Astera Aenai Character in Corexus | World Anvil

Astera Aenai

The Youngest and Cruelest Princess of the Aenorian Empire

Princess Astera Aenai (a.k.a. Astera the Army-Eater)

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

As one of the children of Loscivia Aenai, Astera had a body that was every bit the image of perfection. Her skin was a beautiful porcelain white, her arms and stomach decorated by subtly bulging muscles that detracted none from her femininity, and a beautifully plump chest, hips, and body that, like most High Lamia, was fueled and grown by the digestion of untold thousands.   She was healthy and fit, in fantastic physical shape, and as she later became a true Goddess after swallowing so many creatures, she never knew disease nor ailment in all her life.

Body Features

Her body was incomparably beautiful and supple, decorated with faint muscle definition poking through her soft skin that was often layered with oils and perfumes. Her chest was bountiful and buxom, her hips and thighs wide and plump, and her body was the envy of all, even her enemies...despite their knowledge such a body came through the digestion of their comrades. Her tail was a beautiful rainbow pattern with thick overlapping scales, wide enough even in her reduced form to crush many dozens of creatures into paste, with scales that glittered like mirrors in the midday sun, and like pale moonlight in the evening.   She had patches of scales even going up her upper humanoid half, mainly her hips and stomach and a few patches around her neck and cheeks.   She was incomparably massive in her true form, and was even quite large in her reduced form as well, such that she often had a crew of workers she kept around to scrub and clean her body each morning from her head to the tip of her tail, as well as to apply the oils and perfumes she so enjoyed as well.

Facial Features

Her face was regal, serene, and as soft and supple as the most luxurious of baby skin, kept young and vibrant through devouring others while they yet lived. Her lips were full and plump, her eyes wide and kind despite her true nature, and her long curly golden hair often cascaded down her head like a flowing river of vibrant hair, falling down around her shoulders and chest.

Special abilities

Like all High Lamia, she possessed a massive Pheremone Aura that prevented all but the strongest willed creatures from taking hostile actions against her, and that brainwashed any who got close enough to smell her and allow her pheremones to worm into their minds. She also had notoriously lethal stomach that acted more as a demiplanar space capable of containing hundreds of creatures at a time to digest at her leisure as quick or as slowly as possible, could knock creatures unconscious with a squeeze of her tail, could tear them in half with either of her arms, and much, much more.   She was also an unparalleled master of Hypnosis and utilizing her beauty and Pheremones to achieve her ends, such that she was nicknamed "Warender" by her siblings and mother because often, she alone was enough to end entire wars others started against them. She towered tall enough to loom over armies thousands upon thousands strong, and had such a fine mastery of hypnosis and her innate high lamian charms that with a few simple words, swaying bodily movements, and with a short bit of time to allow her scent to permeate the minds of those around her, she could hypnotize entire legions into submission, and on multiple occasions did just that; Walking entire armies up her massive tail, onto her chest, then onto her tongue and down her gullet in a mass suicide. Othertimes, with an entire invading army under her sway, she would calmly and seductively guide them into slave pens, strip them of their gear, eat a few for fun, then leave them to their new fate as willing slaves while keeping a few for her own personal use.   Most uniquely, however, was a special property of her body that only she possessed; her pheremones, when mixed with the right scents of her perfume, could rapidly shrink down others the longer they remained close enough to inhale her scent and her pheremones...almost without end.

Apparel & Accessories

Like many High Lamia, Astera preferred to wear as minimal coverings as possible and preferred to live her life free of being covered up or restrained by clothing and the like. She was ever a promoter of "Natural Beauty" and unlike her mother, she preferred to wear as minimal as possible, even going so far as to reduce the baubles and jewelry she wore to as few as possible, mostly around her tail, to promote the fact she needed no "accentuation" to be beautiful.   When required to or when at a formal or notable event she enjoyed wearing sleeveless dresses and rich gowns, often colored white, with a few simple accessories.   In times of war, she preferred to focus the armor she wore around the areas her scales did not reach, mostly around the spot where her humanoid half met her snake half, her stomach, chest, and her arms, usually using studded leather or sometimes plate she stole from the bodies of those she slurped up and devoured.

