Ferish the Half-Orc

Warchief Ferish the Half-Orc

"There is little to endear me to those who abandon their weakest members, give me a reason to care for those who do that."

Physical Description

General Physical Condition


Identifying Characteristics


Facial Features


Body Features

Physical Quirks

Special Abilities

Apparel & Accessories


Specialized Equipment


Mental Characteristics

Intellectual Characteristics

Morality, Philosophy & Taboos


Early Life



Accomplishments & Achievements

Failures & Embarrassments


Personality Characteristics



Savvies & Ineptitudes


Personality, Quirks, & Vices






Religious Views

Social Aptitude


Wealth & Financial State


Family Ties and Contacts







Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Scarred and weathered, she has both her eyes looking to the world clearly, though reading small lettering has become a greater challenge than it once was.

While the definition to her musculature has faded, when she acts there are still echoes of her youthful strength, from the solid grip of a hand shake to joining her warriors when her camp or current town residence is under attack. She rarely removes her heavy plate armor boots.

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Her bones break easier than when she was younger, so she tends to use her armor as makeshift splints, particularly her boots.

Body Features

Olive-gray skin marked with grayer scars. Some scars look as if they were from bones puncturing the skin, others as if pieces of the sharp pointy weapons had been left within as she healed.
Her black hair has been cut to settle at ear-length, though the uneven ends suggest she takes her own knives to her hair instead of going to a professional.
Her hands have been scarred long ago for the most part, the more recent scars indicate hand-to-blade fighting, while the older scars suggest she fought without gauntlets.
She rarely removes her plated boots, but if one were to see her bare legs below her knees, they would see scars from magical burns, puncture-scars, and would see her feet scarred from when she had had to fight barefoot or in thin shoes.
Overall, she is as tall as the average Orc woman, towering over Human women and easily eye to eye if not taller than Human men. To go with her height, she has the muscle to carry plate armor, even at her age, and the weight of a Human man.

Facial Features

The left side of her lower jaw has "winkle"-like burn scars in gray instead of the more olive tones of her unmarked skin.
The left tusk has also been burnt and marked from previous fights. Its twin on her right side has been chipped on the front-most side.
Her ears are unadorned, but the right ear looks like it had once had a piercing that had been partly ripped from her ear.
Her eyes are more a swamp-muddy dark hazel than the stark brown and green of most humans, and are one of the clearest marks of her human heritage along her shorter tusks.
She hasn't bothered with warpaint or makeup since her young adult years when she was trying to be more accepted by humans. The blood of herself or her own enemies that has decorated her face from the actions of battle are warpaint enough for her since not long after Ilneval took her into his ranks of paladins and chosen warriors.

Identifying Characteristics

The burn scars on her left, the burn-marked left tusk.

Physical quirks

Right-handed, with some familiarity for using her left hand.
With a preference for wearing plate armor, she has a heavy step, though no longer runs in it.
She stands tall, preferring to dare any challenger to fight her over slouching as if defeated before drawing her weapon.
She carries her weapons along her waist with the exception of her shield, and her gear is usually left in camp or stored in Bags of Minor Holding carried along a bandolier across her chest.

Special abilities

A chosen warrior for the orc god of strategy, glory, and bold action, she has the powers of a paladin.

Apparel & Accessories

When within her "home", a fortified permanent camp, she sometimes wears a knitted hat described by many behind her back as "hideous" and "proof she is unflappable and proud to say she loves her mother".
The hat is all the more garish in combination with her preference for wearing green tunics and brown jerkins tucked into her plate boots.
Most of the time outside her camp, she wears plate armor and has four days' worth of under-armor layers in her travel packs to wear her under-armor at all times while on the road.
Her steel plate armor is scarred with scratches and burn marks, though dents and deep marks have been either corrected, reforged, or cause for replacement.

Specialized Equipment

While any melee weapon in her hands can be used for her work in Ilneval's name, she performs best with a sword and shield.
She tries to avoid developing a special attachment to her current sword, but does mourn each one when it does break, or is lost to her.
She is, however, attached to her shield. It is a heavy heater shield with the heraldry of Ilneval on the front. It is worn with the guige (strap) crossing the opposite from her Bandolier of Bags of Minor Holding.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

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She is supposedly not from this world, having been in a fight against a Vampire Mage when said mage opened a portal to send Ferish "Anywhere but here". Ferish woke up, and had lost all connection to the God she had been following during her young adult years.

For several years, Ferish wandered the wilderness of Theydim, wandering into town when she needed supplies and doing small helpful jobs to try and encourage the local guardsmen and lawkeepers to be more effective until one day, she stopped a lawman from grossly abusing his power against a poor family who could not afford to pay taxes.

