Appollonia Aenai Character in Corexus | World Anvil

Appollonia Aenai

The Eldest Princess and Civil Leader of the Aenorian Empire

Princess Appollonia Aenai (a.k.a. Appollonia the Inviolate)

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Appollonia generally kept herself in fantastic physical shape through a combination of exercise and regular devouring of carefully selected meals to maintain her physical form with an early form of rigorous dieting. She kept a beautifully supple but surprisingly fit body tempered to perfection, and she took care to maintain just as strict of an appearance in her humanoid forms as she did her true form out of both a desire to excel and thrive, and her dignity as a princess.   She never knew illness nor ailment in her life, and as she became a literal Goddess later in her life, her divine body was immune to all infections or ailments in the mortal worlds.

Body Features

With skin as white and unblemished as the purest marble, muscles as powerful and resilient as Adamantine, and often with a pair of normal legs instead of a tail, Appollonia often resembled every bit a massive human or elven woman, as she only took on her true High Lamia when she attended high-level political meetings or other important gatherings which required a certain level of decorum.   Otherwise, her body was perfectly maintained and proportioned, and she often made no effort to hide it.

Facial Features

Her face was a cold and sharp one, befitting her personality, and her face told the tale of a regal but calmly brutalistic woman who kept a careful lid on her emotions and desires until they needed to be focused or unleashed.   Her eyes were a beautiful dark blue akin to the deepest oceans, her hair was immensely long and flowing with a gorgeous platinum-silver color to it as she kept it in several massive braids that draped down around her beautiful body. Her eyes were narrow and harsh, capable of piercing glares and putting people ill at ease as they were capable of haughty regality.

Physical quirks

Despite being a High Lamia, she rarely took on her true form and instead stayed in a humanoid form most of her life. The exact reasoning for this is unknown.

Special abilities

Like all High Lamia, she possessed a massive Pheremone Aura that prevented all but the strongest willed creatures from taking hostile actions against her, and that brainwashed any who got close enough to smell her and allow her pheremones to worm into their minds. She also had notoriously lethal stomach that acted more as a demiplanar space capable of containing hundreds of creatures at a time to digest at her leisure as quick or as slowly as possible, could knock creatures unconscious with a squeeze of her tail, could tear them in half with either of her arms, and much, much more.   Her legendary monk training was a terrifying ability all its own, turning her fists and feet from the already legendarily deadly weapons of a High Lamia that they were, already capable of flattening and grabbing entire towns, into veritable artifacts of slaughter capable of crushing steel and even adamantine in their grip. True to her regal bearing, she rarely deigned to bring her monk powers to bear on her foes - she simply preferred to crush them underfoot and get them out of her sight rather than imply they were worth her time by fighting them for real.   Perhaps most famously, however, was her ability to slurp the minds and souls from her meals, spitting their bodies back out as mindless automatons bound to follow the orders of others while she kept their souls imprisoned within her body for eternity, never devouring them to grant them death but keeping them in a type of living hell, a purgatory within her own divine existence that, by the end of the Age of Scales and the fall of The Aenorian Empire, had seen had accumulate and imprison millions of souls in this way, torturing them by binding their souls to every part of her body, to her clothing, necklaces, golden chains, and more...anything to make them aware and suffering while she ordered their pliant and obedient body around.   It was for this legendary talent that earned her the nickname "The Living Prison", as she would imprison others' minds and souls within her for a time, breaking and reforming them in the process to spit their souls back into their bodies as reformed and obedient members of society.

Apparel & Accessories

Appollonia wore elaborate golden baubles and decorations all across her unblemished skin, from ornaments on her toes and feet to elaborate chains decorating her legs, stomach, chest, and arms. She kept her hair braided with thick golden bands, and wore outfits of mostly white with generally golden trim. She wore a number of ornate rings with interlocking golden chains, and generally kept most of her body exposed and covered alike adorned with gold.

