Corexus, Inara, and Beyond
A newly drawn map of what remains of the Corexian Supercontinent after the horrible cataclysms which led to its shattering, the wars between the gods that ravaged the landscape, and the re-awakening of the overdeity Atlas.

World Codex

Western Countries refers to all countries west of The Shattered Corridor that exist on the mainland.
Eastern Countries refers to the inverse, AKA all countries to the east of The Shattered Corridor that exist on the mainland.
Other or Isolated Countries refers to all the countries not located on the mainland or that are somehow secluded from it in other strange ways, oftentimes magically or supernaturally. These are often island nations or nations on the sea.
Destroyed, Disbanded or Dissolved Countries refers to all countries that no long exist in the current day, and have fallen to ruin. If they are listed here, they are countries known of and studied by at least some historians. Others may exist, but no record of them has remained into the current day.