Areohollow Settlement in Braeon | World Anvil
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Areohollow is the capital of the Federation of Independent Cities, and the most advanced city in the world. Founded in 1192 Areohollow became the center of many fights as small Sladoiva tried to expand into its territory. 50 years of on and off battling caused the residents of Areohollow to become concerned about their safety and freedom. This lead to the start of the FIC, initiated by Areohollow inviting its surrounding neighbors to a coalition to survive the flood of Sladovia. Today the city is dealing with integrating the surge of magical creatures into the world.


The inner circle of the city is made up exclusively of Humans, Halflings, and Dwarfs. The inner circle is also where the wealthy and politicians reside. The middle circle contains an even spread of the races, housing merchants, business owners, and generally well off people. The outer circle is composed mostly of magical creatures and a small minority of humans, halflings and dwarfs. Those in the outer ring are almost impoverished, living underneath the main mechanism that drives the city.


Those living in the inner circle choose a person to lead them, that person becomes the governor. The governor appoints a cabinet and signs off on laws proposed by them to help the city run smoothly. The governor has the last say on any laws passed by the politicians in the inner circle. Laws are created by anyone who lives in the inner circle of the city.


Using the central machine, gates and automated ballistas guard outside the walls of the city. Soldiers keep watch 24/10 to warn of an attack and defend if necessary.

Industry & Trade

The city collects federal fees from each of the cities in the FIC, and produces goods such as manufacturing machines, replacement parts, tools, and has the most prestigious magic school in the world. Most of the Inhabitants either work in the factories, sell merchandise to neighboring cities, or help maintain the city. Examples of manufactured products include construction materials, motorized vehicles, and mechanical computers. Merchants will use the rail system to take goods made in Areohollow and try to sell them off in its allied cities. Maintainers use materials made in the city to keep it running smoothly.


The city is completely run by one central machine. This machine is the driving force behind the trolleys that run through the streets, elevators in buildings, running the sewer and water system, even controlling the lighting systems throughout the whole city.


The Central bank is headquartered in Areohollow which contains a unspeakable wealth. Whether its gold, platinum, relics, artworks, no one really knows. All anyone knows is that you don't have that big of a door to hold nothing. The town militia is very well armed with firearms, and well made armor.

Guilds and Factions

The largest business in the country is headquartered in Areohollow, Dinnan & Boyd industries. Dinnan & Boyd industries has its influence in just about every market, whether its medicine, farming, transportation, or weapons they control some part of the market. Having such an influence on the markets, Dinnan & Boyd industries was bound to gain some political power. The business has a representative that works closely with the governor who helps keep tabs on the inner workings of the government. The workers union is another faction within the city that works in favor of those who spend their lives in the factory. They draw their power from the lower and middle ring, and have a seat in the in the inner circle to represent those in the other rings.


Areohollow was founded in 1192 by a group of northern settlers who wanted to escape Sladovian rule. In 1243 the now thriving settlement started to get weary of Sladovias conquest coming ever closer. To prevent once again falling into Sladovian rule, Areohollow reached out to its neighboring towns to form a coalition to fend off the Sladovian conquest. The towns and Areohollow formed the Federation of Independent Cities and managed to keep Sladovia in the north to this day. In 1436 Wolfgang Dinnan completed his work on the Central Clockwork Computer (CCC) making Areohollow the first mechanical city. In 1554 The first magical college was established in Areohollow


When tourists visit Areohollow, they go to experience the mechanical wonder of the city. Everything running off of one central machine is pretty novel. Past that, people flock to the many inns, bars, and brothels.


The architecture of Areohollow resembles the inner workings of a clock. There are moving gears just about everywhere, it is extremely noisy and looks overly complex. Older structures are made of wood and stone, but have been retrofitted with working parts for the machine. Newer building are made of metal, finished to look like bronze, and fit the mechanical workings more fluidly.


The area around Areohollow is a grassy plain with trees sprinkled through the hills. There was once a full forest around the city but the trees were farmed for wood to construct with. The city sits on top of an ancient natural spring, where the whole city gets its water. The spring used to irrigate farmland, but now its used as drinking and plumbing water. The climate is mild in the summers and cold in the winters.

Natural Resources

The only natural resources the city takes atvantage of is the natural springs the city sits on, the farmland is left to its surrounding towns, and lumber, metal, and stone are all imported.
Founding Date
Alternative Name(s)
The Clockwork City
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization
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