Drowner's Wood expeditions Document in Corive | World Anvil
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Drowner's Wood expeditions

Content Warning - Drowning, Harm To Children By Supernatural Being
  Over the course of the last several centuries, the The Order of Speared Light were sent out to the Drowner's Wood. Their mission was to clear and remove the Pond Musician who had terrorized the area, killing without regard.   While most would disagree with the Order's persuit of any being they deemed "unnatural" - even the Children of Nature as the Pond Musicians are - those critics agree the attempts were right in the case of the Drowner's Woods.   One well respected member of the Order, OrderRankNameHere Verti NameLater, led a rescue when hearing about a group of children who had just gone missing that morning. Three hours after entering the woods, two of the missing six children stumbled out, crying about a lyre and breathing water but not air. They reported how they were able to escape only when VertiNameLater disrupted the Musician's playing.   Another team of locals cautiously entered the woods and found the anciet remains of pond, the bodies of the four children, and the entire ten-person team of Order members. In the center of the once-pond, rested an intact lyre. The bodies were found to have been drowned where water had not flowed for centuries.   OrderRankNameLater Verti NameLater led the only successful rescue mission against the Drowner's Wood Musician. In the nearby town, there is a statue to him. Since the rescue, no other individuals lost to the woods have escaped, and the Musician has either hidden from persuers or eliminated them from his forest.
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Cover image: by Lyraine Alei, Artbreeder


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Nov 3, 2022 06:09

A great mythic shot with suggestions of adventures....fetch or protect the lyre? Who wants it and why? Just what powers? Fascinating.

Nov 3, 2022 20:51 by Lyraine Alei

Or destroy the lyre, that's always an option.

Lyraine, Consumer of Lore, She/Her, primary project: Corive