ferocious purge of Kilgrothian cities as Dominithiin - now calling himself Dominitheo - and his twin led the elves on a genocidal march through the icy kingdom. Their goal has never been fully understood, but as they went they gathered more and more to the worship of Chaos. Dominitheo was relentless in his obsession, killing and corrupting Kilgrothians indiscriminately. His dark elf followers, driven into a half-mad state by their corruption, followed without question, drawn to the Chaotic beacon that Dominitho was rapidly becoming.   Eventually, Dominitheo and his followers descended into Kilgroth's Underrealm. For the next two hundred years, their whereabouts and activities remain unknown. It is assumed Dominitheo continued gathering followers, considering what happened next.  

The Fall of the World Tree

After over two hundred years of silence, the elves of the Wood had managed to mostly repair the damage done by the explosion of Chaos. They mourned those lost and sent prayers to Florian to forgive their corrupted kin. The elves and nelfyn of C'Oros Mialga, the Tree of Song, joined together in a near constant chorus of healing and protection so that the Wood would never be harmed so again.   Unfortunately, Dominitheo had not been idle. Whether for personal gain or by the will of Chaos, he reappeared at the edge of the western Wood with an army even larger than before, comprised of dark elves, Kilgrothians, and Elbris alike. With the power granted to them by Chaos, Dominitheo and his sister forced the Wood's web of power to open for them and marched their followers straight to the World Tree. No one was prepared for such an attack, and by the time the Kingdom Council managed to rally the Wood's people for a counter-attack, C'Oros Mialga was already under siege.  
Amazingly, it was the humans who were the swiftest to defend the World Tree. Led by Sorchia Ímlerin, the newly created Wings of Etherea soared to action against the invaders. The battle that followed devastated the land for leagues around the Tree of Song. As the local elves desperately fought against Dominitheo's attempts to corrupt the Tree, the nelfyns and humans engaged the invaders. The nelfyns were forced to use their Voices to destroy almost as much as they saved, and the dragons the humans rode upon wreaked havoc on the forest even as they killed their enemies. While her brother worked his magic to corrupt the World Tree, Dominitheo's sister engaged Sorchia Ímlerin directly. Divine and Chaotic power clashed with colossal force. In the end, the High Sorceress was victorious. Her victory was short-lived, however, as during her struggle, Dominitheo succeeded in weaving Chaos' corruption around C'Oros Mialga. The Wood's protectors watched in horror as the Tree of Song began to rot from within. From crown to roots, Chaos swept through the World Tree without mercy, and as it began spreading into the forest beyond, Sorchia Ímlerin made a heartbreaking decision. Summoning every ounce of divine power she could, she blasted the Tree with godfire, choosing to destroy the great tree rather than let the power of Chaos spread. The armies of the Kingdom Council arrived as the Tree burned and viciously cut down the remaining invaders. Dominitheo managed to flee with a few of his followers, vowing that he would return with the full might of Chaos.  


Although Dominitheo vanished and is presumed dead, the effects of his actions can still be felt throughout Dálnaes. The destruction of C'Oros Mialga left a permanent rift in the Wood. Anyone approaching the site will find nothing but ash and dead, stone trees for days before reaching the remains of the Tree itself. The ulüliandir were forced from their homes in eastern Elbrith as the Tree's destruction claimed the forests there. The elves and nelfyn have made many attempts to restore the Tree, but the lingering Chaotic corruption has stopped every effort.   Kilgroth continues to suffer under the yoke of Chaos that Dominitheo forged. With each passing generation, more and more Kilgrothians turn away from the gods to worship Chaos. Though the surface-dwellers have maintained a diplomatic presence for other kingdoms, the Underrealm is almost entirely overrun by Chaos worshipers.   As for Dominitheo himself, he is spoken of only in hushed tones, and is considered by those who still know of him to be the most dangerous of Chaos' servants to ever walk Dálnaes.
Image by skeeze from Pixabay


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