Dragonborn Species in Cabochon | World Anvil
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Known mostly as seafarers of the White Jade Sea to outsiders, dragonborn share a rich, diverse land isolated by the Spinous Mountains reaching from the barren montane steppe of the north to the icy coasts of the south. Dragonborn originate from Beryl Island yet have carved out a more permanent niche in their secluded and exotic utopia of the Far West. Dragonborn are a less common race in Cabochon and often spark curiosity from other races regarding their travels and diverse cultural heritage. Ironically for their resplendent colors, these scale-clad adventurers avoid drawing attention to themselves outside of confrontation and tend toward short, laconic interactions.

Basic Information


Apart from the other Berylfolk races, Dragonborn have highly diverse morphology within their own species. Born live and colorless (as followers of Bahamut recite "Every dragon is born platinum"), pigmentation and metallic luster develop within the first 36 months. Only in few rare cases has color not been directly inherited from the biological parents. In such cases, personality indicative of the developing color present within the child's first year. Dragonborn parents notoriously correct this deviant behavior before it imprints permanently. Improper correction can result in mosaic or co-dominant colors. The resolved color directly determines which form of elemental breath the individual can charge and exhale.
  Dragonborn typically stand taller than most other Berylfolk (~6'3) with a hulkier frame. Scaly skin wreaths their bodies with light, smoother ventral scales. Presentation of tails, horns, or head hair are common traits in dragonborn with nearly all populations affected by at least one. Individual lineages and subspecies vary widely with atypical traits such as plumage, feathered or membranous wings, and digitigrade feet. Glands storing exhalible elemental energy may be located internally or externally resembling mammalian breasts. Dewclaws are universally seen throughout all breeds.

Civilization and Culture

Average Technological Level

After the fall of the Elven Empire, mercantile opportunities presented themselves to eager dragonborn. With membranous sails outspread like dragon wings, their nautical domination of the lower Catseye remains unmatched even by the Sea Elves. Their sails, produced from a mash of organic materials, have led to an industrial renaissance within the Far West. Sailing carriages and even rudimentary gliders have increased in presence in their hidden homeland.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

Their terse, intimidating conversations have led most dragonborn to be adept hagglers. Jade is amongst their most sought after exports and its absolute abundance has solidified their main trading channel, the “Jade Route”, and renamed their icy, southern sea as the “White Jade Sea.”

Common Myths and Legends

Popular belief in Cabochon states dragonborn descend directly from their mythological namesakes, the dragons. Dragonborn lore paints a conflicting picture proclaiming themselves harbingers and creators of dragons. Older, more spurious accounts point toward their departure from Beryl Island being due to these volatile dragon transformations. Many younger dragonborn warriors align their goals with reaching ‘dragonhood’ through martial conquest. Many of the drogonates (dragonborn shogunates) keep dragons caged as prized creatures meant for the battlefield. Western scholars indicate that the Far West may contain the majority of the dragons left in Cabochon. With this fact, raucous dragonborn fighters have become commonplace throughout the “Dragon Lands”.
Modified dragonborn
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Genetic Descendants
~80 years
Average Height
5'11 - 6'7
Average Weight
~215 lbs
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Chromatic or Metallic mirroring the dragons
Notable Dragonborn:

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