Paphymes Aenai Character in Corexus | World Anvil

Paphymes Aenai

The Eldest Princess and Archmage of the Aenorian Empire

Princess Paphymes Aenai (a.k.a. The Aenorian Archmagi)

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Paphymes had a body in incredible shape, though she did not working out and made no effort to maintain it. Instead, she kept her body supple and soft so that it showed no visible muscle mass with an emphasis on her feminine charms, as she thought muscles detracted from beauty if they were incredibly visible. She used the creatures she devoured to pad out her body in all the right places and made sure she was more supple, soft, and curvy than she was muscular. Oftentimes, her dramatically curvy and large body demanded she receive custom tailored outfits from Aenorian Tailors, lest her physique burst her outfits apart.   She was in fantastic shape all her life, maintained her physicality with regular and punctual meals of creatures with physical traits she wished to add to herself or accentuate on herself, and as she became a true Goddess later in her life, she became divinely healthy and never knew disease nor ailment again.

Body Features

Her body was mature, tall, and curvy as befitted one who is seen in history as one of the most Mature of all the Aenai Family, and the Eldest Sister of them all. She coldly allocated those she devoured to fill out her body in several places, leading to a towering, supple body free of blemish or scar that was quite pale, as if it was rare for her see sunlight for extended periods of time.   Her body was not as muscular as her sisters or kin, but beneath her soft exterior laid the deadly physicality of a titan, strong enough to lift buildings, crush entire castles, and easily crush steel and metal in her hand and tail alike, to say nothing of bone and skin. She is depicted in some legends as having a bit of a pot belly, potentially from over-eating and lack of physical activity.   Similarly, she depicted as having the most curvacious and beautiful body of all the Aenai family, with several records of her custome made outfits remaining that tell tale of a body that often burst free of that which she wore.

Facial Features

Her face was cold and callous just like her personality, and often wore an expression as utterly devoid of sympathy or care as she herself was. Her jawline was sharp and angled, her eyes shone like fiery pools of lava, and her plump lips only barely concealed the deadly fangs in her maw that could shred metal and flesh alike.   When studying, a pair of glasses could sometimes be found adorning her nose.

Identifying Characteristics

Her massive, towering, and supple physique was often her most identifying feature, as was her brightly colored hair and professional yet fanciful and stylish outfits she wore, which set her apart greatly from her kin.

Special abilities

Like all High Lamia, she possessed a massive Pheremone Aura that prevented all but the strongest willed creatures from taking hostile actions against her, and that brainwashed any who got close enough to smell her and allow her pheremones to worm into their minds. She also had notoriously lethal stomach that acted more as a demiplanar space capable of containing hundreds of creatures at a time to digest at her leisure as quick or as slowly as possible, could knock creatures unconscious with a squeeze of her tail, could tear them in half with either of her arms, and much, much more.   Perhaps most notably of all, however, was her legendary magic talent that propelled her into her status as one of the greatest mages of her Era, and perhaps one of the most powerful mages to exist in recorded history, surpassing even the likes of current-day mages like Barkhan the Eternal who broke through the boundary of magecraft and going even further than them, ascending into godhood and becoming so immensely powerful that she was rumored to be even more than a match for the legendary Magister Lords who ruled The Aurelian Hegemony of Man...and was said to be mighty enough to take all dozen or so of them on, each capable of ninth level spellcasting, and emerge not only unharmed but with each digesting in her stomach.   She was a highly renowned master of all things magic, who mastered all the seven schools of magic available to her in her Era(Necromancy as a school of magic did not yet exist in her time), and was well-renowned for her talents in the fields of Transmutation, Enchantment, and Conjuration especially. She pioneered the fields of genetics and biology, developed means both magical and technological to change the race and species of other creatures, and had such an innate mastery of Conjuration that not only could she summon and bind infernal spirits, devils, demons and more, but she could forcibly teleport other creatures against their will. She often used this talent in her well-known technique of teleporting other creatures directly into her stomach where they digested in short order, sending hundreds and even thousands to her gut with each casting.   Similarly, she was a master of enchantment magics and had mastered the use of her innate High Lamia pheremones and racial abilities of hypnosis and mind-control to such a degree that she was feared even by her kin for her ability to control the minds of others...and more scary, without their knowledge. She supposedly could erase memories as she talked to a creature, could freely sculpt their minds like clay, and was attributed so many ridiculous feats in historical record that many are likely exaggerations.

