Bestiary February 2023

This is my entry into the World Anvil Bestiary February event of 2023.  
  • 1. wings
  • 2. stripes
  • 3. horn
  • 4. shell
  • 5. colorfulFeathered Giraffe — A giraffe with three large, colorful feathers where its tail ought to be.
  • 6. nocturnalKinkajou — Aboreal creature living in Ishä rainforest. The Osnlil are evolved from them.
  • 7. mythicalForest Sprites — The shed scales of the käro'ath can sometimes gain life of their own.
  • 8. prey
  • 9. monstrousBehemoth — An enormous legendary beast rumored to exist somewhere in the oceans, possibly kept trapped by a dedicated cadre of jailers.
  • 10. danger
  • 11. purr
  • 12. roar
  • 13. shriek
  • 14. howl
  • 15. tamed
  • 16. pack
  • 17. burrow
  • 18. bond
  • 19. stinky
  • 20. gentle
  • 21. messengerEarwig — small creature that can be placed in the ear and allow distance communication as well as automatic language translation.
  • 22. food
  • 23. viciousTinīdau — Wild weasel with sickles for feet.
  • 24. silent
  • 25. parasite
  • 26. predator
  • 27. stalk
  • Overall Meta

    Cover image: Scotland Cliffs by Frank Winkler


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