Specialized Equipment

When required to fight in the theater of war, Appollonia needed no weapons; She was a towering goddess who stood taller than the highest castles and as such simply strode atop her foes, flattening entire countrysides beneath her massive footfalls and grinding entire armored legions into dust and metal shavings beneath her feet...when required to do battle with a seriously challenging foe, she fought with her fists and feet as a monk of immense divine might. This monk training meant she was never without her main weaponry, and was always incredibly, incredibly dangerous.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Appollonia, alongside her twin sister Paphymes Aenai, ran The Aenorian Empire and worked directly with their mother Loscivia Aenai as two of the most prominent figures in the entire world-spanning country. She was born incredibly early into the Empire's reign, and helped her mother set up the foundations for what would eventually become the super-empire that spanned the globe centuries later, ruled by an entire family of gorgeous Goddesses...and though her mother remained the country's true leader throughout its existence, Appollonia managed it in her mother's name, remaining as the Civil Warden who ruled over every aspect of Aenorian Society that her sister Paphymes did not...from the economy to the prison system to the slave pens, she was the driving, central force behind The Aenorian Empire's excellent leadership and highly competent society, preventing corruption or laxity from taking her mother's empire and keeping it a deadly and effective force throughout its lifespan.   Appollonia was also invaluable in the conquest of the first true wide-scale enemies of The Aenorian Empire after it had driven The Aurelian Hegemony of Man off of the surface - The Elves of The Elvenwood. She was the field commander who personally oversaw the assault on the massive forest, leading and serving as her mother's right hand during the invasion that saw her personally see to the deaths of the Elven Royal Family. She made it her personal mission to break the Elves upon the rack and even made a point to exterminate the Elves whenever she could - she personally ground the Elven Royal Family(Minus the Elven King, who was devoured by her mother) into paste beneath her heel and institutionalized the systematic extermination of the Elven People once they had been conquered.   Even far after her legendary conquests of the Elvenwood which saw the Elves broken and driven almost to extinction, Appollonia proved vital throughout the entire Age of Scales even outside of her duties as the Empire's Defacto Leader; While her sisters took to leading military conquests, she herself became the driving force which saw countless tribes and nations absorbed into the Empire through words alone - and when that failed, an offer of money or, even a quiet devouring of their central command to be replaced with other High Lamia, who then capitulated in the now deceased leader's stead. She was deadly on and off the battlefield, and proved invaluable in keeping the empire efficient and led excellently...such that she was the prime target for assassination by all who wished the Empire to fall, as without her many speculated the Empire would have fallen to corruption millenia earlier.


Unknown. She had many children, but records suggest they were more utilized as experiments than as true children.


Appollonia was given the very best education possible, afforded every luxury, and was raised with a silver spoon such that she never wanted for anything in her life. She was given chances only the princess of a world-spanning empire could, and received tutelage and education only such a royal figure could afford to.

Accomplishments & Achievements

See Personal History. For more information on Appollonia Aenai, her brothers and sisters, and the Age of Scales at large, see the Age of Scales timeline.

Failures & Embarrassments


Morality & Philosophy


Personality Characteristics


Unlike her sister Paphymes Aenai, who was more inclined to show leniency and gentleness to others if they showed traits she favored or were efficient and effective at their duties, Appollonia was much the opposite; She expected those things and more from others, especially those with whom she worked with closely...anything less was a gross dereliction of their duties, and one she constantly endeavored to correct with extremely harsh and brutal training regimens for all strata of the Empire's society, often pitting them against each other in brutal competition where grievous injury and even death were not uncommon   Princess Appollonia was wholly dedicated to her duties as Warden of The Aenorian Empire and its leader in her mother's stead, and she took to her duties diligently and with a deadly dedication unmatched by any save her twin sister Paphymes Aenai. Unlike her sister, however, historical records paint her as less of a patriot of the Aenorian cause and more of a woman of immense dedication to her task and to her mother - she did her duties not because she believed in them, but because it was her duty to do them, and do them well.   As such, she took a silent pride in the excellence and efficiency The Aenorian Empire achieved in its formative years and at its peak; She dedicated her life to training the people of the Empire and teaching them to excel at their respective tasks, in often brutal and borderline sadistic training methods designed to build them up to endure and thrive where others would fail.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Extremely talented warrior, public speaker, and leader. Talented diplomat and cunning businesswoman. Incredible teacher, instructor, and trainer. Excellent appraiser of talent and potential, and great at engendering loyalty and respect from those who serve her.   Inept at showing others kindness or mercy even when training them or raising them. Giving second chances or mercy. Being "Motherly" or reassuring, or acting like the big sister she is.

Likes & Dislikes

Likes Hunting, Fighting, Eating Live Prey, Fine Craftsmanship, Those who do their duties well and without complaint, Tough Love, Finishing what you start, Public Speaking, Statistics/Numbers, Seeing the weak or failures punished   Dislikes Elves, Failure, Weakness, Laziness, Things without clear worth or value, Those who ignore etiquette or manners, Those who mollycoddle or show unneccesary kindness to others, Forgiving failure, Being challenged or defied

Virtues & Personality perks

Takes immense pride in the excellence and strength of those she trains and that which she leads or oversees, and puts them through brutalistic training regimens only out of a desire to ensure they are as hardy, prepared, and as excellent as she can possibly make them. Level-headed and willing to hear anyone out, and unlike many of her brothers and sisters death was not her punishment of choice, as she instead preferred brutal beatings or other borderline sadistic punishments to force them to learn from their failings in a way they would never forget.   Had an almost supernatural degree of control of her own mind, thoughts, and presence to such a degree she left almost no presence either psychic-wise or normally, and reading her thoughts was almost impossible. Was supremely talented at controlling her mental state, and could switch from one mood to another on a dime like she was flipping a switch.

