Station City Settlement in Braeon | World Anvil
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Station City

Station City is independent from both Sladovia and the Federation of Independent Cities. It became this was through a loophole in the conditions that created it. When the international railway system was constructed in 1432 by Boyd industries, it was declared that the land the track sits on and several miles around the two stations would become neutral territory. It was also agreed upon that the area would remain demilitarized to keep the nations from attacking each other through the station. Because the areas around the station and tracks of the railway were neutral territory those who wanted to live without rule of a large country started making camp there. Eventually the camps started to grow into an extremely dense settlement, with many trying to start a new life at the stations. The city now is composed of two large settlements that exist under one government at both stations, commonly referred to as Station City.


Station city is known as the most diverse city in the world, almost all species exist somewhere in the small town. The northern station houses the wealthiest merchants with the southern station consisting of the less fortunate merchants and homeless.


The government is a total democracy, with every citizen helping decide how to handle all issues. Laws are very relaxed and there are no real taxation laws. The only rules in place are to keep one person from harming another. Peace keepers are put in place to keep the peace and punish those who break it.


The city itself has no defenses, as the area is to remain demilitarized if it wishes to remain neutral. while this is the case black markets contain plenty of weapons for self defense purposes and many mercenaries for hire operate out of the city.

Industry & Trade

The city works on trade and trade alone. Since it is the middle man between Sladovia and the FIC almost every good that is intended to be traded between the two goes through station city. If a person in station city isn't trying to sell you a good or a service, they are probably a tourist.


Station city exists on both ends of the international Railway system, making the entire city is impressively compact. A single person can get from one side to the other without leaving a single building. This puts a severe strain on sewage and trash, with most everything being deposited in a river along the railways route. Each section has a central generator that provides the station with electricity and heat.


The city has goods constantly moving in and out. Tools and maintenance equipment are stored in the maintenance lodges for repairs to the city and railway. There are two trains that run on the railway that consists of a 17 mile track between the northern and southern ends of the city.

Guilds and Factions

Some of the factions in the city include the merchants guild, maintenance union, the harlot club, and the mercenary guild


Station city was founded shortly after construction of the international railway system was completed in 1437. The fact that the area around the railway and her stations was considered neutral attracted many who sought to start a life free from the confines of Sladovia or the FIC. Those who chose to settle there quickly started constructing the first buildings of the city. As more and more people settled in the area, buildings became stacked and merged to create a large complexes on both sides of the rail system. When magic was discovered, it was used to improve the stability of its deteriorating buildings allowing for proper repairs and additions to be made. The addition of magical races only bolstered the markets of Station City as the diversity of goods and people only increased, allowing for more people to go to the city to buy those goods.


When people visit the city, they go to see the extreme urban construction and to visit the other counties. Often the city is used as a pass through area when tourists or immigrants try and get to the other station, and other country beyond that. Those who go through enjoy perusing the markets and often buy something that they had no intention of buying when they got there.


Station City is a bunch of buildings stacked on top of one another. Architectural styles from many cities exist there. Great columns are used like at Walenstal, metal and brick lining the roads and foundations like in Drangholt, and moving mechanical parts integrated in the building much like Areohollow.


The stations cover a relatively flat plain, with few hills. A river crosses perpendicular to the track on the northern side.

Natural Resources

Station city is surrounded by low hilly fields on both sides, with any possible farmland being taken by buildings to house markets and citizens.
Founding Date
Alternative Name(s)
The international Railway System
Inhabitant Demonym
Rail Riders
Location under


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