Evelyn Esendria Tarth Character in Astral Skies | World Anvil

Evelyn Esendria Tarth

Evelyn is an elven woman with red eyes, black hair and pale skin. She is barely over fifty years in age and radiates an almost explosive feeling of power. In the middle of her forehead is a red gem that provides a powerful shielding enchantment; she can remove this gem if required.

Curses don't stick to her, her magic rips them apart and absorbs them.

As powerful as Evelyn is, she isn’t immune to viruses or diseases. Resistant, but not immune.

For technology, she has tier six command and control cerebral implants, the ones that piggyback on the nervous system. She doesn't have any dedicated language translation programs.

Epithets by which she is known include: The Bloody Empress, Black Shipbreaker, Death’s Mistress, The Butcher of Azure Seas, and Evelyn the Usurper. She is famous for her combat arena fights as the Crimson Tornado and a VR Arena developer has offered her a contract to put her likeness in their game as a challenge boss.

She is considered a Power by the dragons.
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Yrisiel Gloryheart is pregnant with a child based on Evelyn's genetics (which she describes as Evelyn's firstborn). This was the price Yrisiel demanded as payment for the information she provided.


Evelyn's mana is roughly ten times as dense as normal and contains approximately tenfold the energy. Her magical abilities are enhanced by an enchanted piercing in her navel which also boosts her physique across the board. As a result Evelyn has archmage level magical abilities and is capable of using nova magic. Although she is very powerful, her magic lacks subtlety; Ceeana is working with her to improve that.   Evelyn doesn't have the broadest of magic skill sets. She focuses on personal defenses, personal enhancement, basic wards, telekinesis, teleportation, and raw offensive firepower. She has only scratched the surface of areas like healing, divinations, summoning, illusions, etc. She knows a bit more about artificing, but mostly in order to perform proper maintenance on weapons and armor, and to identify enchantments on equipment. She can't craft them herself.   Although she doesn't need to chant spells when performing magic, she enjoys doing so.   According to Guardian Tiran, Evelyn's highmagical power is a result of her having a spark of primal power from the creation of the universe.  


Evelyn is the daughter of a farmer and his homemaker wife, Calvor Tarth and Madeline Esendria Tarth. The family had a solid five hundred acres and employed others around town.

Evelyn's parents disappeared from a ship in unexplained circumstances almost thirty-five years ago. Divination reveals nothing, not even if they are alive or dead.

Later in life, Evelyn conquered Peldra and then its two neighbors when they’d decided that attacking when Peldra was weak was the ideal time for conquest. She imprisoned Vania Peldra the Second in a tower but treated her well. After two years of rule, Evelyn was bored and decided to abdicate. She lowered the Imperial Aegis and challenged her court to kill her. When they failed, she went to Vania and requested that the princess kill her. Which she did.

When Evelyn died, Fya grabbed her soul and stuffed it into her lamp. Fya then resurrected Evelyn a year later. Evelyn went incognito to run a weapon shop in Rakal.

Evelyn's current ship is the Djinn's Gift.

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Evelyn's parents were abducted by the Atanar. They are rescued by Evelyn in Dawn of Chaos. They reveal that Evelyn's great grandmother is highborn fey, and the head of one of the Seventeen Families of the Sommerset Isles.


For Evelyn, danger is the spice of life and she admits that she has anger issues. However she also enjoys relaxing in a bubble bath - though she doesn't advertise that for fear of ruining her image. Evelyn has a subscription to a huge library of books, and she likes reading romance novels in particular.

Evelyn enjoys roleplaying games and has been working on one for the better part of two years. She suspects that it will be a few more years before it's ready for testing.

She is perfectly willing to sleep with anyone she finds attractive, but finds that problems crop up when they get unjustified expectations. She has a crush on Vania but won't admit it. She is mainly attracted to women; she has a little attraction to men, but it's minor, comparatively.

The idea of hate-sex is repulsive to her.

She hates slavery and enjoys breaking up slaver rings and killing the slavers.

Physical Description

Physical quirks

Evelyn is unable to obtain a natural tan easily. She has two states: pasty and burnt. She has purchased enchanted earrings that keep her from burning, but they don't help with the pastiness.

Specialized Equipment

In the pockets of her armor are two specially enchanted gemstones filled with mana. Each can hold up to twenty percent of her maximum mana, which she can reabsorb from them when needed. They’re also enchanted to resist most forms of mana drain. In emergencies they could also be used as incredibly expensive improvised explosives.   In her kit:
  • A dozen magically enhanced nutrient capsules, one of which will allow her to to subsist without food or water for a day. They taste terrible, but you can swallow them whole.
  • A long range comm unit
  • Two environmental capsules, which create a bubble a person can survive inside for up to a week even in space. However the bubbles are fragile and could be punctured by a micrometeorite.
  • An extendable survival knife
  • A couple of plasma grenades
  • Three ampules of red liquid with injectors. These are mid-grade healing potions. They aren't very effective on Evelyn, she mainly carries them to keep other people alive.
  • Two doses of Plan Z.

Mental characteristics


Evelyn never attended mage college. She learned a little in high school, but just the basics. She learned her magic as an apprentice to a powerful elven mage.

Personality Characteristics

Likes & Dislikes

She dislikes pretentious meals and prefers simpler food made with locally sourced ingredients. She enjoys finding out what a world has to offer.

She dislikes ballet performances and formal events.   She is not fond of seafood, dislikes mushrooms and despises broccoli. She doesn't particularly like whiskey.
  Whilst keeping her safe, Fya forced Evelyn to wear every type of dress imaginable. She now intensely dislikes wearing dresses and there are none in her wardrobe.   She enjoys reading and has almost two thousand books in her library, over 800 of these being romance. She tries to read at least a book every two weeks.


Calvor Tarth


Towards Evelyn Esendria Tarth


Evelyn Esendria Tarth


Towards Calvor Tarth


Madeline Esendria Tarth


Towards Evelyn Esendria Tarth


Evelyn Esendria Tarth


Towards Madeline Esendria Tarth


Currently Boarded Vehicle
Year of Birth
2073 WR 53 Years old
Skin Tone/Pigmentation

Cover image: by AlienT


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