Artemis 1
Despite every planet ring getting named after a different deity, the names are not arbitrary. In fact, the names are generally based off of something special about the first planet of that ring. In the case of the Artemis Ring, which contains 7 planets, it's that the planet has 17 moons and already had Lokian life on it before the CHG found it.
17 mewns means lots of fun. How much fun? Well, you know how just 3-4 moons all being lined up above a tectonic plate boundary can cause utterly insane earthquakes and this planet has 17? Yeah near-perpetual earthquakes are one of this planet's "things" as the closer you are to the equator, the more earthquakes there are (as the moons are closest to the equator). All this tectonic activity makes for some real fun times when it comes to volcanoes, mountain ranges and so on. Coasts are utter nightmares because of all the tsunamis and so are the oceans.
Fauna & Flora
The general trend with any plants near earthquake-savvy locations is to either be very good at not dying during earthquakes or die during them but use them as a means of germination. Plants can't really get to particularly massive heights before getting shrubbed by earthquakes and animals generally stick close to clearings for survival. The creatures near the coast need to be very jazzy at going uphill very fast or be resistant to death by tsunami through methods like grappling oneself to the ground and becoming as streamlined as possible against the waves. Meanwhile the beings of the seas themselves have to be masters in the art of quick adaptation as they're constantly being jostled about by the ocean movements from earthquakes and the pull on tides from the moons, leaving them able to survive in extremely varied quantities of salt in their water and temperatures. The constant moving about of ocean life means that no cut-off ecosystems can form, let alone a complete ecosystem as there's no consistency.
Life is, however, pretty calm in the Arctic and Antarctic of this planet, which in temperature are comparable to Britain in Winter: cold but not ridiculously so. Here's where ecosystems are the most consistent and the flow of evolution slowest due to a lack of constant smacking around to harshen natural selection.
Natural Resources
The constant volcanic activity means a lot of valuable metals are constantly being shot or spilling above the ground to be easily acquired. Those 17 moons make brilliant space-ports and act as good defenses for the planet, evidenced by the craters they're covered in from times they saved the planet from replicating the end of the dinosaurs.
Alternative Name(s)
Mooney-planet, moonville, "lmao so many moons"
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