Specialized Equipment

She fought with her bare hands and her words alone, and did not use weapons often.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

As a child of Loscivia Aenai, Astera grew up in the lap of ultimate luxury and was one of her mother's greatest warriors. She served The Aenorian Empire faithfully and with loyalty, and strode alongside her sisters in crushing dozens of rebellions, wars, and even ended entire wars all by her lonesome on multiple occasions. She was the primary reason The Aenorian Empire won their initial skirmishes against The Aurelian Hegemony of Man, and won her country the first Scalewar when she hypnotized and devoured the commander of the enemy army while her sisters ravaged their encampent.   She commanded the economy and coinflow of the Empire for her entire life, and even after surviving the end of the of Scales she endured for nearly a millenia afterwards, utterly dominating, hypnotizing, and consuming any who dared come to destroy her...and while she was eventually slain, her body was never found, leading to many speculating that she yet lives in the world, playing her grand game as a Goddess amongst sheep.


She herself was most likely bisexual. She enjoyed using sex and love alike as a means to manipulate others, and was so beautiful that she enjoyed conquering others, breaking them in and inuring them to her touch, and creating loyal servants bound to her bodily charms.


As a Princess of The Aenorian Empire, she was given only the finest education and was afforded every single privilege in the world.

Failures & Embarrassments


Morality & Philosophy


Personality Characteristics


Astera's motivations are mostly a mystery due to her two-faced and calculating nature, left only to speculation by those who study her actions or history in general.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Extremely savvy Politician, Warrior, Social Speaker, Manipulator, Businesswoman, Hair Stylist, Beautician, Gardener. Excellent at breaking others down to their base motiviations and stripping those away to create obedient, loyal slaves through words alone and her Hypnotic Charms. Extremely talented liar and diplomat.   Inept at handling higher technology, Saying "Please" or simply asking for things, Doing things in a simple manner, ???

Likes & Dislikes

Likes: Herself, Devouring live humanoids, The taste of humans, Beauty, Power, Stealing everything from and utterly humiliating others, Her Mother, Her Siblings, Shrinking her foes down and toying with them, Gardening, Slowly breaking down and dominating the minds of others until they willingly give themselves to her, Making others accept her whims and their deaths willingly, Hypnosis, Doing Hair and Beautifying others   Dislikes: Mornings, Storms, Disloyalty, Those inept at their jobs, Being told 'No' or denied, Losing, Those who bully and abuse others without being prepared for the consequences, Killing her foes quickly, Poor People, Bad Smells, All Non-Lamia, An Empty Stomach

Virtues & Personality perks

Despite her infinite lies and scheming, she was strangely diligent in doing the tasks or jobs she was assigned. She was incomparably strong, and defended her people from outside threats and the dangers that accosted them to a fault so long as they worshipped the ground she walked on and obeyed her unquestioningly. She sought out and punished the disloyal and the inept first and foremost, and despised both as cancers that chewed away at the Empire, and was thus a large reason why the Empire stayed uncorrupted and true to its goals.   She was also a caring sister to her siblings, and diligently protected them and tried to play the part of "Big Sister" to them despite her relatively young age. She was highly loyal and talented and demanded such from all others.

Vices & Personality flaws

Supremely Arrogant, and possessed several borderline fetishistic desires that sometimes interfered with her duties and work. Was prone to indulge her ego even at the expense of other things, and was infamous for her 'No Forgiveness' policy towards best, they could grovel before her and beg so she might spare their families the same fate, but once she had been annoyed, the offender was likely to be conquered, broken, and eaten slowly and painfully no matter how excellent they were at what they did, and no matter how small the perceived slight.


True to her moniker as Astera the Aromatic, Astera loved indulging in perfumes and oils, and as a stylist and beautician she enjoyed staying beautiful and smelling nice, but she cared less for staying "Clean", as she saw bloodstains and other grime as things that could sometimes accentuate beauty. She enjoyed the challenge of beautifying another creature, and was well-known for her hobby of constantly investigating scent and beauty as avenues for her legendary Hypnosis talent, such that she often tried to apply perfumes to her body that, when inhaled, forced other creatures into submission and charmed them to her will.


Contacts & Relations

As the head of business and trade in The Aenorian Empire and one of the daughters of the God-Queen Loscivia Aenai herself, Astera was known by each and every member of the Empire from her brother and sister royalty to the lowliest slave or scrap of barely thinking meat as a woman to be feared and obeyed at all costs...for the worst thing one could do was provoke her ire or disobey her, as doing so would lead to the worse fate of not only being swallowed and digested by her, but ensuring all your family and friends would soon join you and all your collective belongings would soon be hers as well.

