Loscivia Aenai Character in Corexus | World Anvil

Loscivia Aenai

The one and only queen of the High Lamia that conquered the entire world

Queen Loscivia Optimia Aenai (a.k.a. The Scalequeen)

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Loscivia was in many ways the image many mortals think of, even now, when they think of "The Perfect Beauty". She was perfectly proportioned, in incredible physical shape, and stood as tall and as towering as a castle in her true form. As she eventually ascended into Godhood by digesting millions, she gained divine health and never knew a disease, ailment, malady, or any other condition all of her life until she was slain. She had a perfectly curvy body toned with rippling muscle, and was in such fantastical physical shape and was so beautiful that she was likened to a divine being or marble statue...such that few felt inferior around her, as they likened her more to a divinely beautiful goddess than a mortal to whom they should compare themselves.

Body Features

Like all High Lamia, her body was covered in scales and her lower half was a massive coiling tail of muscle. Her upper body was that of a beautiful human female with beautiful curves and proportions and fair but tanned skin.

Facial Features

Her face was a beautiful porcelain, with neither scar nor blemish anywhere to be found in its gentle but regal jawline and facial structure. Her eyes were a reptilian golden while her hair cascaded down her face and shoulders in beautiful crimson braids held together by gold clasps and jewelry.

Special abilities

As a powerful warrior-queen who ascended into literal godhood, Loscivia was gifted with impressive martial abilities on top of the massive and deadly suite of abilities already made available to High Lamia...and once she became a goddess, she was nearly invincible and could alter the world's terrain with but a thought, and became almost invincible on the battlefield.   Like all High Lamia, she possessed a massive Pheremone Aura that prevented all but the strongest willed creatures from taking hostile actions against her, and that brainwashed any who got close enough to smell her and allow her pheremones to worm into their minds. She also had notoriously lethal stomach that acted more as a demiplanar space capable of containing hundreds of creatures at a time, and could knock creatures unconscious with a squeeze of her tail, could tear them in half with any one of her four arms, and much, much more.   Most dangerously however, like many others of her kind, her words alone were a deadly weapon...other creatures even before her ascension to godhood could not help but obey her, as she had a mastery of utilizing her Pheremones and Hypnotic Speech and Body Movements that she could, with but a word, make all but the strongest willed creatures kill themselves in a zealous frenzy to obey her to curry her favor.

Apparel & Accessories

Like most High Lamia, she often wore nothing at all save for golden decorations to adorn her beautiful form, which many High Lamia believed needed no covering nor protection. Aside from her myraid of gorgeous golden and platinum adornments in her hair, on her body and her tail, she occasionally wore a beautiful set of red silks to cover her upper half beneath some armor that, while functional, was mostly for adornment and intimidation, as her skin was far harder than any armor.   Whatever she wore, she wore to accentuate her natural beauty, and as such often left herself exposed in some way so her body was the primary thing to notice, rather than the clothes she wore.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

For more on the history of Loscivia Aenai and the Age of Scales, see the Age of Scales timeline.


Like many High Lamia, she was a highly sexual creature who preferred to seperate her sexual and romantic lives. She enjoyed sex and all the hedonistic pleasure of life as an enjoyable distraction from her royal duty and as a means of contuining her bloodlines, but rarely cared to keep her partner alive afterward, eating them and digesting them or, if they were lucky, using their body to fertilize one of her eggs to birth one of her children.   For love, she kept many lovers both High Lamiaand otherwise, with many Kobolds, Dragonborn, and even the occasional Sea Elf or Human lover as well...particularly, she was known to keep a very diverse harem of fairly sophisticated lovers to discuss current events and such with, to keep her intellectually stimulated.


She is assumed to have had no formal education growing up in her tribe.

Accomplishments & Achievements

The creation of The Aenorian Empire, the conquest of the entire world of Ea, and the subjugation and enslavement of almost all the creatures of the world are but a few of her accomplishments. She also led her Empire into conquest of The Aurelian Hegemony of Man and laid it low like none had done before, and expanded her holdings into the Great Star Ocean before her untimely demise, propelling her people in several golden ages of scientific, cultural, and economic development.

Failures & Embarrassments

Her first and major embarassment was her humiliation at the hands of the Dragon King after she successfully devoured his predecessor, giving her her first loss to another creature in history in an event that led to the fall of her empire and the end of the Age of Scales.

Morality & Philosophy


Personality Characteristics


Loscivia was driven entirely by a powerful, all-consuming desire to unite her people who had previously been a scattered, barbaric one and give them a single, cohesive home free of persecution at the hands of others such as The Aurelian Hegemony of Man. Later on, once the The Aenorian Empire had been established and that goal achieved, her motivation quickly became to enact her bloody revenge on every single one of the tormentors who revel in the exploitation of others, or who do so without thinking...she wanted to give a home to all those who suffered at the hands of others, and most important, to give her children and her people the best gift of all:   The Entire World.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Excellent Warrior, Leader, Cook, Tactician, Mother, ???   Inept at ???

