Fenrir Torsken Character in CHG/Central Human Gov't. "Where we at and how we at here?" | World Anvil
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Fenrir Torsken

Pirate? Nice.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Very physically fit. Currently quite thin but just pour some age on him and he'll be looking like Ragnar Lothbrok from Vikings... but not when Ragnar starts getting old.

Body Features

Lots of scars, discolored eyelids with scar tissue around them, hair has varying shades of brown, likes to think he's so straight that he always has to have something phallic like a straw in his mouth but...

Apparel & Accessories

A grey jumpsuit, just like every other child in the CHG foster system.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

So his parents were pirates in Zee Pirate Confederation but they pulled the pro-gamer move of falling for a trap (Military Police pretending to be merchants) right when he'd sneaked into their ship. Yeah they were little pieces of charred flesh on the floor by the time it was done.

Fenrir was found and, after being checked for modified genes, it was decided that he'd be put into foster care and be subject to the Population Program (basically made him more fertile with nanobots while he was told he was getting vaccines). The particular foster care home he ended up in was one intended for the most dangerous children (foster homes double as juvies in the CHG) and it shows in all the scars he got and gave while he was there.

Due to the unwillingness of any teachers to personally show up and keep teaching lessons for any significant amount of time, virtual reality was used instead. The foster home was in the Horus Ring and so, during a lesson, all these kids were trapped in the VR Net due to the The Great Terrorist Organisation 's pro-gamer moves.


Nobody tell him yet cos he'll say "that's gay" and we don't want him roasting himself. He's bishrekshual.


Was being trained to be a ship-builder/repairman in Zee Pirate Confederation but that idea was done in by him ending up in that foster home.

Mental Trauma

Another child at the facility cut his eyelids off. They had to be re-attached but are permanently discolored. Also watching your parents die ain't great. And that eyelids thing is just one of many messed up things that happened to him in that foster home.

Intellectual Characteristics

Has the potential for incredible intelligence but is compulsive and lets emotions dictate actions too often.

Personality Characteristics


Wants to return to Zee Pirate Confederation and be a highly successful (maybe even pirate president) pirate.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

VERY good with any small blades or shanks.

Likes & Dislikes

Likes: A "nice knife", starchy foods, fighting, feeling strong

Dislikes: feeling weak, being told what to do

Virtues & Personality perks

Uhhh... at least he regretted stabbing that kid due to the fact that it put said kid in agony rather than just the potential consequences of it?


Doesn't generally take good care of his hygiene.


Contacts & Relations

Family Ties

Has relatives still in Zee Pirate Confederation , but they think he's dead.

Religious Views

New Pagan. Damn I gotta make an article on it but the basics:

Valhalla is a thing but with looser entry rules: anyone who lived as a warrior, died fighting or died heroically goes there.

Helhiem is also a thing but it isn't at all a punishment. The people there just chill.

The galaxy is the equivalent of Midgard, complete with a probable upcoming end when endless hordes from other galaxies, which are ruled by different gods and have different afterlives, come in to destroy everything. Those that went to Valhalla will come back to defend the galaxy while those in Helheim continue chilling.

Social Aptitude

Actively tries to seem as intimidating as possible and has no respect for personal space. So no.


Fenrir Torsken

Annoyance -> comrade -> friend (Important)

Towards Elmir Solovan



Elmir Solovan

crush -> friend (Important)

Towards Fenrir Torsken




They both found themselves in the Outcast Escapists and that's a pretty small circle of people.

Shared Acquaintances

Draven "Finger-Munch" Holowitz Cally (pronounced Sally) or 14X-L4T-E

Fenrir Torsken

Wake-up call -> friend (Important)

Towards Draven "Finger-Munch" Holowitz



Draven "Finger-Munch" Holowitz

Rival -> very secret crush -> friend (Important)

Towards Fenrir Torsken




Fenrir didn't like being told what to do when Draven came up with plans and so deliberately broke off from them with his own ideas, ones which he hadn't thought through, and ruining said plans.

Commonalities & Shared Interests


Shared Secrets

Nobody talks about what happened to Flavour Town.

Current Location
Year of Birth
2872 CurlyWurly 101 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
When a mummy pirate and a daddy pirate don't use protection and decide to keep the baby as they're already in a relationship and the Pirate Confederation has great healthcare...
Current Residence
Blue and yellow
Look up "catra" in google images. Yeah that hair.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
136 lbs
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Anglo-French is the dominant language of the CHG .

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