Apparel & Accessories

She enjoyed wearing rich, fanciful silks and beautifully professional and sharp outfits that complimented her nature and let others know who they were dealing with before she even opened her mouth. She enjoyed baubles less than most, and wore a few simple bits of jewelry on her upper half while lavishly decorating her tail like most of her kind did. She preferred clothing that covered her upper half and lended her an air of professionalism, but at the same time enhanced her sexuality and beauty to remind others who they were dealing with. She preferred long flowing robes and other soft materials in her clothing.   She often kept her hair up in a bun with long wispy strands spilling down around her body down to her knees, and kept it in place with a beautiful jade hairpiece that alone signified her royal status.

Specialized Equipment

She was known to carry around a jade staff with a beautiful multicolor gemstone array at the top to assist in her casting.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Paphymes, alongside her twin sister Appollonia Aenai, ran The Aenorian Empire and worked directly with their mother Loscivia Aenai as two of the most figures in the entire world-spanning country. She was born incredibly early into the Empire's reign, and helped her mother set up the foundations for what would eventually become the super-empire that spanned the globe centuries later, ruled by an entire family of gorgeous Goddesses...and though her mother took on several magical advisors throughout the Empire's lifespan, Paphymes herself remained the foremost authority on magic in the Empire.   Perhaps just as notably, it was Paphymes who spearheaded the Empire's technological rise to absolute ascension, as her brilliant mind let her absorb and study the technology of other cultures and civilizations the Empire had conquered and devoured such as The Aurelian Hegemony of Man, find ways to improve upon it, and led her mother's kingdom into a golden age of scientific advancement that would see them develop rapid advances in technology, all the way up to space stations, orbital elevators, and colonies on other worlds. She was a brilliant mind on and off the battlefield, and proved instrumental in the Empire's victories over tougher foes such as The Aurelian Hegemony of Man, whom she helped her mother match in magical might and soon surpass.   For more information about the history of The Aenorian Empire, see the Age of Scales timeline.


Much like her mother, Paphymes kept a large harem of creatures that served as her lovers, each selected for not only their beauty outside, but also inside. They were expected to be scholarly and intelligent, and capable of providing her with stimulating conversations and even bold enough to tell her no at times so as to not let her appearance or demeanor prevent them from speaking their minds.   Her opinions on sexuality are unknown, as no records remained of them in history.


As the eldest princess of the The Aenorian Empire, Paphymes was tutored personally by her mother from birth to adulthood in a way few of her sisters had a chance to aside from her twin sister, Appollonia Aenai. She received the very best educations(Generally from slaves who formerly held powerful stations) and tutors, and had every possible opportunity afforded to her which she took advantage of to achieve the heights she did.

Accomplishments & Achievements

She made dozens of achievements in countless fields of science, from genetics to biology and even orbital trajectories and spacecraft...she pioneered dozens of useful inventions, and led The Aenorian Empire's scientific minds into a golden age of development that would see them surpass even The Aurelian Hegemony of Man in their level of technology.   She was similarly talented in magic, and made massive strides in changing a creature's race and their physical form with transmutation magic, made massive strides in enchantment and conjuration magic, but all of her knowledge was sadly lost and purposefully destroyed when she was killed and her records destroyed.

Failures & Embarrassments

Due to her idealization as a Goddess of Fertility, Beauty, Science, and Magic in the historical record, no records remain of her failures.

Morality & Philosophy


Personality Characteristics


Due to her reticence in public and her private nature, few records remain that speak of Paphymes's true motivations.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

One of the most powerful wizards to have lived. A talented writer, calligrapher, scholar, and cook.   Extremely good at engendering loyalty for her "Three-Strike" policy and her pension for her simple beliefs: Loyalty and Excellence were rewarded, and failure was rewarded with a strike(And three would lead to consumption. Savvy manager and "secretary", and capable of overseeing large organizations with deft business acument and keen mind.   She was a notoriously talented scientist, mathematician, and was the leader of The Aenorian Empire's various science programs, and was the driving force behind its rapid assimilation and expansion of its technology.   When she chose to be, she could be quite comforting and was quite in touch with the emotions of others, which she could use to put them at ease. Was a great listener and dedicated to her family and those who earned a similar degree of trust.  
  Her idealization in the records that remain about her has left any potential ineptitudes unknown.