The deity heard her warcry and touched her as she struck the lawman with her sword, turning the attack into a smite. Emboldened by her reconnection to the gods, the gods of a half she had tried to cut herself off for years while among Humans, she held the lawman accountable for abusing his power and negotiated for the family to work off their taxes in a more productive way than causing the family harm.

She traveled again as a Paladin, where the records of her activities fade after joining a rogue and heading into a small town called Oakenfield.

The records pick up again much later, and Ferish has been gathering warriors to her side as Theydim falls into civil war. Where the bickering humans seeking to be the heir to the High King throw around thin promises to the people, she leads her forces in to towns to purge and bring justice to those who needlessly break the laws - by blade or by word. She has trained law enforcement for the towns to defend their homes from raiders and bandits.

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Changing things the was she has been brought her to the attention of the two main factions of the civil war as a viable threat to the ways Theydim had been ruled before.

Gender Identity

Female, she, her


Her father was a bard (though not one of renown skill), so she learned of many tales and stories from him as she grew up in a clan that generally snubbed her, and he taught her some of her basic reading abilities. She mostly learned from experience, or from obsessively learning the stories, myths, and legends of people or places, and found some slightly greater acceptance from Humans.

As she took command of the far South-West Theyrim, she welcomed bards out of memory of her father and asked magic users to tell her about their magicks.

Her political education is mostly taking what she knows of from myths and legends, and applying them to her experience. Most of her laws focus on defending the whole, with reparasions being paid in labor or other aid to the community instead of punishment for most deeds, as she figured that if such punishments were generally acceptable for the legends, then they could be applied to mortals of today.

Her herblore is adequate enough for wandering the wilderness and not dying right away, and is mostly developed from personal experience or things she had learned from others informally.


Warband Leader.
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Potentially the one or some of following, based on player actions-
King of Theyrim
Military Advisor to the King of Theydim
Exile (independent nation absorbed back into Theydim, Ferish became a Fallen Paladin)
Traitor to Theyrim
Warchief of Ferinias (independent nation)

Accomplishments & Achievements

  • Unifying the far South-West corner of Theydim and stabilizing the area
  • Some other bits to be worked out in-lore

Failures & Embarrassments

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    Fighting a Vampire Mage, she was pushed into a portal to this kingdom. When she woke up, she had lost her connection with the god she had been trying to follow, and as such, lost her Paladin abilities.
    Her habit of pushing or ramming doors when in ancient buildings or ruins, made more embarrassing if the door was absolutely openable or very breakable.

Mental Trauma

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She lost her connection to one of her Gods when she "appeared" in the realm, and thus suffers some self doubt she covers with blustering arrogance.
If connection is lost once again, she could resort to committing unspeakable acts until a God communicates once more with her. (Alignment Shift)

Intellectual Characteristics

She is not dumb, she can logically reason things, but sometimes when she speaks, what she says fails to properly convey her ideas. This was more obvious and a frequent frustration when she was younger.

She can play music, but declines to sing. When pressed into playing an instrument, she tends to play a woodwind instrument into a simpler tune. She will not be playing symphonic pieces because she never learned them.

She is smart enough to know that when she doesn't know something but knows someone who does and is within practical contact, she should ask that being for advise. She also knows legends are legends and not everything in them will work in the same way.

Morality & Philosophy

Short Story - Lawful Good Is Not Nice.
The weak are to be defended, like one's pets would be.
Lies and deceit are the tools of weak cowards.
Authority is to be respected, but that respect must be earned through strength of mind or body.
The Gods can be finicky, but are the founding stones to reality, and the source of absolute true power, and those who become legends are only legends because the Gods wish it.


    Treating pets/the weak like garbage.
    Disregarding the Gods and their powers.
    Going against one's God or Goddess they had chosen or been chosen to follow.

Personality Characteristics


To form a world where the law is obeyed and the people cared for.
To be remembered for glorious deeds.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

She is not as graceful as she used to be, though she is by no means clumsy.

Vices & Personality flaws

A recovering Glory Hound, sometimes she slips up and goes chasing after some rumored legend of something strong to fight.

Personality Quirks

The verbal tic "I, Ferish the Half-Orc," a holdover from her younger, more arrogant days.
Stabbing people with a fork if they steal food in front of her.
If someone commits a minor crime in her presence, she can usually let the person go if there is no major harm to the whole, but has still smacked pickpockets and the like upside the head, even if they were assisting in her own quest.


She keeps herself very clean, a rumored habit she formed while among her human mother's family. Her father taught her of hygiene, but not to the same strict levels as the Humans.
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She left when she realized she could never "clean" herself up enough to be accepted by her mother's family because of her orc blood. Her mother was hardly the paragon of cleanliness.