Family Ties

Astera was one of the younger children of her mother Loscivia Aenai, and she had one brother and six other sisters. She produced two children during her lifetime by laying eggs within the still-living bodies of the most memorable foes she faced, who went on to further her bloodline with countless children.

Religious Views

Moreso than almost any of her sisters, Astera believed in no other Godly being than herself. She was fully convinced of her own divinity from the moment she came of age and became an adult, and would not tolerate being treated less than the Goddess she knew she was(And the Goddess she became later in life)...she worshipped beauty and power first and foremost, and viewed her mother as the foremost paragon of what she should strive to be.

Social Aptitude

Astera was as much an unparalleled master of Social Situations as she was a master of war and death, and she was infamous amongst her brothers and sisters and the Empire at large for her legendary acting talent. She kept up a facade of the Helpless, Weak princess almost constantly, using her deceptively innocent and beautiful appearance to charm and beguile others into underestimating her, then taking great glee in pouncing on them when they least expected it and either forcing them into servitude to her as slaves, or simply gobbling them down her gullet and taking what they owned for herself. So convincing was her facade of helplessness and naivete, that stories speak of her ability to persuade others, even her mortal enemies, to feed themselves to her entirely of their own volition and often abandon their morals and beliefs entirely to carry out her whims in an extreme form of hypnotic brainwashing.   When she wanted to be her true self, she was a cold and lethally cunning woman who was a well-known merciless politician who preferred to work behind the scenes and support her more outwardly charismatic sisters unseen, but she could and did give impassioned speeches on many occasions when it was required of her, though often through the veneer of her masterful facade of innocence.   Such was this facade of innocence and helplessness that it is rumored she survived the end of the Age of Scales and the purging of her family for untold centuries by convincing her attackers of her innocence, then fleeing before they could realize who she truly was.


When acting her facade of innocence her mannerisms were often meek and reserved, and her words were often clueless and stammered.   In reality, her eyes and mannerisms carried an inherent superiority in them and her words were cutting, sharp, and brutally constructed to break down her opponents as quickly as possible. She often would not tolerate any other creatures save her brothers and sisters speak to her without prostrating themselves before her first.

Hobbies & Pets

She was never known to keep pets, but her most well-known and perverse hobby was finding married creatures and conquering their spouse right in front of them, conquering them before their spouse's very eyes and not stopping until her poor victim gave in entirely to her wiles, abandoning their previous partner to swear themselves to her forever. And, in an especially twisted act, she would often devour the two whole once she had broken one of them in, or sometimes simply devour one, break the other in the same way, then devour them next.

Wealth & Financial state

As a princess of The Aenorian Empire, Astera had access to the untold, nigh-infinite wealth of her kingdom and could do with it whatever she wished. Above all her sisters, she alone was given the right to oversee all business and trade in the entire Empire, and as such she owned and oversaw every coin and business that flowed through and operated within the country's borders...she had the bottomless pockets of a princess, and gladly spent as much as she needed on whatever she desired.   However, on top of the wealth she inherited from her mother, Astera was notorious for amassing a truly titanic personal hoard during her lifetime built up by her twisted, sadistic pastime of taking and stealing every single item, valuable, and possession those she ate and devoured had to their name...not a single one of her victims were spared, and after she inevitably won and digested her foes, she would ensure to confiscate every single one of their belongings, even their families, and add the items to her vaults and their families to her harem, where she took great glee in breaking them in to her touch and defiling them.
Special Notes
Her body was never recovered, but she is presumed dead.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Army-Eater, Astera the Aromatic, The Warender, Astera the Invincible, Astera the Terrible, Astera the Irresistible, The Hypno-princess, The Shrinkwarden, The Spousestealer, The Two-Faced Princess
1274 BF 1253 AF 2527 years old
Circumstances of Birth
Born to her mother as one of the youngest of her children.
Circumstances of Death
Supposedly died near the end of the Age of Heroes, slain by a daring champion in single combat.
The Capital of the Aenorian Empire
Pale blue, Reptilian
Long, Curly, Golden
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
361ft(110.3m) in true form. 36ft(11m) normallly.
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations


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