Likes & Dislikes

Likes: Efficiency, Loyalty, Obedience, Earnestness, Her Siblings and Mother, Books, Being Alone, Science and the Arts, Punctuality, Timetables, Eating Large Humanoids/Big Meals, Those with an open mind, Those willing to be taught or learn, Those willing to accept criticism and change themselves, Fanciful and Professional Outfits and Clothes   Dislikes: Inefficiency, Faith, Failure/Incompetence, Closed-Mindedness, Eating squirming or struggling meals, Wasted Potential, Elves, In-Fighting, Purposeless or Meaningless Evil/Cruelty, Pompousness, Lessers not serving or respecting their betters, Those who don't know their place

Vices & Personality flaws

Self-Absorbed and Self-Important. Very emotionally abusive/manipulative. Unwilling or Incapable of indulging in useless words and is almost always brutally honest. Completely unforgiving and remoseless once a creature has accrued "Three Strikes".

Personality Quirks

She hated eating and swallowing whole, living meals unlike most of her sisters, which unfortunately meant she would often use her incredibly muscular tail to snap the spine and/or arms or other various bones of those she devoured to ensure they went down as smoothly as possible.


She put work and her studies and hobbies before her appearance or hygiene, and thus could appear quite slovenly at times. She saw appearances and hygiene as a pain and a disliked distraction from her work, so she often crafted magical tools or servants keep herself tidy with as little effort on her part as possible.   At times where her magical assistants couldn't help her, she often used simple magics to keep a tidy appearance to maintain her dignity as a princess.


Contacts & Relations

Paphymes was incredibly well known all across the empire as the best, brightest, and relatively kindest of all the children of Loscivia Aenai, alongside her twin-sister Appollonia Aenai. The two were well-renowned as level-headed princesses who could be trusted to not overreact or devour others for genuine mistakes or for simply speaking their minds, and as such were well-known and well-connected through the Empire and beyond, and even sought out by the desperate who simply wanted a chance to bring up some injustice or wrong dong upon them and feared speaking to the other princesses, lest they be devoured for complaining.   As the eldest Princess of the Aenorian Empire, Paphymes was by her mother's side almost constantly helping her both rule the kingdom as a whole and serving at her mother's side as her personal Archmage, and leader of the country's research, scientific, and other intellectual facilities.   She also, even moreso than her twin sister Appollonia Aenai, acted and served as a second mother to her brothers and sisters, and took it upon herself to be there for them, help them, and care for them as an elder sister should. She was believed to have been every bit the image of the Intellectual Older Sister to her siblings, always having an answer to their problems and always being there for them no matter their struggles. To a lesser degree, this matronly attitude carried over to her citizens as well, with whom she typically operated on a three strike system, the final strike which meant a rapid and painful digestion in her stomach.

Family Ties

Paphymes was the eldest of her seven other siblings, though her and her twin sister Appollonia Aenai often bickered behind closed doors about which of them were the older, even if measured in seconds. She had seven other siblings, all birthed from her mother Loscivia Aenai, and she had three children during her time;   Nikomedes, a High Lamia turned male through Paphymes's arcane experiments;   Phoebe, a High Lamia who never quite learned her mother's calm and collected nature;   Eriopis, a human woman Paphymes saved and adopted who swore herself to a life in Paphymes's service as thanks for saving her, and was transformed into a High Lamia through arcane ritual as a reward for her loyalty and excellence.

Religious Views

Paphymes was a cold, calculating woman of logic and reason and was often referred to by her sisters as "Evil in its most cold and calculating form", and true to her nature she put no stock in religion or faith in general. She put stock within that which see could see and was tangible; Thus like many of her sisters she believed that Beauty and Power were the closest things that Mortals could have to bring them close to "Godhood".   She did not as eagerly seek it out nor enforce it as some of her sisters did, so as long as those who served her as a slave or a worker or who simply passed her by knelt, prayed, or worshipped her sufficiently as she knew she was due, she would likely give no more thought to them.