Vices & Personality flaws

Her training and tutelage of others often bordered on cruel and even sadism. Had a burning, overwhelming hatred for all Elvenkind(except for Sea Elves and Desert Elves, whom she helped pioneer the creation of), seeing them as weak, frail creatures who have no true purpose or function in the world better off dead and eaten. This hatred extended to all others creatures she believed were so useless they could be of no benefit even as slaves.   When others failed to live up to her expectations or failed in their duties, she would often use her unique powers and steal their minds away, imprisoning them within her body and turning their bodies into mindless automatons.

Personality Quirks

Unlike her brothers and sisters, she preferred to her innate shapechanging ability to appear as a large Humanoid figure with legs and a normal body. Her exact reasoning is unknown.


Appollonia kept an immaculate appearance as befitted a princess of her station, and kept herself fastidiously clean and tidy.


Contacts & Relations

Appollonia was incredibly well known all across the empire as the keenest, wisest, and most world-savvy of all the children of Loscivia Aenai, alongside her twin-sister Paphymes Aenai. The two were well-renowned as level-headed princesses who could be trusted to not overreact or devour others for genuine mistakes or for simply speaking their minds, and as such were well-known and well-connected through the Empire and beyond, and even sought out by the desperate who simply wanted a chance to bring up some injustice or wrong dong upon them and feared speaking to the other princesses, lest they be devoured for complaining.   As one of the two eldest Princesses of The Aenorian Empire, Appollonia served alongside her twin sister Paphymes Aenai as her mother's right hand, helping her run the Empire and serving at her side as the Master of the Empire who ruled in her stead, heading up all non-magical and non-intellectual or scholarly areas of the Empire as the Civil Warden, a prestigious position which granted almost unrivaled power and placed her above all her siblings aside from her twin sister.   While she was not the type to make herself available to her brothers and sisters as her twin sister Paphymes Aenai was, Appollonia was perhaps the most well-known of all the Aenorian Princesses, as she was not only the leader of the Country in her mother's stead, but served as the face of the country for all diplomatic and political matters. She was the first and last master to whom all citizens and businesses in the Empire reported to, and was well known for her well-kept recordbooks of the Empire's fundings and profits...every business and citizen knew and respected her, as well as feared her for her reputation for borderline sadistic methods of teaching and training those who required help that, while cruel even by Aenorian standards, produced unrivaled results.

Family Ties

Appollonia was the eldest of her seven other siblings, though her and her twin sister Paphymes Aenai often bickered behind closed doors about which of them were the older, even if measured in seconds. She had seven other siblings, all birthed from her mother Loscivia Aenai, and she had a massive five children during her time, many of whom she used as experiments for the Empire's experiments and quest for ever-greater she not only had the most children of all her siblings, she also had the most odd and varied, as she subjected them to countless experiments as children to test various theories or valuable experiments thought up and pioneered by her twin sister Paphymes Aenai.   Her children, moreso than any of her siblings, have endured the longest since the Age of Scales and her line produced more Goddesses and living heirs than any of her siblings...a fact which is credited both to her brutal methods of parenting that fostered tough, survivable children capable of beating back and enduring all but the most deadly of assaults, and her wanton experimentation on her own children to increase their power and change them into various other things. Her children are listed below, alongside a brief description of them and their abilities:   Arethusa, a High Lamia implanted with stolen knowledge from The Aurelian Hegemony of Man and charged with creating beings to rule the oceans in the name of The Aenorian Empire;   Elpir, a sadistic High Lamia turned High Elf who was birthed for the purpose of contuing experiments to improve upon and bolster the pathetic elven race, which Appollonia was notorious for hating;   Hali, a High Lamia Sword Saint who reached divine levels of skill with a blade, used as an experiment on what it took to foster godhood;   Kleio, the first of Appollonia's children and the only one to not be experimented on in a significant manner;   Nahamani, a High Lamia who was transformed into an Angelic Demigoddess in experiments designed to take the power of outsiders and bestow them to others with the limits of an outsider's nature;

Religious Views

Appollonia's views on religion remain mostly a mystery, but records remain that suggest she likely had a favorable view of religion, unlike her brothers and sisters; She often spread her own name as that of a Goddess and most likely used Religion as a weapon against the Empire's own populace and those of her enemies, destroying their gods and replacing them with her and her alone...she was seemingly the first of her siblings to begin this practice of spreading her own faith to others, and her use of it as a most insidious weapon of mass brainwashing carried onto her children, who used it for similar purposes.

