Elf Species in Cabochon | World Anvil
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Heralding from the Western Boundary, elves are relative newcomers in the known history of Cabochon. After briefly and masterfully establishing themselves in the peculiar Greylands, elves had quite a long stint unifying through domination; nearly a thousand years rule of the Elven Empire quickly tattered by sudden infertility. Elves now keep almost exclusively to the Greylands and have become increasingly xenophobic. This growing paranoia has led to great complication in researching and studying the cause of this infertility. Very few outsiders alive today are even aware of what a ‘pureblood’ looks like.

Civilization and Culture


Once elves became new rulers of the wild Greylands, they quickly expanded upward into traditionally human lands. As if ordained by a power on high, elven flags were hoisted wherever they traveled and soon the whole of the Catseye was united again. Thus began a golden age for Cabochon.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Elves are often idolized by humans and their preening of half-elves is direct result of the renaissance most humans perceived the Elven Empire to be. Elves also campaigned, supported, and allied themselves with dragonborn on multiple occasions although they two races still maintain friendly if not cool relations. The late Halflings maintained a loose yet welcoming relationship elven visitors offering a large meal and a small bed to the city slickers that wandered into their co-ops. Tieflings were once the closest allies to the elves during the height of their empire and their infernal ingenuity led to many innovations such as mithral, starfall steel, and the formal bardic trade. Growing elven infertility led to a number of temperamental actions over the past century. Most notably was the “Golden Crusade” that occurred 30 years ago. To regain fertility, elves sought any solution at any cost. The most obvious and successful option is racial conversation by either contracting a curse or pledging fealty to an infernal deity. In return for their devotion, their new form was adorned with horns, hooves, and a hebetic reawakening.
Converting in droves, elven elites became leery of this swift indoctrination and campaigned both politically and martially to save their race. Robed in grey and gold, these elves began evicting tieflings from the Greylands. This persecution led to the famous Siege of Mephistal, where upon courting a surrender, the elves dehorned tieflings and set fire to their city and country.
Denounced as a travesty by nearly all of Cabochon, most elves retreated back to their woodland country where they have not left since.
Imperial Elf
Divine Soul by WOTC
Genetic Descendants
~700 years
Average Height
5'1 - 6'3
Average Weight
~150 lbs
Average Physique
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Pale tan to dark umber to charcoal grey
Related Myths
Major Organizations:
Elven Empire
Scorian Brakelands

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