Likes & Dislikes

Likes: Eating creatures whole(Especially Humans and Elves), Getting her way, Caring for her Children, Cooking, Gardening, The Letter 'A', Gemstones, Punishing those who take advantage of or persecute others for no good reason, The sound of breaking bones   Dislikes: Those who persecute or take advantage of others for no good reason, Humans, Losing, Ugliness, Eating too quickly, ???

Virtues & Personality perks

Extremely charismatic and an excellent leader. Incredibly beautiful and intelligent, and is a highly capable warrior and tactician. Mastered a great many talents from cooking to gardening, and always strove to master more. Very driven and caring for her children and her people, as well as others who proved in need of nurturing.

Vices & Personality flaws

Hedonistic and Narcissistic. Self-Absorbed and Confident to the point of Arrogance. An extreme perfectionist, and cannot tolerate the idea of failure in herself or her children. Gluttonous and Enjoying accentuating her meals by inflicting pain and suffering on them before they are digested. She was often keen to indulge in her own arrogance and force others to lavish praise and worship upon her, sometimes even making them admit their own inferiority to her aloud before she would swallow and digest them, and would often delay such a digestion until she had been sufficiently pleased by their fawning.


She was known to keep a very clean appearance and had a massive marble-halled bathhouse in the grounds of her palace that she and her children had exclusively access to. Cleanliness, to her, was one of the things that defined civilization from barbarity.


Contacts & Relations

Loscivia was known by every single creature in the world in her prime, for sure was a figure of such infamy and power that she was worshipped as a Goddess by her Empire, and feared as an invincible, soulcrushing tyrant by all her foes. She eventually enslaved or recruited nearly every single creature in the world into her Empire, and thus there was nothing and no one she could not control, contact, or find.

Family Ties

Loscivia was well-known as a woman who enjoyed the pleasures of physicality, and as such laid countless eggs during her lifetime as Queen which hatched into 8 children...her mother and father are unknown and forgotten, but the line she started continued on, and is rumored to still continue on to the modern day. Her direct children were so powerful they each became Goddesses in their own right by the end of the Age of Scales, though most all are believed to have been slain in the fall of the Aenorian Empire or some time thereafter...though a few are rumored to have escape the purge of the Aenai line and may yet linger in the forgotten corners of the world.

Religious Views

While she was not faithless, Loscivia was a self-absorbed, haughty queen of a woman who believed and worshipped nothing more than beauty, and thus herself. She was her own Goddess, touted herself as such, and demanded respect and worship from others wherever she went.

Social Aptitude

Loscivia was a both a highly charismatic woman, possessing of such an ample amount of beauty that many are said to have died for the mere chance to be in her presence, but was yet a cunningly ferocious predator who held her position through a mixture of charismatic power and lethal brutality to those who opposed her. She motivated crowds with her fanciful words and inspiring speeches, and kept them in line through a mixture of fear and awe before her overwhelming power.   She was highly extroverted, and enjoyed watching others squirm in her presence...she knew of Etiquette and Manners, but never extended them to others - Those were things she was due from others, not something she was required to give to them, and those who dared disagree quickly became familiar with the inside of her throat and stomach as she devoured them whole.

Wealth & Financial state

As the God-Queen of The Aenorian Empire, Loscivia was not merely wealthy; She had, by the end of her reign, conquered the entire known world and yoked almost every single creature beneath the banner of her Empire either as a slave or as a citizen...there was no resource she did not have, no item she did not possess, and no treasure she did not, at point, have for herself.   She conquered countless kingdoms and amassed their wealth as her own, slew True Dragons and took their hoards for herself, and even laid low the legendary hero king Drogun Thrumaz and the invincible Dwarven Fortress-City of Suras Kerlith, once thought as invincible and unbreakable a bastion as could ever exist in the Mortal World, and took its nigh-infinite vaults as her own.   By the end of her reign, her treasury was said to have contained all the world's treasures...with no exaggeration, she was believed to have held every divine artifact, every magical item, and almost every coin and valuable in the world, though much of it was scattered when she died and her Empire fell it can almost all be traced back to her.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Scalequeen, The Titansnake, God-Queen Aenai, Bane of High Humanity, Devourer of Kings, The Mountain-Lamia, The Civilization-Eater
1467 BF 376 BF 1091 years old
Circumstances of Birth
The exact circumstances of her birth have been lost to time.
Circumstances of Death
She was slain by a party of heroes in a heroic quest that heralded the end of the Age of Scales, her sudden and tragic death bringing about the fall of the Aenorian Empire.
She was born in the verdant jungles of Daedara, which stood where The Wild Lands now does.
Golden, Reptilian
Long, Braided, Crimson
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
White, Tanned, Scaley
6.2m(20.34ft) normally. 171.9m(564ft) true form.
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations

The Aenorian Family Tree

Articles under Loscivia Aenai


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