Social Aptitude

Paphymes was a very social woman, as befitting the leader of the Empire in her mother's stead who served as the Civil Warden and Outward face of the Empire. She was often not openly an emotional woman, and while this did not mean she was detached and cold as her sister Paphymes Aenai, she did have sympathy and emotion but rarely allowed it to affect her social and civil policies and her duties.   She was well-known as an outwardly charming woman who carried herself with a Patrician's charm, but kept her conversations brief and her speeches persuasive and to the point. She was confident, charismatic, and extroverted, and was a legendarily gifted public speaker capable of uplifting a crowd with relatively few words. She was also a terrifying negotiator, and her oozing, overwhelming confidence and clipped and brutal style of speech meant the unprepared were often cowed into verbal submission after but a short conversation, while the weak-willed could easily find themselves swept up in her words obeying without much thought. She was a master of short, efficient speech who got her point across with concise words and effective imagery without embellishment or verboseness.   In her mannerisms and everyday etiquette she was every bit the image of an overbearing, oozingly confident princess; Unlike her brothers and sisters who made others kneel out of fear, Appollonia instead carried herself with a natural air of superiority and divinity, that with her regal and superior gestures, attitude, and glare, others could not help but find it natural to kneel before her and accept her tutelage and instruction. She ruled as naturally as breathing, always acted with elegance and grace, always obeyed and upheld royal etiquette, and was not subject to wanton cruelty; Much like a princess, she expected others pay her the respect and tribute she was due, and so long as they did they need not fear her wrath. However, woe to the one who disrespected her by breaching proper etiquette or denying her the deference she was due, as they would be the next targets of her wrath crushed within her scaly embrace, devoured in her gullet, or even worse, put through her brutal training regimens to learn their mistakes.

Wealth & Financial state

As the master and ruler of all of The Aenorian Empire's vast holdings, civil branches, and every aspect of the empire aside from the ones which her twin sister Paphymes Aenai ran such as the magical facilities, as well as the its research, scientific, and other intellectual facilities such as colleges and schools and the like, Appollonia was a woman of untold wealth who had the entire limitless wealth of her mother Loscivia Aenai and that of The Aenorian Empire.   With such limitless and infinite wealth at her disposal due to holding the keys to the country's vaults, Appollonia was a keen and vicious businesswoman of the highest class who reinvested the money of the empire back into the empire's economy at many levels, using it to buy off and negotiate with other foreign powers as a bargaining chip, and even to solve her day-to-day problems.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Inviolate, The Living Prison, The Mindeater, The Civil Warden, The Elfeater, The One True Master, The Great Mother, The Divine Diplomat, The Brutal Trainer
1287 BF 376 BF 911 years old
Circumstances of Birth
Born at the same time(?) as her twin sister Paphymes to her mother Loscivia Aenai. She was born beneath the sign of the Titansnake, which signaled a life full of Dominance, Paranoia, and Survival.
The Capital of the Aenorian Empire
Dark Blue, Alluring
Long and thickly braided, Platinum-Silver Hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Tanned White skin, Silvery-Platinum Scales
487ft(148.4m) true form. Could freely change size.
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Spare the rod, spoil the child."
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations

Unparalleled excellence

Appollonia was wholly unlike her sisters besides perhaps Paphymes Aenai in that she alone is believed to have been largely responsible for the efficacy and deadly effectiveness of the ancient Aenorian Empire's government...she was an unmatched force who led it with an iron fist, brutally rolling out her infamously effective(If not borderline sadistic) training programs that weeded out weakness and failure at every level of society. She kept her mother's empire fresh, dedicated, and through her training regimens and lethal dedication to the simple fact it was her duty as a princess to do so, Appollonia was one of the most targeted figures of the Age of Scales for assassination - though none succeeded.   So while her mother founded the empire, and her other brothers and sisters kept it well-defended, led its armies and research programs, and did their own parts in their own ways to contribute towards its success - Appollonia was the invincible glue which held it all together, and the lethal instructor that kept the entire globe-spanning Empire operating according to her high standards. She was not forgiving or coddling, but simply a woman who demanded her subordinates do their duties, and do them well; Those who did were rewarded as appropriate, while those who failed were viciously beaten back into line, made to learn from their mistakes, and sent back to do it once more...lest they be devoured for failing her again.   And it was not merely her brutality that afforded her such loyalty from the Empire's people - it was her infinitely royal demeanor, her dedication to etiquette and respect, and the natural air of authority and superiority she exuded which made it all but natural for others to obey her; She was simply a figure others found it natural to kneel before, to give tribute and to worship and obey - and in return she carried out her duties and gave them shelter, security, and prosperity...a True Princess in every sense of the word, who engendered respect and admiration and awe from the way she walked, smelled, and even breathed and moved.


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