Social Aptitude

From what records remain that speak of her as most were destroyed purposefully by those who sought to slay her, Paphymes was oftened likened to the "Secretary" of The Aenorian Empire in both duty and demeanor. She was detached, cold, and professional in her bearing and demeanor when dealing with most creatures, though she would presumably soften up somewhat when dealing with her sisters or those she saw fit to comfort or serve a more matronly, older-sister role with.   She was quite logical, and not too inclined to needless words either beneficial or derogatory, and would often simply speak in fact and reason without much embellishment or passion. This made her an excellent leader, but a relatively poor motivator as she disliked showing her softer side to anyone but her sisters and the rare outsider who earned her trust or respect. Many records exist which refer to her social aptitude as more akin to an "Information Dispenser" than a true motivational speaker.   However, despite her penchant for avoiding needless words, her brutal honesty could often be just as demoralizing or uplifting as other words could be, often striking helplessness into her foes whom she coldly and callously informed of their fate as she slurped them down, taking their essence and soul to add to her own body, and bolstering her allies with a bit of welcome honesty about a beneficial situation.

Hobbies & Pets

Her first and greatest hobby was her magical studies, and she greatly enjoyed her research and experimentation. However, she was also an avid bookworm, scholar, and collector of lore and loved nothing more than sitting in a quiet study reading peacefully, preferably with a slave or servant nearby massaging her or some other such service. From what records remain of her, she had a rather eclectic hobby of brewing various forms of alcohol, sometimes infusing them with magic or other strange things to create various brews she could enjoy. As such, it is also assumed she was a rather avid drinker.

Wealth & Financial state

While not as wealth as her other sisters who made it a point to collect as much wealth as possible, Paphymes nonetheless inherited an astronomical amount of wealth from her mother's vaults as the Eldest of the Aenorian Family. She was a princess of the highest class, after all, and all the resources of The Aenorian Empire over which she helped her mother rule were at her disposal, placing her above all her siblings with the exception of her twin sister Appollonia Aenai, with whom she shared the join status as "Eldest" with.   Most of her personal wealth was re-invested back into her magical research, though she was well-known for her keen eye for profit that saw her invest in several of the Empire's growing businesses. Unlike her sisters, she invested the wealth she did not spend back into local business to both help the Empire grow and to ensure her wealth would continue to flow in for the forseeable future. Compared to her sisters she was quite the level-headed investor and woman, and rarely bullied or browbeat her investments or those she dealt with for the sake of coin.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Aenorian Archmagi, The Mindripper Mage, The Skinsmith, The High Enchanter, The Grand Conjurer, The Dimensional Devourer, Lady of the Seven Schools, Mother Salvation
1287 BF 376 BF 911 years old
Circumstances of Birth
Born at the same time(?) as her twin sister Appollonia to her mother Loscivia Aenai. She was born beneath the sign of the Titansnake, which signaled a life full of Dominance, Paranoia, and Survival.
Circumstances of Death
She is believed to have been slain in the final days of the Age of Scales alongside the rest of the Aenai Family. However, only a blackened, unrecognizable corpse was ever recovered, unable to be confirmed to be her or not.
The Capital of the Aenorian Empire
Lava Orange Irises with Black pupils
Incredibly long and wavy, Purple and Blue(She dyed her hair often)
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Milky White skin, Bronze and Black scales
391ft(119.1m) true form. 57ft(20.4m) usually.
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations

A Murder Unconfirmed

Though some of her sisters such as Astera Aenai may have escaped the crimson conflagration that claimed the lives of the Aenai Family on that somber night that brought about the end of the Age of Scales, the mystery of the final fate of Paphymes Aenai is one that has resounded through time as perhaps one of the first Murder Mysteries of recorded history...for on that moonlit night, as the forces of good scaled the walls of the Aenorian Palace and burnt it to the ground, tearing down the Gods and Goddesses that dwelled within and nailing their broken bodies upon the highest parapets, none of those sent to kill The Aenorian Archmagi returned.   Only a titanic, shriveled, blackened corpse dressed in the remnants of the Mage herself remained. No bodies to be found aside from the blackened char-pile that could hardly be called one.   Did she die on that night, consumed by the blaze started by her attackers? Or did she escape, leave a decoy body behind, only to die later?   Or perhaps...she yet lives. None can say. Many have guessed. None have proven...   For there has not been a sighting of the Aenorian Archmagi since that fateful night, where the sky burned crimson and the Aenorian Gods burned upon the pyre.


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