Religious Views

She lost her ties to one god before, by being separated by too many worlds.
Her rekindled ties to her orc heritage and gods has led to her being very devout in belief, even if not in practices.
She believes her actions and deeds will stand up before the scrutiny of Gruumsh and the gods of death when it is her time.

Social Aptitude

She ... Her actions speak better for her than her words, but even her actions have been misunderstood in the past. For the most part, she can avoid outright offending others beyond being a "half-breed" or "orc."
Her diplomatic skills are better when among Orcs, though some purists deride her for being "half-man."
Her blustering volume of noise can make her seem confident or overconfident, but losing her connection to her god the first time has scarred her into constantly trying to prove she is worthy of [Ilneval's] blessings.
She enjoys being among people, but not always the center of attention unless the conversation steers towards the direction of her "Great Deeds," but she is happy to regale the tales of the great deeds others had done in their mighty quests.
She learned many of her human mannerisms from her mother's human family, but the complexities of the various titles Humans, Elves, Dwarves, and others can carry eventually fall into a handful of titles she will use more often than names:

    Princess/Prince/Lordling - Anyone of at least seemingly high nobility, lordling being for children of nobility.
    Boss - Whoever she is working for.
  • Her warband calls her this if they're the older veterans.
    Sneak - Anyone tied to criminals.
    Warrior - Any non-paladin melee user.
    Magic One - Druids, Mages, Wizards, Sorcerors.
    Knight - Paladins.
    Priest - Clerics, Priests, any not-Paladins touched by a God/dess or Gods/Goddesses
    Various nicknames- she means them well, though sometimes it is because she doesn't remember a person's name.


"I, Ferish the Half-Orc." Verbal tic, still being worked out of her speech patterns.

Hobbies & Pets

She views the weak who live in the lands she defends as her pets she is training up to become strong, or at least stronger than they are.
Listening to stories of glory, collecting books recording those legends, tracking down the truths to the legends.


An awkward accent of sorts, like she has the words, but they aren't being voiced right.
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Because she isn't from this world, she has to adapt her speech to those around her, and sometimes forgets they have no idea what she may be talking about.


Orc deity of strategy, law, and vengeance

God (Important)

Towards Ferish the Half-Orc



Ferish the Half-Orc

Worshipper (Vital)

Towards Orc deity of strategy, law, and vengeance




Ilneval took Ferish into his favor when she was without a god and after she had proven herself to careful in her considerations for action, and bold in her chosen actions.

Wealth & Financial state

She likely has accumulated coffers many nobles may be envious of, through her adventuring years of picking up weapons and selling them and completing jobs around the realms.
She is dependant on blacksmiths to help her maintain her gear when she has a habit of picking fights with large beasts to test her strength, to the point she will locate blacksmiths and sell her scavenged gear to them before anyone else, and ensures the protection of blacksmiths when she is in town (not a racketeer scheme, but any and all thefts are resolved faster when she is in town or the town is part of her collective union).
Lawful Orcish Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Warchief - [Actually an Orcish title of a different sound, but it roughly translates to "Strong Leader Who Did Not Inherit"
Year of Birth
7 .2A 43 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Daughter of a bard (Orc Father) and a warrior (Human Mother), she was a product of fondness (if not love).
Circumstances of Death
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Unless killed by Player Characters or by Player Character Actions, will die in battle, in a duel, or poisoned. Old Age is unlikely.
Current Residence
Dark Brown, near black
Black, short and clean.
6 foot 4 inches
Known Languages
    Common - can speak and read
    Orcish - can speak, read, write
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    High Orc, can speak
    Dwarvish - can recognize the lettering as being the same as her original Orcish alphabet, but not the same letter sounds or words.
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    Ancient - can read the lettering as original Common, but the words do not match her original Common

Cover image: by Lyraine Alei, Midjourney


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Jan 18, 2021 23:53 by Diane Morrison

I love this character! What a rich history! I also appreciate characters who challenge the built-in assumptions of DnD. Ferish would fit well with the orcs of my world. I like her a lot.

Author of the Wyrd West Chronicles and the Toy Soldier Saga. Mother of Bunnies, Eater of Pickles, Friend of Nerds, First of her Name.
Jan 19, 2021 00:22 by Lyraine Alei

She was one of the very first articles I wrote on WorldAnvil, and she was the one I basically built Corive for before throwing in other PCs I had rolled up and played in a table where Death Just Happened regardless of narrative or anything. She was also fun to recreate when I was trying to "back port" her to 3e/3.5e because there were rules on how a Paladin had to act and their values, but I wanted to see how much I could twist those rules to still follow the letter, if not the spirit.
I'm glad to hear she'd fit in your setting - I enjoyed taking the built-in frameworks and saying "You say I can't, but what if I could?"

Lyraine, Consumer of Lore, She/Her, primary project: Corive